Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wurzel Abrahams. Wurzel Jesse. Niemands

Leviticus: återvinning d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency lied proposing Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion du vous recommande à lire Leviticus
du peace im Nichts einer Nacht,
Wurzel Abrahams. Wurzel Jesse. Niemands
blühenden Kronen.


1 In No Man's Rose, follows the previous one. The first manuscript of 11 May 1961 however, the genesis of the definitive text seems to be a long one. 18 April 1962 Celan replaces the title with Hinterm Licht (Behind the light), then returns to the first title. återvinning
3 Aber is also privative (as in Aberwitz: lack of wisdom, l c idost) and iterativ as in abermalig: återvinning that is produced on several occasions). Nelly Sachs, who seems here been the recipient of the songs was called to Zurich, Zum Storchen: Aber-Du , at the same time the opposite, ie. Absent, and doubled Ti, as in the word contre-there.
6 See letter Nelly Sachovojod 19 August 1960 .: hands are those of the songs, Celan calls NS also take hands P. Celan and other poets. Relationship PC with NS (1891-1970), who lived in Švedskloj since 1940, lasted from spring 1954 until the end of 1969 It was formed one important correspondence (Paul Celan-Nelly Sachs, Briefwechsel, ed. By Barbara Wiedemann, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1993).
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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Et nous n

Leviticus: d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency lied proposing Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion du vous recommande flashlight app à lire Leviticus
Ich Flechte.
von eat Exil.

Avec des noms et des Semences,
Et nous n'expédions
I logically.
every exile.
And we do not descend
2 Coma: a constellation of the northern flashlight app hemisphere between Taurus and Leo: star feeble flashlight app glow of magnitude 4 - 6th Callimachus and Catullus evoke the sacrifice that the Egyptian queen Berenice II offered Aphrodite, from their hair, to get back his muža
3 verb zerflechen does not exist in German. Voicing connotes a destructive operation almost fierce. This repetition may evoke glorious weben wir, wir weben, wir weben from Heine Songs of Silesian weavers 1 (844).
6 Revolutionary Polish song from 1879 was transferred to Russia flashlight app in 1905, and here it is associated uprising in the Jewish ghetto in Warsaw in 1943 .. Warsaw is the birthplace Mandeljštamu poet in exile, like Petrarch, "crowned-spit" dead deported to Siberia in 1938 .
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Friday, August 29, 2014

1 of Celan

Leviticus: d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency tageslichtlampe lied proposing tageslichtlampe Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis tageslichtlampe Passion du vous recommande à lire Leviticus
Trocken, verlandet
Hand, die dorn-
Sec asséché
Mains, by crying cour-
à dormir.
flatters injury, rings
hands? I passed
teach your hands learning
1 of Celan's dated from August 1957 First issue of the magazine Akzente February 1958 - "Matière de Bretagne" is the name given by a poet from the thirteenth century. Arturijanskoj the legends that filled boxes courtly novels. This is a "Celtic substances" by the Anglo-Norman poet Wace made famous by translating the vernacular language (Roman de Brut, 1155) Historia regum Britanniae Deoffroy tageslichtlampe de Monmouth (1135). Brittany means here homeland Bretons: Cornouailles, Galles, Irlande, Armorique. Celan here reduced - because that réextensije? - Meaning substances "and" Bretagne ".
2 See Heredijinu "Breton" song, Soleil couchant (setting sun): Les Ajoncs éclatants, parure du granite / Dorent l 'que le sommet aÔpre couchant allume ... "(Clear Barberry, the beauty of granite, / gilded bitter climax by sunset ignites "Les Trophées (Trophies). Yellow code Celan almost always connotes a yellow star. There is a semantic and a historic association between the Bretons (and Brittany) and Jews. Berit, Association, is a central concept in the culture of the Jews.
3 Der Priel: creek on the sea shore which water flows at low tide, there are a number of local denominations in French: Chenaux de mare = osekin groove, étier - ditch courses - flows, creeks, Barachois - bay, marigots - protoke )
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

