Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Αρχική Loud eBooks popocatepetl en vivo CityLife NightLife FlorinaOut Event s Baracca Bo Cream Don Kixotis Fabrik Friends Goose Καπηλειό Kozel La Casa La Casa Grande Liberty Loft LoL Lord Olympion Opera Sonar Ταράτσα Yab Κουτούκι Πέτρινο Events Daily Blog LifeStyle Paparazzi GoodLife Music Cinema Διαφορα Women Only Beauty Tips Μόδα Σεξ & Σχέσεις Ψυχολογία Υγεία & Fitness Προσφορές Offers Αγγελίες Χρήσιμα Links Applications Χρήσιμα Τηλέφωνα Δρομολόγια Ο.Σ.Ε Ν.Φλώρινας Δρομολόγια Κ.Τ.Ε.Λ Ν.Φλώρινας Web Radios
Επιχειρήσεις & Υπηρεσίες Εμπορικά Μαγαζιά Αυτοκίνητο & Μοτοσικλέτα popocatepetl en vivo Εμπορία Service Mηχανών Πλυντήρια Αυτοκινήτων Ομορφιά & Περιποίηση Είδη Κομμωτηρίου Καλλυντικά Κομμωτήρια Διαφημιστικά Είδη Δώρων Είδη υγιεινής Ένδυση Μόδα Επιγραφές Επιδιορθώσεις Υποδημάτων Ηλεκτρονικά Είδη Καφεκοπτεία Κινητή Τηλεφωνία-Αξεσουάρ-Service Κλειδαράς Αντιγραφές κλειδιών popocatepetl en vivo Κουφώματα Θερμομονώσεις Λευκά Είδη-Νεοτερισμοί-Χαλιά Μουσικά όργανα Ήχος Οπτικά Είδη Πυροσβεστικά Είδη Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Ενεχυροδανειστήρια Επισκευή & Εμπορία Η/Υ Σπίτι & Γραφείο Τρόφιμα Υποδήματα Φωτοτυπίες Εκτυπώσεις Χρώματα Εργαλεία Pet shop Τουρισμός & Ταξίδια Ταξιδιωτικά Γραφεία popocatepetl en vivo Ψυχαγωγία & popocatepetl en vivo Γεύση Cafe Bars Playhouse Restaurant Ζαχαρώδη Ξηροί καρποί Frozen Yogurt Κέντρα Διασκέδασης Ταβέρνες Μεζεδοπωλεία Delivery Ψητοπωλεία popocatepetl en vivo Επαγγελματικές Υπηρεσίες Αρχιτεκτονικά Γραφεία Ασφαλιστικά Γραφεία/Ασφαλιστές Δικηγόρικά γραφεία/Δικηγόροι Επισκευή & Εμπορία Η/Υ Εκπαίδευση-Μόρφωση Φροντιστήρια popocatepetl en vivo Μέσης Εκπαίδευσης Φροντιστήρια Ξένων Γλωσσών Ελαιοχρωματιστες Λογιστικα Γραφεία Σχολές Οδηγών Υγεία Ιατρική Αναπηρικά popocatepetl en vivo & Ορθοπεδικά Είδη Ιατροί Κτηνίατροι Φαρμακεία Νοσοκομεία
Tag: κάμερα με παρακολούθησης Προστασία σπίτι στο ΤΗΝ ψεύτικη
Οι ψεύτικες popocatepetl en vivo κάμερες είναι πιστά αντίγραφα των πραγματικών και περιλαμβάνουν το περίβλημα της κάμερας, τον φακό και τα καλώδια. popocatepetl en vivo Σύμφωνα με μελέτες popocatepetl en vivo που έχουν γίνει, η απλή παρουσία των καμερών ασφαλείας είναι πολύ αποτελεσματική στη μείωση popocatepetl en vivo εγκλημάτων popocatepetl en vivo κατά της ιδιοκτησίας. Απλά την τοποθετείτε σε σημείο που να είναι ορατή από τους ανθρώπους. Έτσι θα μπορεί
This is "Yab"

Monday, December 30, 2013

Αυστηρά για το περίφρακτο του λιμανιού και τους χώρους που επιβιβάζονται/αποβιβάζονται πολίτες τρίτω

Αυστηρά για το περίφρακτο του λιμανιού και τους χώρους που επιβιβάζονται/αποβιβάζονται πολίτες τρίτων χωρών, είναι ο έλεγχος ο οποίος σε 24ωρη βάση, 365 μέρες το χρόνο, θα γίνεται με τις κάμερες παρακολούθησης surefire x300 που τοποθετήθηκαν από την Τρίτη για λόγους ασφαλείας, αλλά και σε εφαρμογή υποχρεώσεων surefire x300 της Συνθήκης Σένγκεν.
Αυτό που φοβούνται όμως όσοι είδαν τις κάμερες να τοποθετούνται, είναι η δυνατότητα που υπάρχει, αρκεί λίγο να στραφεί ο φακός τους, να λειτουργήσουν ως «Μεγάλος Αδελφός», να καταγράφουν δηλαδή ό,τι γίνεται και κινείται στη χερσαία ζώνη της προκυμαίας Μυτιλήνης.
Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία που μας έδωσαν ο πρόεδρος Κώστας Κορδώνης, αλλά και η αρμόδια για το θέμα υπάλληλος του Λιμενικού Ταμείου, Ελένη Κατωτριάτου, οι κάμερες αφορούν στον έλεγχο της περιοχής του περίφρακτου του λιμανιού, για αυτό και τοποθετήθηκαν από δύο στην είσοδο του χώρου που κινούνται τα πλοιάρια από Τουρκία και στην περιοχή των κρουαζιερόπλοιων.
Η δαπάνη surefire x300 για τις κάμερες ανήλθε στις 13.920 και η απόφαση για την αγορά τους έγινε πέρυσι, ενώ θα υπάρξει και διαδικασία για την ανάθεση του έργου παρακολούθησης και διαχείρισης του αρχείου των λήψεων.
Απ’ το 2002 και σε συνέχεια των μέτρων ασφαλείας που λήφθηκαν σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο μετά το χτύπημα στους Δίδυμους surefire x300 Πύργους, υιοθετήθηκε στα λιμάνια η εφαρμογή ειδικού κώδικα ασφαλείας (I.S.P.S.), βάσει του οποίου και δρομολογήθηκε για τις λιμενικές εγκαταστάσεις του επιβατικού λιμένα Μυτιλήνης η προμήθεια κλειστού κυκλώματος τηλεόρασης (κάμερες CCTV σύμφωνα surefire x300 με τις προδιαγραφές τού I.S.P.S.).
«Και στη συζήτηση που είχαμε στη Λιμενική Επιτροπή, όταν εγκρίθηκε η αγορά των καμερών, τονίστηκε πως αποτελεί υποχρέωσή μας και πρέπει να τοποθετηθούν», ανέφερε ο κ. Κορδώνης σχετικά με τα σχόλια που αφορούν στις κάμερες.
Ανάλογη surefire x300 αναφορά έκανε και το μέλος της Λιμενικής Επιτροπής, εκπρόσωπος του Επιμελητηρίου, Παρασκευάς Φραντζέσκος, surefire x300 σημειώνοντας ότι οι κάμερες θα είναι στραμμένες αποκλειστικά στο περίφρακτο του λιμανιού και δε θα καταγράφουν την κίνηση στη χερσαία ζώνη της προκυμαίας.
Η τοποθέτηση των καμερών που ήδη έχουν τεθεί σε λειτουργία, έγινε προχθές, ενώ το κέντρο παρακολούθησής τους θα βρίσκεται στο χώρο του Λιμενικού Ταμείου και θα εποπτεύεται από εταιρεία που θα αναλάβει το συγκεκριμένο έργο.
Δημοσίευση σχολίου surefire x300 Αν βρίσκεσαι στο δρόμο ή δεν έχεις συνεχή πρόσβαση στο διαδίκτυο, αποθήκευσε το e-mail του LesvosPost.com και στείλε μας τη φωτογραφία, το βίντεο ή το μήνυμά σου για να καταγγείλεις, να πεις την άποψή σου ή και για να δείξεις αυτό που θέλεις. e-mail: lesvospost@gmail.com Τηλέφωνα για έκτακτες ειδήσεις 6972012896- 22510-42604 (09:00-12:50)
ΣΟΚ: Αυτοκτόνησε 28χρονος ΕΠΟΠ στο στρατόπεδο 265 ΤΕ Μανταμάδου Το στρατόπεδο με τις περισσότερες surefire x300 αυτοκτονίες είναι του Μανταμάδου… Ανώτατο πλαφόν στα εισιτήρια των πλοίων Τα κάλαντα του Αιγαίου.. το 1999 από την χορωδία του Δήμου Μυτιλήνης surefire x300 (ΒΙΝΤΕΟ) 22χρονη είχε κατακλέψει 62χρονη στην Μυτιλήνη Να και ένα καλό νέο… Στο ΕΣΠΑ το έργο του Λιμένα Σιγρίου Διαφήμιση στο lesvospost.com μόνο με 27€ το μήνα…….
Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις τις τελευταίες 7 ημέρες
EKTAKTO Life Style Άμυνα Άρθρα Αγρότης Αθλητισμός Αιολικός Αποκλειστικά Αφιερώματα Βόρειο Αιγαίο Γιορτές Δημοσκοπήσεις L.P Διαφημίσεις Η ΦΩΝΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΑΓΝΩΣΤΩΝ Καιρός Λήμνος Λαθρομετανάστες ΜΙΚΡΕΣ ΑΓΓΕΛΙΕΣ Ναυτιλία Οι επώνυμοι της Λέσβου Παιδεία Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου Πολιτική Προσφορές Ρεπορτάζ L.P Τηλεόραση Τουρισμός Τουρκία Υγεία Χορηγίες επικοινωνίας
Αρχείο LesvosPost.com Δεκέμβριος 2013 (647) Νοέμβριος 2013 (667) Οκτώβριος 2013 (682) Σεπτέμβριος 2013 (606) Αύγουστος surefire x300 2013 (467) Ιούλιος 2013 (641) Ιούνιος 2013 (759) Μάϊος 2013 (815) Απρίλιος 2013 (921) Μάρτιος 2013 (997) Φεβρουάριος 2013 (794) Ιανουάριος 2013 (841) Δεκέμβριος 2012 (891) Νοέμβριος 2012 (868) Οκτώβριος surefire x300 2012 (367) Σεπτέμβριος 2012 (458) Αύγουστος 2012 (340) Ιούλιος 2012 (203) Ιούνιος 2012 (1)

