Friday, January 31, 2014

And recent example, last week street of Riquewihr. This camera was burned for the third time, immed

When distributing the new Small Mulhouse, I enjoyed with my fellow candidates to assess the role of CCTV systems in the light of other developments in Mulhouse delinquency factors. All of our investigations showed no statistically significant impact of CCTV on the development of delinquency in relation to population.
And recent example, last week street of Riquewihr. This camera was burned for the third time, immediately replaced the next day, at taxpayers' expense Mulhouse course, without this discomfort at all the municipality and the majority of elected officials. For which the general counsel Bourtzwiller Buttazzoni Gilbert, MP Francis stack on gun safe Hillmeyer as mayor Jean Rottner, finally raise the question of the origin of this crime, the source and the means to stop it once and for all in our city?
The continual increase in the CCTV system has in any case made reducing crime in our city. For an exorbitant cost, it adds various other measures in place, and added the rest continually dull invoice management insecurity in Mulhouse.
Dealent offenders in neighborhoods (Drouot), those who destroy the video or organize car traffic (Bourtzwiller) all benefit from social housing. These families are known and yet neither Mulhouse Habitat or Denis Rambaud react! Amazing!

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