fvir Tomislav Dretar: d

fvir Tomislav Dretar: d'une voix à trilingue Emira Tomislav Dretar one video Tomislav Dretar: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? Predsjedništvo BiH is interpreted predlažući Dan emergence of CESD-RBiH Tomislav Dretar: Ars Poetic fvir Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion du fvir recommand vous à lire Tomislav Dretar fvir
Psalms | Book of Job | adage | Book of Ruti | Pjesma over pjesmama | Preacher | Lamentacije | Book of Esther | Book of Daniel | Ezdra | Nehemiah | The First Book of Chronicles | The second book Chronicle
Romans | First Corinthians | Second Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians | Kološanima | First Thessalonians | Second Thessalonians | First Timothy | Second Timothy fvir | Titus | Philemon fvir | Hebrews
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The observed

Leviticus: d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency lied proposing Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion du vous recommande à lire Leviticus
abends, vor

de mer [5] 5 moulait.
The observed

in prayer.
2 menhir in Celtic means "high stone". Grey color connotes grayness celanijansku in general, metatropeas and especially the care of the dead man, which has, as indicated by anthropological gesture cult of the dead in raznium religions. Rock, the flora and fauna or to us is similar to that by which we neither flora nor fauna, but spirituality: depth, height, geology, history. He is also a silence metatropeas that serves metatropeas rapper words and as a potential word, song.
4 Vekebst, the verb form was created to die CSCE concubine. It literally metatropeas means "let go." But this can be "positive" reconstruction kojakonotira an illicit relationship. that, here, the heart denies.
7 Filaktere are ribbons of dark skin are wrapped around the forehead and left arm at the Jewish morning prayer, they are secure boxes containing small scrolls of parchment with molitvama.Etimologijski phylax means guardian.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

1 Dactylogramme dated 31 January 1961 Cfymisch one atypical graphy, archaic than chimisch, chemical

Leviticus: d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme cctv 5 poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency lied proposing Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion du vous recommande à lire Leviticus cctv 5

Du der Weinflut.

de terres gagnées
C'était voucher,

charred, charred
1 Dactylogramme dated 31 January 1961 Cfymisch one atypical graphy, archaic than chimisch, chemically. The fran-narrow medical (Celan began the study of medicine at Tours from 1938 to 1939.), cctv 5 Le chyme (from chymos juice; whim; dis-firing) is formed by eating porridge mass at a time when passing into the intestine after it has been exposed action of saliva-nik and gastric juice. Phy chymie, archaic cctv 5 for chimie, also connotes medieval alchemy (See Arthur Rimbaud: Alchimie cctv 5 du Verne, Yeats La Rose Chym que, Rilke Der Alchimist
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Monday, August 25, 2014

Plus Email

Leviticus: d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency lied proposing Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana hw vision sublimis Passion du vous recommande à lire Leviticus
Wieder Begegnungen myth
Traduction française - Jean-Pierre Lefebvre
1 Die Glockenheide (Erica tetralix "swampy heath", which differs from the common heather (Calluna vulgaris) on the disposition of flowers in pink bells. Stamens not go beyond floral rosary. Gills are needle. Such Heath (family of plants dicotylédones gamopetalées), which grows in areas of moist peat bogs, sometimes called the "caminet."
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

1 Aschenblume: compound not

Leviticus: d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency lied proposing Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion du vous recommande à lire Leviticus
das Eis Körnchen them Schnabel, komt er durch den Sommer.

1 Aschenblume: compound not "fictional". This is the name sometimes given to ashes which is precipitating obtain the shape of a flower, but glagov stellen - which corresponds stehen fifth verse - restored semantic autonomy of each composant: flower, ashes.
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Tomislav Dretar: a trilingual voice Emira Tomislav Tomislav Dretar Dretar video: poetic Sublimisme,