Ιταλία: Σεισμός 5 Ρίχτερ κοντά στη Νάπολη Ινδονησία: Σεισμική δόνηση 5,7 Ρίχτερ Τουρκία: Ισχυρός σει

Σε εξέλιξη το σχέδιο εκτάκτου ανάγκης για τα επικίνδυνα ιατρικά απόβλητα Θεσσαλονίκη: Αυτοκτόνησε για να μην συλληφθεί Συγκέντρωση διαμαρτυρίας έξω από το υπ. Διοικητικής Μεταρρύθμισης ΕΛ.ΑΣ: Καθαρά τα όπλα της επίθεσης Εκπτώσεις στο ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα λόγω αιθαλομίχλης ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Οι Έλληνες θέλουν να δείξουν πως διδάχθηκαν να κάνουν οικονομία Αισιόδοξοι για το μέλλον οι Σλοβένοι ΠΓΔΜ: Καταψηφίστηκε το ν/σ για απαγόρευση χρήσης του Ήλιου της Βεργίνας Με εκτέλεση κινδυνεύει Σαουδάραβας πρίγκιπας Δεν θα απογοητεύσουμε την Ελλάδα αν εκπληρώσει τις υποχρεώσεις της ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Ιταλία: Στα 1.394 ευρώ η πρόσθετη επιβάρυνση για κάθε νοικοκυριό direct industry Η ΕΕ είναι έτοιμη να χορηγήσει επιπρόσθετη βοήθεια στην Πορτογαλία Ήπιες τάσεις επικρατούν στο Χρηματιστήριο direct industry Αθηνών Σταθεροποιητικά κινείται το ευρώ Oι τράπεζες θα φιλτράρουν τον καθαρό μισθό των εργαζομένων ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Χρονιά κατά την οποία θα βάλουμε τέλος στα μνημόνια το 2014 Συλλυπητήρια Τσίπρα προς τον Ρώσο πρέσβη Αντιπαράθεση Ν.Δ.-ΣΥΡΙΖΑ με αφορμή την κατάθεση Κάντα Με τον Γερμανό πρέσβη επικοινώνησε ο Παπούλιας Αλλάζει όνομα ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΕΚΜ ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Νίκος Στρατίκης: Ο γνωστός personal trainer δίνει λύσεις για τα περιττά κιλά! Μαμά και κόρη είναι αχώριστες Η βασιλική direct industry οικογένεια εγκαταλείπει το Παλάτι για χάρη της Kate Middleton Όλοι μιλούν direct industry για την τέταρτη εγκυμοσύνη της Ευγενίας Μανωλίδου Τραγούδησε σε λίμνη από λουλούδια! ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Με αυτόματο κιβώτιο το Nissan Note Ο πρωταθλητής του Gran Turismo οδηγεί μεθυσμένος! Aγώνας ζωής Η επιστολή της εκπροσώπου του Σουμάχερ Παρέλαση με McLaren στα Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα! ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ direct industry ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Γυμναστική gyrotonic αντί pilates Νέα κρίσιμη συνάντηση γιατρών ΕΟΠΥΥ - Γεωργιάδη Σε κύκλωμα φοροδιαφυγής δεκάδες μαιευτήρες Πηγαίνει καλά ο ασθενής με την πρώτη τεχνητή καρδιά Aυτές είναι οι 7 πιο αποτελεσματικές ασκήσεις για το σώμα ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Η La Gaceta στην εποχή του διαδικτύου direct industry Τα πρωτοσέλιδα των εφημερίδων της Δευτέρας Magazino Life με την Κιμ Κίλιαν Οι καλύτερες γκάφες των δελτίων ειδήσεων την χρονιά που μας πέρασε Τα πρωτοσέλιδα των κυριακάτικων εφημερίδων ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Ιταλία: Σεισμός 5 Ρίχτερ κοντά στη Νάπολη Ινδονησία: Σεισμική δόνηση 5,7 Ρίχτερ Τουρκία: Ισχυρός σεισμός ανοιχτά της Αττάλειας Σεισμός 5,3R στα Κανάρια Νησιά Σεισμός 3,1R νότια της Κρήτης ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ direct industry ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Θέλει Ντε Βινσέντι ο ΑΠΟΕΛ Κύπρος: Μειώσεις μισθών και αυξήσεις φόρων από 1η Ιανουαρίου Ι. Κασουλίδης: Αναβαθμιζόμαστε γεωπολιτικά Κύπρος: Γυναίκα απέβαλε το έμβρυο μέσα στην τουαλέτα Ρωσικό πυρηνοκίνητο καταδρομικό στη Λεμεσό για ανεφοδιασμό ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Νέα direct industry μελέτη: Το σάλιο των γονιών ωφελεί τα μωρά Θέλετε να αποκτήσετε κοριτσάκι; direct industry Ξεκινήστε να τρώτε λαχανικά! Γυμναστική gyrotonic αντί pilates Πώς η τσουκνίδα μπορεί να σας σώσει από την πιτυρίδα Πώς να επιλέξεις το κατάλληλο πανωφόρι για ένα εντυπωσιακό γιορτινό look ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Νέα μελέτη: Το σάλιο των γονιών ωφελεί τα μωρά Θέλετε να αποκτήσετε κοριτσάκι; Ξεκινήστε να τρώτε λαχανικά! Γιόγκα: Η πιο δημοφιλής πρακτική για να συλλάβει παιδί μια γυναίκα Βγάζει το παιδί σας τα πρώτα του δοντάκια; Δείτε τι πρέπει να φάει Νέα έρευνα: Δείτε πώς οι κόρες αλλάζουν τους μπαμπάδες ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Η μεγάλη κρυστάλλινη σφαίρα ηλιακής ενέργειας direct industry Σαστισμένοι οι επιστήμονες με το φαινόμενο μαζικών αυτοκτονιών πουλιών Κύπριος επιστήμονας βραβεύτηκε στην Γερμανία για δασική έρευνα Νεκρό δελφίνι στην Καβάλα Θεσσαλονίκη: Αναστολή μέτρων για την αιθαλομίχλη ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Εξομοιωτής σεξουαλικών πράξεων Χρυσά κέρδη για τα social media Kάντε την οδήγηση πιο απολαυστική και ξεκούραστη O τηλεφωνικός σας υπηρέτης σε τιμή... afasia! Gadgets σε τιμές που δεν παίζονται! ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Πως τίθεται direct industry η διάγνωση της συστροφής όρχεως; Μέρος 2ο Μεγάλα τα προφυλακτικά direct industry για του Ινδούς Τι είναι η συστροφή direct industry όρχεως και πως προκαλείται; Μέρος 1ο Κατανοούν οι άνδρες το φλερτ των γυναικών; Τα υψηλά επίπεδα προλακτίνης σε ασθενείς με στυτική δυσλειτουργία μειώνουν τον κίνδυνο εμφάνισης καρδιαγγειακού επεισοδίου ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
Ελλάδα :  Πάτρα: Δικαστικός βούτηξε στο κενό Auto - Moto :  Περιπολικό με πλαστές πινακίδες; Πολιτική :  Με τον Γερμανό πρέσβη επικοινώνησε ο Παπούλιας Έξυπνο Χρήμα :  Το φάντασμα της εξόδου από το ευρώ επιστρέφει... Ελλάδα :  Συλλήψεις για τις μίζες των εξοπλιστικών Κόσμος :  Τρεις μαχητές νεκροί από πυρά των ρωσικών δυνάμεων ασφαλείας Πολιτική :  direct industry Πρωτοχρονιάτικα κάλαντα στον Α. Σαμαρά direct industry Έξυπνο Χρήμα :  Τον Απρίλιο του 2014 η πλήρης συγχώνευση Eurobank - TT Πολιτική :  Κ. Παπούλιας: Απαλλαγή ενστόλων από πειθαρχικές ποινές Λιμενικό Σώμα :  Κρίσιμο το πόρισμα του ιατροδικαστή για την καταγγελία βιασμού της λιμενικού Έξυπνο Χρήμα :  Σόιμπλε: Οι Ευρωπαίοι δεν θα απογοητεύσουν την Ελλάδα Ελλάδα :  Αποκαταστάθηκε η λειτουργία του αεροδρομίου direct industry Μακεδονία Κόσμος :  Ελ Σαλβαδόρ:

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Μπαταρίες για μονάδα

Βοηθήματα Δημοτικού Βοηθήματα Γυμνασίου Βοηθήματα Λυκείου Υποστηρικτικό υλικό & Διαγωνίσματα Ασκήσεις vigilance & Διαγωνίσματα με απαντήσεις Βιντεομαθήματα Σχολικά βιβλία Δημοτικού Σχολικά βιβλία Γυμνασίου Σχολικά βιβλία Λυκείου Θέματα Πανελληνίων Λεξικά Τυπολόγια vigilance
Μπαταρίες για μονάδα & σειρήνες.τεμ.2
Ετικέτες Κάμερες παρακολούθησης , Συναγερμός DSC , Συστήματα ασφαλείας
Στο blog αυτό θα προσπαθούμε συνεχώς να συλλέγουμε όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερα σχολικά βοηθήματα, λυσάρια, βιβλία, σημειώσεις κτλ. για τους μαθητές και τους εκπαιδευτικούς. vigilance Σκοπός μας είναι να βοηθήσουμε όλους εσάς που έχετε ανάγκη από βοηθητικά βιβλία και online video καθώς και τα σχολικά βιβλία δημοτικού, γυμνασίου και λυκείου. vigilance Βοηθήματα και βιβλία σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή σωστά αρχειοθετημένα ώστε να μπορείτε με ένα κλικ να βρείτε αυτό που ζητάτε εύκολα, γρήγορα και δωρεάν. Μακροπρόθεσμος στόχος μας είναι να δημιουργήσουμε ένα ολοκληρωμένο δωρεάν ηλεκτρονικό - ψηφιακό σχολείο για όσους το χρειάζονται. Τέλος θέλουμε vigilance να ευχαριστήσουμε θερμά όλους όσους προσφέρουν ελεύθερα τα βοηθήματα και τα βιβλία τους βοηθόντας όσους το έχουν ανάγκη. Όσοι εκπαιδευτικοί, φροντιστήρια ή εκδόσεις επιθυμούν να συμβάλουν στην προσφορά Ψηφιακών βοηθημάτων και εκπαιδευτικού υλικού και ταυτόχρονα να αναδείξουν το έργο τους, μπορούν να επικοινωνήσουν μαζί μας. Να διευκρινίσουμε πως όλα τα βιβλία και βοηθήματα vigilance έχουν βοηθητικό χαρακτήρα. Στόχος τους είναι η βοήθεια του μαθητή και του εκπαιδευτικού vigilance και όχι η τυφλή αποδοχή των όσων αναφέρονται σε αυτά! Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο taexeiola@gmail.com. Επισκεφθείτε τις σελίδες μας στο facebook , στο twitter και στο Google+
Α' Λυκείου vigilance Βοηθήματα (51) Β' Λυκείου Βοηθήματα (46) Γ' Λυκείου Βοηθήματα (62)
Βοηθήματα Δημοτικού Βοηθήματα Γυμνασίου Βοηθήματα Λυκείου Υποστηρικτικό υλικό & Διαγωνίσματα Ασκήσεις & Διαγωνίσματα με απαντήσεις Βιντεομαθήματα Βιβλία Δημοτικού Βιβλία Γυμνασίου Βιβλία Λυκείου

Εξηγώντας πως λειτουργεί η παρακολούθηση μέσω web κάμερας και τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε γι αυτό, το tec

Μπορεί πολλοί να έχουν θορυβηθεί το τελευταίο διάστημα με τη παρακολούθηση μέσω της κάμερας του κινητού ή του υπολογιστή , ωστόσο πολλοί kidde εδώ και χρόνια συνηθίζουν να κρατούν το κινητό μέσα στην τσέπη ή την τσάντα όταν βγαίνουν, καθώς και να κολλούν ένα χαρτάκι στην κάμερα του υπολογιστή όταν γράφουν.
Παρανοϊκοί ή περίεργοι; kidde Τίποτα από τα δυο αφού όπως φαίνεται, υπάρχει ουσιαστικός λόγος πίσω από αυτήν την τρέλα και η πρόνοια σε αυτού του είδους την δραστηριότητα είναι απαραίτητη. Δεν είναι άλλωστε τυχαίο που υπάρχει πλέον πληθώρα προγραμμάτων που προφυλάσσουν για την αντιμετώπιση τέτοιου τύπου κακόβουλων δραστηριοτήτων.
Εξηγώντας πως λειτουργεί η παρακολούθηση μέσω web κάμερας και τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε γι αυτό, το techgear αναλύει την περίπτωση του creepware, περιγράφοντας τι ακριβώς είναι αυτές οι απειλές και τι μπορούν να κάνουν.
Το ακρωνύμιο RAT συχνά χρησιμοποιείται όταν αναφερόμαστε σε ένα τμήμα λογισμικού που επιτρέπει σε κάποιον να ελέγχει ένα σύστημα από απομακρυσμένο σημείο. Το RAT μπορεί να είναι συντόμευση από οποιοδήποτε από τα παρακάτω:
Η μόνη διαφορά μεταξύ των remote access tools και των remote access Trojans είναι ότι τα τελευταία εγκαθίστανται κρυφά και χρησιμοποιούνται για κακόβουλους σκοπούς. Υπάρχουν πολλά remote access tools που χρησιμοποιούνται για νόμιμους σκοπούς όπως τεχνική υποστήριξη ή σύνδεση σε ένα υπολογιστή στο σπίτι ή στην δουλειά ενώ ταξιδεύουμε κλπ. Δυστυχώς kidde τα ίδια χρήσιμα χαρακτηριστικά που συναντάμε στα remote access tools χρησιμοποιούνται για κακόβουλη δραστηριότητα και μεγάλο ποσοστό του malware είναι σχεδιασμένο με αυτόν τον τρόπο. Αυτά τα προγράμματα λέγονται remote access Trojans. Μόλις αυτά τα Trojans εγκατασταθούν σε έναν υπολογιστή του θύματος επιτρέπουν στον επιτιθέμενο να κερδίσει σχεδόν τον πλήρη έλεγχο του συστήματος. Η παρουσία του Trojan δυσδιάκριτη και ένας επιτιθέμενος μπορεί να κάνει σχεδόν τα πάντα που θα έκανε ένας που θα είχε φυσική παρουσία μπροστά από έναν υπολογιστή, όπως η καταγραφή βίντεο με τη χρήση της webcam. Πρόσφατες περιπτώσεις αυτής της ανούσιας και ανατριχιαστικής συμπεριφοράς έχουν προσδώσει την χρήση του ονόματος creepware κατά την περιγραφή remote access Trojans.
Ενώ παλαιότερα η χρήση του creepware ήταν σχετικά σπάνια, δυστυχώς τώρα έχει γίνει ολοένα και πιο συχνή. Οι χρήστες του creepware κυμαίνονται σε εκείνους που κερδίζουν χρήματα από εκβιασμούς και απάτες, μέχρι εκείνους που χρησιμοποιούν τα ευρήματα του λογισμικού για άκακες φάρσες ή για πλάκα, γνωστό και ως trolling. Ενώ αυτές οι δραστηριότητες μπορεί να φαίνονται kidde πολύ διαφορετικές, όλες εμπλέκουν μη εξουσιοδοτημένη kidde πρόσβαση kidde σε υπολογιστικά συστήματα, το οποίο συνιστά ένα σοβαρό έγκλημα.
Η ηθική δεν φαίνεται να βρίσκεται στην κορυφή των χαρακτηριστικών των χρηστών creepware, γεγονός που φανερώνεται από την προσεκτική ανάγνωση των πολλών online forums που έχουν ειδικές κατηγορίες για το creepware.
Υπάρχουν πλήθος kidde περιπτώσεων όπου αθώοι άνθρωποι έχουν πέσει θύματα του creepware και έχουν τραυματική εμπειρία από τους επιτιθέμενους. kidde Ένας τρόπος που χρησιμοποιούν οι χρήστες του creepware για να κερδίζουν από αυτή τη δραστηριότητα είναι ο σεξουαλικός εκβιασμός, ο οποίος είναι μία μορφή εκμετάλλευσης που χρησιμοποιεί μεθόδους kidde πίεσης για να λαμβάνει σεξουαλικές χάρες από το θύμα.
Τον Αύγουστο kidde του 2013, η Miss Teen USA, η 19χρονη Cassidy Wolf υπήρξε θύμα του creepware. Η δεσποινίς Wolf υπήρξε θύμα hacking kidde από τον συμμαθητή της που χρησιμοποίησε το creepware για να βγάλει φωτογραφίες της που γδυνόταν στο υπνοδωμάτιο της. Ο hacker προσπάθησε έπειτα να εκβιάσει το θύμα απειλώντας να δημοσιοποιήσει τις φωτογραφίες στο διαδίκτυο εάν δεν του έδινε πιο τολμηρές της φωτογραφίες, αλλά η δεσποινίς Wolf πήγε στην αστυνομία. Ο χάκερ πιάστηκε από την αστυνομία και ομολόγησε την ενοχή του για την παραβίαση της ιδιωτικότητας τουλάχιστον 24 γυναικών σε διάφορες χώρες.
Άλλη μία περίπτωση που έλαβε μεγάλη δημοσιότητα περιλάμβανε έναν επιτιθέμενο που χρησιμοποιούσε το creepware για να παρουσιάζει ένα προειδοποιητικό μήνυμα στους υπολογιστές των θυμάτων του, το οποίο τους έλεγε ότι ο εσωτερικός σένσορας της κάμερας του χρειαζόταν καθάρισμα. Για να γίνει αυτό, ζητούσαν από τα θύματά τους να τοποθετήσουν τον υπολογιστή κοντά σε ατμό. Πολλές γυναίκες, έπειτα kidde από αυτό, κατεγράφησαν να κάνουν το μπάνιο τους και να έχουν τον υπολογιστή τους μέσα στο μπάνιο.
Δυστυχώς, αυτές οι περιπτώσεις είναι η κορυφή του παγόβουνου όσον αφορά στο creepware και στις επιπτώσεις που έχει στα θύματα kidde του. Διότι πολλά από τα θύματα δεν αναφέρουν αυτού του είδους τα εγκλήματα, οι δράστες συχνά ξεφεύγουν από την δικαιοσύνη. Οι επιτιθέμενοι μπορεί να απειλούν ότι θα κάνουν post κλεμμένου ή καταγεγραμμένου περιεχομένου online,και αν συμβεί αυτό η φήμη του θύματος θα καταστραφεί. Οι επιπτώσεις από παρενοχλήσεις αυτού του είδους kidde και από cyberbullying μπορεί να είναι μακροχρόνιες και μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε αυτοκτονία. Το Creepware, φαίνεται να είναι το ιδανικό εργαλείο του cyberbulli