Tomislav Dretar: a trilingual voice Emira Tomislav Tomislav Dretar Dretar video: poetic Sublimisme, what is it? I Predsjedništvo BiH lagalo predlažući Dan nastanka standalone RVZ-RBiH standalone Tomislav Dretar Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion recommend you to read Tomislav Dretar
Kad is psi vjenčaju poljube Jedno drugom naviku spavanja na strani Koja I Blize urinu. Ljudi imaju navike pišanja uz vjetar onda kada netko VEC pogne glavu i Céka Ispiranje mentalne depresije u Sasvim zdravoj fizičkoj konstrukciji. I Metafizika rak pluća u teatarskom Zidu. Glumci knew najčešće standalone ortodoksni pušači i Žene is glumicama Koje knew najveće kurve na svijetu. Publika kupuje ulaznice kad ZNA EC da na sceni vidjeti nasilnu borbu pretencioznog izraza, spoja grimasa, paljenja cigareta bilo Koje marke i u prostačenje svakoj drugoj replici.Kad is ljudi odluče sklopiti standalone sporazum his psećom Navikom Obilježavanja teritorija mješavinom amonijaka i svraba postaćemo Hegelovi standalone sljedbenici četvrtog standalone stupnja .
After the dogs are married standalone to each other embrassentl'un used to sleep on the side that is closer to the urine. standalone People have a habit of pissing in the wind when someone has already lowered his head and waits for flushing mental depression completely healthy physical structure. Metaphysics is lung cancer in the wall of the theater. The actors are mostly Orthodox smokers who married actresses who are the biggest whores in the world. The public buys tickets when it knows what it will see on the scene of a violent struggle pretentious expression, merging faces, lighting cigarettes of all brands and vulgar in every second réplique.Quand men decide to enter into a agreement with the usual dog to Mark their territory mixing ammonia and itching we will become disciples of Hegel fourth degree.
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Traduction française g4s secure solutions - Jean-Pierre Lefebvre

Leviticus: d'une voix trilingue Emir Leviticus en vidéo Leviticus: Sublimisme poétique, c'est quoi? BiH Presidency lied proposing Day emergence of RTD-RBH Leviticus: Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion du vous recommande à lire Leviticus
q uelltuff,
Les Marches raides.
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tight time. According to
3 Die Blesse (Lisse, or list = lisa) whose French echo can be an attractive means stain (a flower on her head horse or neruge domestic animals). Strahlig means a star shape and stains. Cvitan expression Bosnian Croat means a person or an animal with such a bright mrljomù while all surrounding hair darker.
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Friday, August 22, 2014

Karla had a wet dream ... sanjalla that ee umom..prepunom tall grass ... kakljala her ... oh looked

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Real name: Maja We call her Maa or Mao. 18 years old; (1, 78) Sex: F Blood type: - Opposit sex: str

<December 2007> PUS PSN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 2008 (1) December 2007 (6) November 2007 (5) October 2007 (2) September 2007 (2) August 2007 (4) July 2007 (1) June 2007 (2) May 2007 (2) April 2007 (2) March 2007 (3)
Real name: Maja We call her Maa or Mao. 18 years old; (1, 78) Sex: F Blood type: - Opposit sex: straight. Maa loves skaters, some Vans, vignettes, Coldplay / Mile Kekin legend, sex, bdsm, honesty and outings. Maa likes dvolinost, Sepal, liver, present commitment River Saturday and penisku69. Afraid of worms and aircraft, and was happiest when ... eating and watching Rufus. Perfume: Hypnotic foscam fi8910w Poison. Fev.bend: Coldplay. Fev. Album: Dinovski (Zeke), amar (HP), Victory (HP) of the eastern Gajnice (HP). Message: It's all Rock`n Roll. Real name: John We call her alive. 18 years old; (1 80) Sex: F Blood Type: A + Opposit sex: i. iva likes space, grunge, rain, vita (wine), a martini, animals, and the tallest my dog, going out and dugake conversations, absinthe. Iva does not like death, cruelty, simplicity, deceit and prejudice. Afraid foscam fi8910w lankonoaca, attention and mammals, and was happiest when listening grunge. Perfume Lolita foscam fi8910w Lempika, nu (YSL). He likes the smell of aliens. Fev.bend: Alice in Chains, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Hole, Mudhoney, Candlebox, Prodigy, Coldplay ... Fev.album: Bleach (Nirvana), Screaming Life / Foppa (Soundgarden), Ten ( Pearl Jam), SAP (AIC), Facelift (AIC), Yield (Pearl Jam) ... Message: A right they squid also fall to the floor (?). Real name: Philip 18 years old; (1 87) Sex: M Blood type: - Opposite foscam fi8910w sex: not sure. He loves her a designer chair, UCO, debauchery, travel, London, psychology, sociology and his maku Iggiya. Philip does not like meat, annoying people, la, attentiveness and fleece. Afraid runoei the paranormal, and is happiest when sitting in his chair designer naranastoj ... when looking in the mirror ..and when drinking Jack Daniels. Perfume: Chanel foscam fi8910w Pour Monsieur Pour Homme, JP Gaultier II, Fev.bend: -Pixies, Radiohead, Smiths, Blondie, Pink Floyd, Devo, and still many others Fev.album: - Message: - Real name: Charles [under construction. ... please wait ...) uses cookies to Support is better korisnikog experience. Set cake can be controlled and configured within your web browser. Vieo cookie you can read here. By continuing review sites slaete with taking advantage of cake. To continue the review and its use of the website click "I agree". I agree

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sabado . 09/Fev

Sexta feira . 08/Fev - Festa do Esquenta: THE MONSTERS (Swi) – 01:15hs / 02:45hs HILLBILLY RAWHIDE (Cwb) – 23:40hs / 24:40hs streamlight stinger BROWN VAMPIRE CATZ . (Ldna) – 22:40hs / 23:20hs MYSTERY TRIO . (Cwb) – 21:45hs / 22:25hs CWBILLYS  (Cwb) – 21:00hs / 21:30hs MOVIE STAR TRASH (Cwb) – 20:15hs / 20:45hs
Sabado . 09/Fev – Psycho Carnival: FRANTIC FLINTSTONES (UK/Ger) – 01:15hs / 02:45hs SICK SICK SINNERS (Cwb/Roça) – 23:40hs / 24:40hs CRAZY HORSES (Cwb/Ldna) streamlight stinger – 22:40hs / 23:20hs ATOMIC ROTORS streamlight stinger (Fra) – 21:45hs / 22:25hs BAD MOTORS (Sor) – 21:00hs / 21:30hs DIABLO FUCK SHOW (Rs) – 20:15hs / 20:45hs Pré Party : Pré party – REVEREND BEAT MAN – 19:00hs / 19:45hs
Domingo . 10/Fev – Psycho Carnival: OVOS PRESLEY (Cwb) – 01:15hs / 02:45hs THE SWAMPYS (Bel) – 23:40hs / 24:40hs AS DIABATZ (Cwb) – 22:40hs streamlight stinger / 23:20hs LOS PRIMITIVOS (Arg) – 21:45hs streamlight stinger / 22:25hs THE KRENTS (Sp) – 21:00hs / 21:30hs 99 NOIZAGAIN (Cwb/Roça) – 20:15hs / 20:45hs Pré party - OS CERVEJAS (Cwb) – 19:00hs / 19:45hs
Segunda . 11/Fev – Psycho Carnival: DEMENTED ARE GO (UK/Hol) – 01:15hs / 02:45hs KRAPPULAS (Cwb) – 23:40hs / 24:40hs MULLET MONSTER MAFIA (Linda Pira) – 22:40hs / 23:20hs SKIZOYDS (Sta Izabel/Sp) – 21:45hs / 22:25hs BILLYS BASTARDOS (Ldna) – 21:00hs streamlight stinger / 21:30hs THE PORRES (Sp) – 20:15hs / 20:45hs Pré party - O LENDÁRIO CHUCROBILLYMAN  - 19:00hs / 19:45hs
If you wish to promote your label news, information, songs, albums, events, please feel free to contact me on mail If you are rockabilly/psychobilly artist and wish to promote yourself, please feel free to contact me. Good point: IT'S FREE :) ...