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Action with the slogan

Axis organized "training camp" for their partners | just4u
Last week of September was held very unconventional elkron training organized by Axis Communications. Its partners and selected journalists elkron in fact invited to the workshop atypical al fresco called IP Video Boot Camp.
Action with the slogan "Difficult Pain, battle" took place in the area of Green Valley Chotysany in Benes and started a little teambuilding spirit under the auspices of the United Way, which prepared the opening and closing program.
The key, however, were two workshops in which on the ground rehearsing ways to set up and use the features of IP cameras and Axis as with utmost precision to detect intruders. Unlike classical teoretiskej training somewhere in classrooms all participants had a unique opportunity to try setting the IP cameras elkron on the ground - from scratch, where you can test themselves Motion detection or cross line detection elkron of fake attacks real "spoilers", even night, assisted elkron infrared, and thermal cameras with unique features Lightfinder.
IP Video Boot Camp was for each participant a unique place to consult their comments. elkron problems and gaining new experiences to setting IP cameras, which under the slogan "Difficult Pain, battle" certainly use in their work.
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Friday, December 27, 2013

But so nemas public IP and this what you want you need it, and then agreed to let Provajder redirec

ETARGET: thermometer hygrometer barometer, Games - Trade ProGamingShop.sk, Want more comfort? , Double-entry bookkeeping, Give each other during Christmas Do not know anyone advise me how and what do I set that I spojazdnil IP camera on another computer? Tech. info.: optical cable 30/2 KB / s, the operator "Swan" public IP address, 2x switch, Zyxel NBG-419N Wireless IP Camera easyname FS-613a-M136 Wireless WIFI - at the end of the optical cable (in a block of flats) is involvement switch - in the apartment next switch (common line of neighbors) and the third switch router Zyxel NBG-419N Wireless - in an apartment and my computer runs through the camera cable and over WiFi (eg ) but through example. http://ffox.ipcam.hk does not work - in his friend's computer (other operator) we can not be pushed onto the camera where is the problem or what am I doing wrong? floating lanterns Thanks for any advice!
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However, wrote of having public IP, not just about where it should be. I just do not see it as the involvement of the masses, try it one more time to write something comprehensible. Because if you have a public IP provider, so I do not get how you can have there involved a switch and a router for them. If you have a public IP on the router so it is necessary to nom redirect ports on the camera and you shall go to the hocikade. floating lanterns But if the public IP nemas so it will be a problem. _________________ PC1: l CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955BE C3 l MB: MSI 870A-G54 l RAM: 2x2GB A-DATA Gamers Series 1600 CL9 l VGA: SAPPHIRE HD 5770 Vapor-X l HDD: Samsung F3 1TB DVD-RW l: LG H22N l PSU: Corsair VX450W l MONITOR: LCD LG W2284F-PF l OS: WINDOWS7 Home Premium PC2 l: l CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2100 + 1733MHz (Thoroughbred core - B) socket and L MB: ASRock K7VT4A For l RAM: Apacer 1280 megabytes floating lanterns 333MHz CL2.5 l VGA ASUS SILENT NVIDIA N7600GS l HDD: Seagate ATA 120 gigabytes CD-RW/DVD l: l LG H12 PSU: 370W l Trust MONITOR LG FLATRON L1919S l OS: XP SP3 EN l NOTEBOOK ASUS U36SG Tonyk
Thanks for the reply! Schematic diagram http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/171/ipschemazapojenia.jpg/ tech. camera parameters http://www.easyncam.us/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=65 Tomas1
Are you sure that these are the switches and not something else? OK, so otherwise floating lanterns what IP mas WAN port of the router? Is in the form 10.xxx, 192.xxx, 172.xxx or some other? Because floating lanterns if you do not the public IP on the router so very neporiesis _________________ floating lanterns PC1: l CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955BE C3 l MB: MSI 870A-G54 l RAM: 2x2GB A-DATA Gamers floating lanterns Series 1600 CL9 l VGA: SAPPHIRE HD 5770 Vapor- X l HDD: Samsung F3 1TB l DVD-RW: LG H22N l PSU: Corsair VX450W l MONITOR: floating lanterns LCD LG W2284F-PF l OS: WINDOWS7 Home Premium PC2 l: l CPU: AMD Athlon floating lanterns XP 2100 + 1733MHz (Thoroughbred floating lanterns core - B) socket and L MB: ASRock K7VT4A For l RAM: Apacer 1,280 megabytes 333MHz floating lanterns CL2.5 l VGA ASUS SILENT NVIDIA N7600GS floating lanterns l HDD: Seagate ATA 120 gigabytes CD-RW/DVD l: l LG H12 PSU: 370W l Trust MONITOR LG FLATRON L1919S l OS: XP SP3 EN l NOTEBOOK ASUS U36SG Tonyk
The apartment I'm sure it's the switch. Sam sam it engages WAN IP inscription evening by Replies sexetarky Swan We have about 3000 users ca 1 public IP address and according SWAN technology in a prefab switch. Asked how in that case involved a camera technician did not respond. I called floating lanterns directly floating lanterns to Swan (BA) also did not get specific instructions except that I have to buy a private IP for 4 months. floating lanterns It probably wants to change Provajder, well, I am bound by contract for another year and a half. So I have no choice. Therefore, thank you for any useful floating lanterns advice! Tomas1
But so nemas public IP and this what you want you need it, and then agreed to let Provajder redirects some kind of port on your router and you'll walk through it. Then buy or public floating lanterns IP and it will only yours, Lenze monthly 4 .... Otherwise it neporiesis if you want to get the camera out hocikade in the world, you gotta have it solved as follows. _________________ PC1: l CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955BE C3 l MB: MSI 870A-G54 l RAM: 2x2GB A-DATA Gamers Series 1600 CL9 l VGA: SAPPHIRE HD 5770 Vapor-X l HDD: Samsung F3 1TB DVD-RW floating lanterns l: LG H22N l PSU: Corsair VX450W l MONITOR: LCD LG W2284F-PF l OS: WINDOWS7 Home Premium PC2 l: l CPU: AMD Athlon floating lanterns XP 2100 + 1733MHz (Thoroughbred core - B) socket and L MB: ASRock K7VT4A For l RAM: Apacer 1280 megabytes 333MHz CL2.5 l VGA ASUS SILENT NVIDIA N7600GS l HDD: Seagate ATA 120 gigabytes CD-RW/DVD floating lanterns l: l LG H12 PSU: 370W l Trust MONITOR LG FLATRON floating lanterns L1919S l OS: XP SP3 EN l NOTEBOOK ASUS U36SG TommyHot floating lanterns
When will you do manage to somehow ran me know. We already floating lanterns and

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I would like to share with you some of our visions and technological trends in IP video that is gen

The future is already here - it is sufficient only to discover | just4u
Network video offended a long way. Since the first network camera passed nearly two decades. Then, in the mid-90th years, we did not expect some of the installations, which are in operation today. From traffic and surveillance systems in cities to banks and shops shows that digital surveillance system based on the network continue to develop axis login their potential and powerful new applications open up more exciting options for the future. Martin Gren, inventor of the first IP cameras in the world, co-founder of Axis Communications.
I would like to share with you some of our visions and technological trends in IP video that is generated for the near future. Could look like in five years some of the most progressive installations in the world of real security?
One of the toughest challenges axis login for surveillance in towns revolve around a single question: axis login "Do axis login you know what's happening in your city right now?" Urban surveillance system axis login can solve traffic problems, safety of persons and property, bring down crime and helping to manage the crowd. "Ring of steel" in lower Manhattan is an example of how the security forces, public organizations and private businesses can pool their resources to fight crime, when use network video. Elsewhere, for example in the southwest of the Netherlands and Toronto, axis login as IP cameras installed in important factories that work with hazardous substances, such as refineries and other chemical plants, or even connected to the monitoring center in the town. This infrastructure can be a disaster axis login to save many lives.
Camera surveillance systems in cities are often used by police who pursued them in real time. Their use has spread thanks to a massive way equipment of police cars laptops, smart phones and tablets. This leads to higher demands on camera: must provide an image that will be as clear and detailed at night than during the day. Example in this respect is the ability of IP cameras now see color in the dark - a technology called Lightfinder - as analog cameras still fail. You may have several cameras in certain places where you know people are going through the night, and now you can watch "the axis login guy in the red jacket and blue baseball caps" as plowed through the crowd.
Essential needs such as this, they also have an impact on the total input and maintenance costs. It is important that the camera it wherever reliable and manufactured to the highest level. Since the installation costs are often higher than the price of the cameras themselves, it is worth the long term use of high quality cameras with low maintenance. The cities are now receiving instance can easily be integrated thermal IP camera as an affordable option for detection at a distance and are no longer reserved only for military purposes or super critical applications.
Technologies like thermal vision and colorful night scene Lightfinder recorded in urban surveillance systems over the next five years, axis login great development, while other trends it will take maybe a little longer. axis login One is the image recording directly in the camera ("interface"). IP cameras with image storage can of course be used today to strengthen surveillance systems in cities and cover areas of limited video transmission, but widespread use will be possible only when they have a much greater capacity than today have such - but Moore's law predicts their application may be faster than some would expect.
Public transport is also an important part of city life, but presents its own unique challenges. Stations and stops, as well as transit systems are every day exposed to a large number of incidents, ranging from vandalism and graffiti after pocketing and violence. Traditional analog solution monitoring system is mainly used in forensic investigations of incidents until after they have become. Conceived in network video system should play a much bigger role, because it can offer new possibilities for effective monitoring and responding to incidents axis login in real time.
Huge amount of IP cameras have been successfully installed in buses, trains, stations, terminals and stations axis login in these parts of the world. Madrid, Moscow, Oslo, Prague, Stockholm and Sydney is a big city, where it was based solution implemented in network video transport systems. From these examples, it is my favorite airport axis login in Sydney because it was the first major airport in the world, where it was installed network video, and every day there are added other network cameras - proof of what we are saying since the beginning of the merits of scalability, IP video network.
Nowadays many airports realize lower cost of ownership, network cameras that they bring, and the market has been here since analog solutions divert. Result: instead of hundreds of analog cameras, which covered the airport five years ago, may have today the same airport thousands of IP Cams

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Recent comments admin: Jobs

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List of sections Iphone Photos Moto Sport Racing ART NASA Personal Computers Eshop Calendar General Business Terms General Acent moto racing team Acent Ltd. Cucpo taffic graph GW Cucpove photo on Rajce.net Sitemap - sitemaps Stickers
Latest Articles Test IP camera home aquarium 05-23-2013 New sensor cctv systems from Canon sees in the dark. 04-05-2013 Curiosity has problems? 03-03-2013 drones are played. 02-22-2013 Czech-Slovak M.dot bought by an American company GoDaddy 02-12-2013
Recent comments admin: Jobs' Biography thus truly perfect reading, I can only d ... 21blondinecka: And yet there are also beautiful changing icons, minifotecky, also with ... admin: and others not? ... 21blondinecka .. ::-D displays are very correct ... admin: still no one bought anything ... :-(

ETARGET Games - Trade ProGamingShop.sk, thermometer hygrometer barometer, Click and create your ad,

ETARGET Games - Trade ProGamingShop.sk, thermometer hygrometer barometer, Click and create your ad, Electrical east Slovakia, Anodized aluminum profiles Hello, I would like to advise you about storing video from IP cameras. I have no experience with NAS storage. lupine I have an IP camera parameters - Linux - Format: Motion JPEG - RJ45, 10/100M Ethernet, 802.11b / g wifi automatic search - Protocol: TCP / IP, HTTP, ICMP, DHCP, SMTP, FTP - Dynamic IP or Static IP address I would like to store the video output on a network drive. lupine I found some cheap NAS devices on the Internet, but I do not know whether this ability to save video support. lupine I chose to compare two devices, of which one is in the description of supported IP cameras and 5. It is of course more expensive. lupine 1 Zyxel NSA 210 http://www.alza.sk/zyxel-nsa-210-d158569.htm 2 Synology DiskStation DS110j http://www.alza.sk/synology-al.....145541.htm not need any special camera controlled remotely Just video recording. My question is whether even the first one cheaper NAS can store video. Thank you for possible answers ..
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Synology link does not in fact have a normal video file no problem. The one NAS server has GEthernet that there nevyužiješ, personally I'd try to put together some wheat a box, connect the drive and ran NATE linux or whatever you can think of NATE Start the FTP server and leave it there stores, again on the other side of the NAS are comfortable _________________ PC - ASUS M2N-MX + | AMD X2 4200 + | 2GB RAM | Nvidia 8600GT lupine | WD 320 gigabytes | 350W | NTB - ASUS K50AB SX-010 | SteelSeries Mousepad | A4tech XL-750BF | HTC Explorer | CCNA (640-802) | nopo
the broken link http://www.alza.sk/synology-all-in-1-na ... 145541.htm Come again some boxes with Linux in the living room do not need, ours is a comfortable lupine solution. lupine I just wanted to advise you on what type of NAS that I have Zhanat. Ten species lupine Synology lupine me in the description of supported IP cameras and the Zyxel in the description of NEMA. I do not know whether this is relevant. lupine Video from the camera should be saved using FTP. The need advice. nopo
But I see this topic is really about in great demand. lupine But the answer alone. Praise God that I have not bought an empty Zyxel, even the more expensive Synologic, she thought he would maybe even enough. I belonged to the internet and I found the test NAS devices. It is there to start their types and I found also "your" favorite. I understood at a price of 75 standing as the Zyxel one can not get quality. It should get at the line of 150 already and can be removed. 800 MHz CPU with 256 MB of DDR2 RAM support IP cameras that are already so my average parameters of the chosen model. If someone is looking fasted your model right here: http://www.smallnetbuilder.com/componen ... Itemid, 190 style78
I just add that poznánku be uploading a video from IP cameras to NAS to check whether a given camera is supported by the NAS to the manufacturer's lupine website Display posts from previous: All posts 1 day 7 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Sort by Author Post time Post Subject Ascending (AZ, 0-9) Descending (ZA, 9-0) Page 1 of 1 [6 posts]
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Disadvantages analog flashlight friends camera system (CCTV) obsolete technology (sale of component

At the beginning of this article we would like to explain the concepts of analog CCTV and IP (digital) camera system. Unfortunately the day we meet with customers (of course), as well as with colleagues flashlight friends in the industry (inexplicably) with ignorance, because that confuses the concepts and technology, inventing different names and combine what actually combine flashlight friends or not possible.
What is actually an analog camera system, known as CCTV? This shortcut is a "Closed Circuit Television" in translation ie "Closed Circuit Television". The first commercial exploitation dates back to 1985. At the very beginning it was a relatively simple system consisting of analog cameras, cabling, recording equipment and analog monitor. The cameras panned the selected area, which was then deposited on the recording equipment and evaluated on monitors or televisions. The system did not have a digital component with PC or cell phone. This was because, as already mentioned, by closed circuit television.
Later came the market flashlight friends DVR system flashlight friends (Digital Video Recorder). Translated into English as "digital video recorder". Here we can mention flashlight friends digital device, through which you can connect the camera system to a network, consult the live image and evaluate the results using a computer, at best, and using a mobile phone. Unfortunately for digitization in poor image quality due to the compression used. In today's "retouching" time, such a record is not considered credible because it is very low resolution and the offender is possible only difficult to identify, even under ideal lighting conditions.
Benefits flashlight friends analog camera system (CCTV): Low start-up costs can be up to 1.3 megapixel cameras with SDI, the highest range (approximate price as the IP cameras) Easy installation and operation (in small systems)
Disadvantages analog flashlight friends camera system (CCTV) obsolete technology (sale of components in the development of leading brands terminated) limited the resolution flashlight friends to PAL / NTSC or SDI, a maximum of 1.3 megapixel individual system components depend on the recording equipment, flashlight friends the failure of the recording equipment is complete security system and discard the CCTV is not possible to connect significantly increasing costs for the more challenging installations cameras placed at greater distances from the recording devices are susceptible to interference of neighboring networks and hence the jamming signal by which the offender system virtually exclude no audio (analog flashlight friends cameras can not send audio) cable from the camera must lead directly to a recording device total price analog CCTV system in the same quality as the IP is almost the same nowadays are more like a "scarecrow"
Now let's flashlight friends look at the relatively new technology of IP camera system. The difference in the title instead of IP CCTV is the reason that the IP camera systems are based on Internet Protocol technology, respectively. flashlight friends technology on a computer network. Note that the title is also not mentioned "Close" or "Manual". IP camera system is not closed, or somehow limited and does not resemble a closed circuit principle. Unless something happens with the recording equipment NVR (Network flashlight friends Video Recorder), IP cameras are still working and can connect flashlight friends to them directly. On some models can even set the record on a memory card as redundant storage space, and you will not lose record. This is of course only one of a number of advantages.
Benefits of IP CCTV system: new technology, flashlight friends constantly perfecting unlimited-resolution IP cameras, conventional HD, FULL HD, 2MP, 3MP, and above 5 megapixel IP camera is not dependent on the recording equipment works seamlessly and independently connectivity up to 100m without extra costs or use "repeater" IP cameras recorded the audio track simple use of wireless data communications (suitable for elevator cabs) the total cost of the system is similar to the CCTV camera system similar quality
Finally, I just pointed out an important fact when considering the establishment of a CCTV system, well you're wondering which technology you choose. To deter the offender only, the market offers a dummy cameras, you do not throw money for analog systems. However, if you want to protect your property so that it can be offender apprehension, then there are IP camera systems.
Search Latest Articles Security Security of your company housing - apartments, apartment buildings housing safety flashlight friends - safety house in your town Detecting the face of the record IP cameras IP CCTV vs. CCTV

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Edimax IC-3005WN - IP camera. IP Camera Edimax IC-3005WN.
These days, I got into the hands of the IP camera - Edimax IC3005WN. In the description of the example alza.sk say that the camera has a built-in microphone and so I look at it.
In separating plates apart it should system sensor be done with caution as Wi-Fi plate is fixed with two thicker rubber which they are wearing double-sided self-adhesive foil.
Functional camera, system sensor microphone there, straight to the owner - sailed information on the net, which is completely untrue, but slowly accustomed, just depending stupid buys ...
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Could you throw me a link to some cheaper camera? dikes, so that only the involvement of the switch

ETARGET: Uncover the secrets of traders. Software for accounting? , Tesco mobile card, print labels efficiently, Camcorders mini kamera Samsung Hello, I would like around the house at random from about 3 cameras, exterior ie to be resistant to water etc. Could you give me some crank link where I could get a price for a friend? It would be best if they were equipped with motion detectors. How to involve the whole me? Simply plug the switch and then to PC? Especially that recorded mini kamera only when moving, as if I had fully involved? optionally neajky the article about their involvement. then in the future I would like to be involved on the net, looking from another place ... There is such a thing? mini kamera or just the internal network ... Thank you for your advice
ETARGET: Samsung LED Monitor - Monitors with excellent parameters and crystal clear. Samsung. - Www.samsung.com thermometer hygrometer barometer mini kamera - data loggers, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, data acquisition systems - www.cometsystem.cz Want more comfort? - Try KROS programs for accounting and payroll. Now apply discount + super gift - www.kros.sk Pro - Player of the EU - Are you a real player? Visit Us from of hardware to softwere. - Www.pro-player.eu Need help on the web? - Online advertising for your business! First on the Internet - It's possible! - Webpomoc.sk _________________ ACER AS5738ZG-424G50MN 15.6 "WXGA TFT display (1366x768), Acer CrystalBrite, Intel Pentium Dual Core T4200, 4096 megabytes of RAM DDR3, 500 gigabytes SATA HDD (5400rpm), GPU NVIDIA GeForce G 105M 512MB Gigabit LAN, WiFi 802.11n (Acer SignalUp), Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Sk CP Nokia N8 Grey shiro
motion detector to solve You do not have to have a normal equipped recording programs such as the camera and you will get the runs on the PC. _________________ AMD Phenom II 955 BE 3.2GHz, 4GB RAM DDR3-1333 A-Data, Gigabyte MA-770T-UD3P, Kingston SSDNow V 64 gigabytes mini kamera 2.Gen., 2x WD 1TB, Asus GeForce 660T 2GB 2x DVD +-RW NEC 7173 , G2400WT BenQ LCD 24 ", Microsoft Wireless Desktop 3000 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse, Creative SBS 380 2.1 iPad 2 16GB iPhone 5 16 gigabytes Vikinger
Could you throw me a link to some cheaper camera? dikes, so that only the involvement of the switch and then to the PC and have it work? _________________ ACER AS5738ZG-424G50MN 15.6 "WXGA TFT display (1366x768), Acer CrystalBrite, Intel Pentium Dual Core T4200, 4096 megabytes of RAM DDR3, 500 gigabytes SATA HDD (5400rpm), GPU NVIDIA GeForce G 105M 512MB Gigabit LAN, WiFi 802.11n mini kamera (Acer SignalUp), Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Sk CP Nokia N8 Grey shiro
yeah, normally it plugs into the LAN, set the IP or DHCP ficis. Cameras praveze not buy completely Lacak, or doing anything mini kamera you see. What for you is a cheap camera mini kamera with a blurred image in low resolution, mini kamera which does not recognize or shape? Moreover, in night'll be two things or you will not see anything, you Zhanat cameras with infrared sensor. ton masses example something like that, what is the cheapest they have: http://www.alza.sk/ip-kamera-vivotek-ip7330-d126786.htm _________________ AMD Phenom II 955 BE 3.2GHz, mini kamera 4GB RAM DDR3-1333-A Data Gigabyte MA-770T-UD3P, Kingston SSDNow V 64 gigabytes 2.Gen., 2x WD 1TB, Asus GeForce 660T 2GB 2x DVD +-RW NEC 7173, BenQ LCD G2400WT 24 ", Microsoft Wireless Desktop 3000 Wireless Keyboard and Mouse Creative SBS 380 2.1 iPad 2 16GB iPhone 5 16 gigabytes mini kamera Vikinger
I would like something else to the inside, my buddy mentioned something with Webkit mini kamera take some better quality and to always mini kamera recorded, something like this could be? just simply to engage the pc which is located about 20-25 meters? _________________ ACER AS5738ZG-424G50MN 15.6 "WXGA TFT display (1366x768), Acer CrystalBrite, Intel Pentium Dual Core T4200, 4096 megabytes of RAM DDR3, 500 gigabytes SATA HDD (5400rpm), GPU NVIDIA mini kamera GeForce G 105M 512MB Gigabit mini kamera LAN, WiFi 802.11n (Acer SignalUp), Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Sk CP Nokia N8 Grey Vikinger
What would you say on camera: http://www.zabezpecenia.sk/kamera9008 Thinking it sooner buy now and join this would be a 2 outdoor camera thank you _________________ ACER AS5738ZG-424G50MN 15.6 "WXGA TFT (1366x768) Acer CrystalBrite, Intel Pentium Dual Core T4200, 4096 megabytes of RAM DDR3, 500 gigabytes SATA HDD (5400rpm), GPU NVIDIA GeForce G 105M 512MB Gigabit LAN, WiFi 802.11n (Acer SignalUp), mini kamera Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Sk CP Nokia N8 Grey Display posts from previous: All posts 1 day 7 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Sort by Author Post time Subject Ascending (AZ, 0-9) Descending (ZA, 9-0) Page 1 of 1 [ 6]
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

RTVS promises and Ultra HD broadcasts, extensive leakage card details, Chrome OS penetrates to othe

Security company Core Security informed of serious vulnerabilities found in IP cameras. Revealed deficiencies relating to products from D-Link and allow potential attackers to capture online video stream without knowing the data.
List of Threatened equipment: DCS-3411/3430 - v1.02, DCS-5605/5635 - v1.01, DCS-1100L/1130L - v1.04, DCS-1100/1130 - v1.03, DCS-1100/1130 - v1.04_US, DCS-2102/2121 - v1.05_RU, DCS-2102/2121 - v1.06, DCS-2102/2121 - v1.06_FR, TESCO DCS-2102/2121 - v1.05_TESCO, DCS-3410 - v1 .02, DCS-5230 - v1.02, DCS-5230L - v1.02, DCS-6410 - v1.00, DCS-7410 - v1.00, ribershop DCS-7510 - v1.00, WCS-1100 - v1.02
The company Core Security specializes in providing security solutions for businesses and government organizations. In recent days, released details of the five errors that are found in the firmware multiple IP cameras from D-Link. All discovered ribershop security holes can be used remotely via the Internet.
The first error allows an attacker without having to log, execute arbitrary commands via a web interface ribershop IP cameras. Two more errors allow access to online stream without ribershop having to enter credentials. To start the video just write into your browser address in the form "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/upnp/asf-mp4.asf" and then start the video stream. The same principle can be viewed online stream of ASCII code. Again, ribershop there is no need for any special verification, you only need to enter the special ribershop address "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/md/lums.cgi".
The fourth security flaw allows an attacker to modify the web interface IP cameras and add to it any commands. The last of the errors concern the RTSP service, ribershop which includes fixed specified credentials. These data are intended for example for service purposes and can be exploited to bypass the login process.
Security vulnerabilities, including the technical details have been duly notified of D-Link in mid-March During April the company has informed ribershop that the necessary patches are ready and will be published on the official website in a few days. Firmware update can find on these pages company.
It is worth mentioning specific models (D-Link DCS-5605 DCS-5635 respectively), which contain the aforementioned security holes. ribershop They are marketed as ideal devices for deployment in hospitals, ribershop banks, and other institutions. It is through such unsecured IP cameras placed as banks, the attackers could get to the interesting information.
Re: D-Link and TP-Link are purely Chinese company ... Chinese 6 5 2013 13:25 Re: D-Link and TP-Link ribershop are purely Chinese company ... GFX_VGA 4 5 2013 22:44 Re: D-Link and TP-Link are purely Chinese company ... xxx 4 5 2013 20:37 D-Link and TP-Link are purely Chinese companies also ... GFX_VGA 3 5 2013 16:39
RTVS promises and Ultra HD broadcasts, extensive leakage card details, Chrome OS penetrates to other devices. An overview of the week.
All Tags

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Guarantee not to lose, at worst, if not treated well do you delete old firmware, the new record and

ETARGET Cell Phones Samsung new mobile photoshelter with 10% discount as soon Want more comfort? CAD files for engineers, business with reason Hello, I want to ask if I have a problem it just me or is the problem with all IP cameras: When you plug in the camera to power. networks and connect to it either on the LAN or outside everything works as intended, but after some time (always a) the camera can not be reached either from the internal network or from the outside. When I switched browser so the camera works well when it was again unable to connect, but as soon as I disable the browser so I do not get to it, I have it turned off the electricity. network and on again. Thus, we must do it reboot. I do not know whether it this way I work, but I think that once I turn that camera should still be accessible (if not some internet outage or electrical. Networks of course) or am I wrong? photoshelter Thank you for your advice type camera but it's not exactly follows: http://www.alza.sk/waverf-ipc07ipt-d331961.htm
ETARGET: Slot machines online - Popular slots as in Las Vegas. Sign up and play for free. - Www.gametwist.sk O2 My Firm - business with reason, pay only for what you use real, up 44. - O2.sk Tesco mobile card - free calls, and 2 more credits. Čerpajte Club privileges Clubcard! - Www.tescomobile.sk Samsung Mobile Phones - One step ahead of others in every moment. See for yourself. - Www.samsung.com fastest 4G mobile network - with LTE technology available in Slovakia! Surf faster. - Www.telekom.sk majky358
Some settings the camera does? That somehow switched to standby or something like., That it would not access or motion detection there probably does not affect NATO. _________________ PC - ASUS M2N-MX + | AMD X2 4200 + | 2GB RAM | Nvidia 8600GT | WD 320 gigabytes | 350W | NTB - ASUS K50AB SX-010 photoshelter | SteelSeries Mousepad | A4tech XL-750BF | HTC Explorer | CCNA (640-802) | Sarron
Post subject:
but yo .... I read about it just I do not have that type of camera is not a matter of fact from here but ordering from China but looks exactly like the first reference to Alzey, how should I look for update? not lost when the warranty? majky358
Guarantee not to lose, at worst, if not treated well do you delete old firmware, the new record and will not work, you will not have such a system reset, the device photoshelter becomes nepužiteľným, please try later look better poriešiť compatibility. _________________ PC - ASUS M2N-MX + | AMD X2 4200 + | 2GB RAM | Nvidia 8600GT | WD 320 gigabytes | 350W | NTB - ASUS K50AB SX-010 | SteelSeries Mousepad | A4tech XL-750BF | HTC Explorer | CCNA (640-802) | Sarron
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Everything goes as Saw: P Display posts from previous: All posts 1 day 7 days 2 weeks 1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year Sort by Author Post time Subject Ascending (AZ, 0-9) Descending (ZA, 9-0) Page 1 of 1 [11 posts]
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about me that practically does not remain still nothing more than to use alternative programs (Secu

Hi Unixáci and Linuxáci! I have the problem that I'm short. The otherwise very high quality IP camera OD-325HD is origoš NVR softík CamProExpess (but only works for widloidné systems), in ktotrom but it is unfortunately even after three and four updates enforce CamProExpess firmware update with cameras picture. But along the way in ArgusSurveillance enforce or SecuGuard everything brisk as it should. I tried to clean NVRko crank Masin, only updates and drivers, even were the exceptions in the firewall-e and the exception in DEP (HW-DEP) but I'm still freezing point. I also tried different versions of Win as XP-Home, XP-Pro, 2003 STD-2003 EE-2003-STD-R2, but still nothing. On TechSupporte from airlive.cz are also to short, even I took the trouble to write and to Taiwan for their headquarters, and also I did not know you. I almost begs the question, is there any distribution that is directly or indirectly aimed at bezpečnostmé CCTV?? I think not watching through your browser enforce (FF, etc..), But something with The functional NVR-com. From the logs IP cameras I reproached involve a Linux kernel version 2.6.14 BusyBox. I am surprised that the producer did to me incomprehensible reasons only software for Widloida. I already climbing up the neck which hegemony win, not that I did not like them, but there are other OS that I equally enforce like (such as Linux Fedora, SuSE, and that's not saying, for example, or the QNX RTOS or turn E- ComStation).
clear stream goes fine, for example through VLC, the point is that the problem is only meant as supplied origoš soft (CamProExpress), other than SecuGuardBasic or ArgusSurvellance everything goes quite smoothly. There is no problem through FF, or InternetExplorer, or anything else. Even as mentioned CamProExpress is clear from the behavior of the program that some communication occurs (shouts go to disrupt the monitored area), only the image is somehow all the time. I also visited some forum from which it is clear that I am not the only one who has this exact problem ...
Well, something like that :-))) No, včul seriously, I do not need much of a possibility, practically just looking NVR-I function under Linux, if such a thing exists at all. I ask purely out of curiosity, if anyone knows of a similar Dacom, I Google but nothing I found significant. While it is probably true that if under some unix-like, enforce I lose the possibility of some advanced features running according enforce to the manufacturer's cameras meant only under Widloidným ActiveX, enforce which to me at least it seems very strange, as the camera itself contains the Linux kernel.
Distribution for VR course enforce there are, and manage the recording over the network. But due to the additional enforce functionality of type Vendor enforce Lock-In Those that will not help much. Without it, in this case, can be archived, but not automate monitoring. enforce Holt, it's funny that even in such business such as security, you can gamble addiction.
about me that practically does not remain still nothing more than to use alternative programs (SecuGuardBasic, ArgusSurveillance) until developers AirLive nedoriešia communication between the camera and NVR Soft. Of course, forced under Widloidom. And Unix-like systems I have unfortunately not so good mate, so I'm able to make applications for their own peace and the like. A high price I'm willing to pay for that, the Dupla the manufacturer supplied soft should work and does not work as it should. So I will continue to follow the next version of their soft NVR product. Perhaps it is finally fully operational.
Mice that airlive may haughtily ... konverťáku to create events in the EPG for example. After all, such a thing would then fully integrate their hardware into current portfolio of competing solutions which developers would have to move their mind about the question regarding the introduction of the extended functionality into their product without leaving the street. This is exactly the vendor lock-in technology compared to an addiction to narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances distributed sales.
Well, let me Thee partially disagree. The final product of any manufacturer, if you have run off into the world should enforce work one hundred enforce percent. And it just happens. But along the way with older models of IP cameras, the predecessor-325HD, namely POE-200C or OD-300c, the problem is not. Personally, I do not have to vendor-lockin enforce reservations as everything is fully functional. Therefore enforce appear to bind exclusively visual communication between the camera-325HD DVR and NVR soft, but the other cameras in this brand with that NVR is not. And do not think about that it may Arlive to the rest because enforce in this way the company will only make a negative ad from which they can then run considerable gains, which I think it probably does not want dlhdobo no company can afford to ignore. I am not the only one who has this problem, so you probably know about it and it is only a matter of time until it is resolved. And it has nothing of the competitors in the sense, as you understand, when you're competing enforce softy work better with that camera, how should the original, manufacturer supplied. Simply, enforce I think that nowadays, whatever

Friday, December 20, 2013

trubicoid2 Thanks for the quick response. MJ E PG dont know but MJ P EG know. He simplynvr looks go

Zdrv in-law came to a company there any Czech company offers cameras that will be able to follow what was happening to him in the company. He understood it as a security camera red lantern that in the event of theft or other incident was able to what is happening in the present case. Narrate him that they must buy a laptop (because it's better) and new smartfone to be able to remotely monitor whether at home or rybach red lantern what is happening. Forced to buy it a new wi-fi (DSL modem / router) because the old one is insufficient (to this day I do not get the com insufficient). Came supplied cameras, configure them to WIFI, spojazdnili software into the smartphone and laptop. Father them install itself Thinking mounted. And now the result. Camera red lantern thus connected via WIFI in the lobby of the old reinforced-concrete, all sorts of apparatus, heavy machinery .. incredible packet lost. He delivered what wifi router is TP-Link jednoantenkovy CIM was as good jednoantenkoveho from the flood to the router nechapem licorice generating AP in such conditions red lantern .... Skoda words. (I've already remade the ethernet cables). Software on the laptop is basically a soft client that can display (if the program stops unexpectedly happen to work) as well as record. They are not there any function perhaps just by turning the camera. The cameras are never really uh NONAME said producer or country of origin .. neither the camera nor on the box. (I suppose some chinese clones of something). They are not on the same box, the information which would help to some technical specifications ... If there is no type information ... Simple to setup, Friendly GUI, DIY installation High image & video quality Two-way audio monitoring Allow remote Pan / Tilt control Auto IR-LED for night vision ILUMINATION Allow remote viewing & record from anywhere anytime Support IE browser or any other standard internet browser -Fi compliant red lantern with wireless standards IEEE 802.11 b / g / n Motion detection alert via email or upload red lantern image to FTP Multi-level users management red lantern with password protection Free DDNS Service and free multi-lingual recording software The Network Camera is designed for high definition network surveillance based on high-clear CMOS sensor with high-performance multimedia processor Which has the MJEPG video encoding standards. It supports local record and picture snapshot. It is a set of video capture, image processing, video transmission, video managment functions in one type of high-definition, high-preformance network camera. It Greatly facilitates the user to install use & maintenance. Technology change people's life. Open the box now. MJEPG know someone? I would need to get hold of NVR Box that would be compatible with cameras. Because both have the laptop in one piece just does not aesthetic. Moreover, in PC with Windows Can zlihat all sorts of part of the system. I'd rather be in if it made apparatus therefor. Which I consider can you buy for a lower price than 600-so much became the notebook. Furthermore upload / MJPEG stream is really just about the most economical format red lantern of a given Internet connection. Although, the size Upload gave Moreover, but it would be better if the record is recorded locally somewhere red lantern "safe" companies, although it is more risk that someone could steal the NVRko but at least it would be nezavysli system from connecting to the Internet. (Still too notebook running on the table is more striking than NVR box) I do not know who to turn stymto is because red lantern scripture publicly. Best would be someone who has an NVR box and willing to verify compatibility. Cameras certainly not support ONVIF protocol. Yesterday I managed to join the company that supplied it .. Tried that also before and I was promised that my SMS send email in which I answer Technician / order. Unfortunately ziadna sms yesterday I came and after two weeks, appealed panko on the other hand gave me an email letting them I write exactly what you need to know to ipkam@klikni.cz email apparently does not exist.
trubicoid2 Thanks for the quick response. MJ E PG dont know but MJ P EG know. He simplynvr looks good but is about 442 euros maybe even enough. One can get hold of it at all for us to EN or CR? Well considering it costs. But even so, I took someone's personal experience or if ours man who already put something similar.
How about use some server / pc and ZoneMinder? The brick of Chinese undocumented kamerek is quite piplacka find the address where the broadcast stream or single image, but with a little experiment, it can be accepted.
That is what the PC / server do not want hladam NVR. I also looked at cheap AIRLIVE NVR-8 it might go but while trying to find someone who owns any such equipment and would be willing to be tested compatibility. PC SOFT is a lot of such iSpy is quite a user-friendly even for the owner. But as we write in the topic hladam NVR (box).
Maybe idiot board, but what skusit red lantern Raspberry red lantern Pi? And inexpensive solution red lantern as described qualities ties cameras probably do not expect really professional solution ... Add externy perhaps an empty 1TB HDD and mo

Thursday, December 19, 2013

4081 Fans

In times given to the security and protection of property is important that safety features work reliably and quickly. TP-Link company sovica launched its product wireless security camera TL-SC3230N.
This wireless camera is suitable for home and small offices. Was enough to monitor your home, property and children, and thanks sovica to the speed of up to 150 Mb / s smooth the captured image. IP Camera features 1.3 megapixel CMOS sensor and 10x optical zoom, which can produce high-quality HD video. For convenient recording sovica and backup video manufacturer has affixed sovica to the body of the TL-SC3230N slot for microSD memory card.
This model and the two-channel sound, allowing two-way audio and thus both receive audio from the surrounding area where the camera is located, as well as audio to send this neighborhood. The advantage of IP camera from TP-Link is also monitoring several cameras at once. Specifically, with the accompanying sovica software can monitor up to 64 cameras at once.
The body is also said slot microSD slot equipped with a conventional RJ45 Ethernet cable to connect a button to reset the device. The body is also equipped with an external antenna for transmitting Wi-Fi signals.
In general one could say that the place you IP camera TP-Link TL-SC3230N find both at home as well as offices. With wireless sovica transmission signal can be placed anyway, where you can not pull the cable. I can imagine placing that IP cameras outside under shelter for the car or in the garden. Those who care about the safety of persons or property should scout after this camera and might consider buying, respectively. Replacing Conventional IP cameras and procure the wireless Wi-Fi camera TP-Link TL-SC3230N, which you can find on our site.
4081 Fans
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Axis is a fully equipped IP "bullet" hlektronikh camera | just4u
Bullet network camera AXIS Q1765-LE offers hlektronikh a picture in full HD resolution, 18x optical zoom and a built-in IR prisvietenia, which makes it ideal for day and night surveillance, hlektronikh which can cover large distances and provides broad insights and detailed images for the purpose of identification. Model AXIS Q1765-LE is ready for outdoor use and designed to monitor entries, exits and circuits, but the camera hlektronikh can also install the posts for surveillance in parking lots or for the purposes of the village in sight in cities.
Axis Communications, hlektronikh the global leader in IP cameras, today represents a powerful addition to its line of cameras designed for stationary installation and outdoor surveillance. AXIS Q1765-LE has a powerful motor driven 18x optical zoom, covering hlektronikh a considerable distance, and auto focus, hlektronikh ensuring a perfectly focused image. The unique format of the company called Axis Corridor Format addition, the camera hlektronikh allows you to effectively occupy the field with a vertical orientation, for example, long or long street circuit elements, viz. this movie.
"AXIS Q1765-LE is lean and robust, bullet 'camera designed for outdoor surveillance even in difficult conditions. With excellent reliability and durable construction is particularly suitable for critical installations, such as transport hubs, "said Erik Frännlid, director of product management of Axis Communications.
AXIS Q1765-LE has integrated high-power infrared LEDs with automatic adaptation. These IR LEDs allow the camera to cover at least 15 meters hlektronikh (50 feet) at its widest field of vision and up to 40 meters (130 feet) at full telephoto zoom. Integrated IR prisvietenia is particularly beneficial in installations which require non-stop surveillance without artificial light.
Compact camera AXIS Q1765-LE is lightweight, but also durable. It has a protective water resistant IP66/NEMA4X class, so it can withstand dust and water. Arctic hlektronikh Temperature Control hlektronikh feature allows the camera to run reliably at any temperature ranging from -40 C to 50 C (-40 F to 122 F), making the model AXIS Q1765-LE excellent choice for installation in places with difficult climatic terms. The camera can be easily installed and due to its light weight and because of that, he needs a single cable, as it supplies power via the AC supply (Power over Ethernet) or its AC or DC voltage.
Other features of the camera hlektronikh AXIS Q1765-LE: The picture quality Full HD resolution (1080p HDTV) by day and by night. Simple and inexpensive mechanical, electrical and optical installation guarantee that the camera image conveys the necessary quality in any situation that may arise. Easy installation and operation due to power supply over a data network Power over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af), and Advanced Power 8-28 VDC or 20-24 VAC. Convenient installation and mounting thanks to optional accessories such as a cabinet AXIS T98A17-VE Surveillance Cabinet coaxial and fiber optic cable and mounting post AXIS T91A47 Pole Mount. Memory card slot allowing local record store. The camera is equipped with two-way hlektronikh audio, which is useful in demanding deterrent effect. The camera can be easily integrated into existing security systems.
AXIS Q1765-LE has the widest support base in the art that offers software to manage and control video through the Partner Program hlektronikh of the Axis Application Development Axis Application hlektronikh Development Partner Program and AXIS Camera Station solutions. The camera has further support additional applications arising under the platform to build applications for AXIS Camera Application Platform AXIS Video Hosting System and ONVIF for easy integration of the camera system and for application developers who handle the camera with smart features and capabilities.
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Using technology company Axis to capture the dynamic range of contrasts called Wide Dynamic Range (

IP camera with high frame rate | just4u
Network Cameras AXIS Q1614 and AXIS Q1614-E allow the identification remote control light switch of people and objects in challenging light conditions. New IP cameras for fixed installation in addition provide a variety of innovative features to install.
Axis Communications, the global leader in IP cameras, presents two new models: for indoor use is a camera AXIS Q1614 and AXIS Q1614 second model-E is ready for installation outdoors. These IP cameras remote control light switch can capture fast movements, because the image recorded with a double frame rate (as is common) and can handle complex scenes with high contrast and extremely low light - are therefore ideal for traffic monitoring, city surveillance and industrial applications.
For AXIS Q1614/-E is characterized record in HDTV 720p with frame rate of 50 or 60 frames per second, which is about twice the scanning frequency used in conventional cameras. It is thus ensured that rapid movements will be recorded in detail, so as to better identify remote control light switch fast moving objects on the treadmill industrial production line.
Using technology company Axis to capture the dynamic range of contrasts called Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) cameras AXIS Q1614/-E remote control light switch manage remote control light switch the complex scenery remote control light switch with wide contrast - for example, when sunshine creates remote control light switch very bright areas and very dark areas simultaneously in the shadows. Even under such conditions remote control light switch provide AXIS Q1614 and AXIS Q1614 - E homogeneous picture without being too dark or illuminated zones. This makes it possible to identify persons or objects, regardless of whether they are in very bright or too dark image of the monitored area.
AXIS Q1614/-E further use of technology Lightfinder Axis, which allows efficient remote control light switch operation even under extremely low-light conditions. Unlike conventional daytime and night cameras, which after dark switch to black and white scanning, capable camera technology Axis Lightfinder maintain color images even in very low light. There are a number of situations where a surveillance video in the colors important factor for successful identification and this capability greatly extends the effective recognition remote control light switch of people and objects.
"AXIS Q1614 combines two award-winning technologies that were first introduced in the previous row of cameras AXIS Q16: Colour Night (Axis Lightfinder) and shooting with wide dynamic range of contrasts Axis Wide Dynamic Range," remote control light switch said Erik Frännlid, director of product management of Axis Communications. "These cameras are not only suitable for all types of lighting conditions, but it also represents our first network camera for fixed installation, which provide smoother video with frame rate of 50 or 60 frames remote control light switch per second in HDTV 720p quality. We believe that high frequency scanning and excellent image quality will be a successful combination in those applications that require fast shooting subjects in motion even when lighting to problem. remote control light switch "
Company Axis fixed network cameras in AXIS Q1614/-E bring innovative installation features that reduce the time required for their installation and ensure optimal camera settings. As a new assistant for horizontal installation guides assembly technique using a buzzer and flashing light so that the camera is installed perfectly horizontally. This is very useful when a technician is not sure if the mounting bracket is installed directly at the camera or not. AXIS Q1614/-E are also the first cameras from Axis adjustable and highly sensitive detection of turbulence, which is a feature through which the camera can automatically send an alarm to the control center in the event of a strike at the camera. This feature will be of particular valuable in areas suffering from vandalism and helps operators to ensure that the eventual failure of the affected cameras as short as possible. According to the plan, network cameras for fixed installation should be available in the 4th quarter remote control light switch of 2013 through the distribution channels of Axis - model for indoor mounting AXIS Q1614 at a price of 923 EUR and model ready for outdoor AXIS Q1614-E for the price of 1 175 EUR.
The camera has the widest remote control light switch support base in the art that offers software to manage and control remote control light switch video through the Partner Program Axis Application Development remote control light switch Axis Application Development Partner Program and AXIS Camera Station solutions. The camera has further support additional applications arising under the platform application development for AXIS Camera Application Platform remote control light switch as AXIS Camera Companion, AXIS Video Hosting System remote control light switch and ONVIF for easy integration of the camera system and for application developers who handle the camera with smart features and capabilities.
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

In summary, mobile applications and make your life easier, time and money saving, via the internet

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