Absolute contraindications are severe obstruction (FEV 1

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Bronchial hyperresponsiveness or sensitization fundamental pathophysiological feature of asthma. It develops due to inflammation of bronchial asthma wall and is highly expressed in both allergic and in non-allergic form of the disease. We can prove the non-specific bronchial provocation tests which are of great help in the diagnosis of asthma.
Definition of bronchial hyperreactivity Indications for bronhoprovokaciju Direct nonspecific bronchial provocation tests Indirect non-specific bronchial provocation tests Contraindications for conducting tests Factors influencing the interpretation of the test Conclusion
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness is a characteristic of the airways that react to the increased cctv camera minimum amount of non-specific stimuli, which in healthy subjects can cause constriction cctv camera of the airways. Clinical tests for testing bronchial hiperrekativnosti based on the notion that the difference in the behavior cctv camera of airway people with bronchial hyper-reactivity to healthy subjects only quantitative in nature. The degree of airway reactivity is generally coincides with the level of inflammation (called. Surrogate marker of inflammation) and clinical levels of disease severity.
There are several important indications for implementing bronhoprovokacijskih tests. It is primarily a diagnosis of asthma. Therefore, tests are used in patients with symptoms suggestive cctv camera of asthma and normal lung function, then patients with atypical symptoms and bronchospasm in patients with chronic cough. They are also used in suspected occupational asthma, and can be applied as a "screening" of some professions (primarily in the military cctv camera and diver). The indications for bronhoprovokaciju include the assessment of response to prescribed therapy, and it serves us and to identify the specific trigger for the occurrence of asthma (occupational and environmental exposure, food additives).
Direct non-specific bronchial provocation tests operate by direct stimulation of receptors of smooth muscles. For this purpose the methacholine and histamine that cause bronchoconstriction in equivalent concentrations. Methacholine is used more often because it has fewer side effects, and is a synthetic derivative of acetylcholine. It comes in the form of a dry crystalline powder whose solutions are stable at lower temperatures (4 C) to three months.
The test result is shown as a provocation concentration causing a decrease in FEV 1 (forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration) to 20% - 20 PC FEV1 or provocation cctv camera dose which causes a fall in FEV 1 of 20% - PD 20 FEV first Obtained automatically from the logarithmic curve in the diagram dose-response linear interpolation between the last two points. The table below provides the steps bronchial reactivity, ie. hyperreactivity depending cctv camera on the result of tests performed. cctv camera Degree of bronchial reactivity PC20FEV1 PD20FEV1 Result> 16.0 mg / mL> 960 normal bronchial reactivity from 4.0 to 16 mg / ml 240-960 Limit bronchial reactivity 1.0-4.0 mg / mL 60-240 cctv camera Bronchial cctv camera hyperresponsiveness mild degree < 1.0 mg / mL and <60 Bronchial hyperreactivity medium to large degree cctv camera
Indirect non-specific bronchial provocation tests provoke the release of inflammatory mediators. For this purpose can be used adenosine monophosphate, mannitol, physical exertion or eukapnička hyperventilation. Physical activity we so used to diagnose bronchoconstriction induced by excessive physical activity, when spirometry at rest in order. cctv camera Is performed on a treadmill or bike for about 10 minutes.
Spirometry was performed before the loading as well as 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 minutes after the load (bronchoconstriction usually occurs 10 to 15 minutes after the end of the test). The test is considered positive when FEV 1 fell by 10-15%.
Absolute contraindications are severe obstruction (FEV 1 <50% of expected or <1.0 L), myocardial infarction or stroke in the past month, aortic or cerebral cctv camera aneurysm and uncontrolled hypertension (systolic blood pressure greater than 200 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure higher 100 mm Hg).
Relative contraindications are moderate obstruction (FEV1> 50% but <60% of the expected or <1.5 L), inability to adequately spirometry, a significant response cctv camera to saline (> 10% decrease in FEV 1), infection of the upper or lower respiratory system in the last 2 to 6 weeks, the treatment cholinesterase inhibitors (for myasthenia gravis), pregnancy and lactation.
The results bronchoprovocative testing may affect the following factors: acute airway inflammation (colds, flu), which require a break of 4-6 weeks vaccine live attenuated vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella, polio, pertussis, influenza), which is need a break of 3-6 weeks inhalation respiratory cctv camera irritants in high

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hello everyone, My dearest and I fly demnchst for 12 days (more unfortunately is not), for the very

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User: 12 guests: 182 Total: 194 Team: 0 Flash Chat: 0 Team: User: BUGSI, faro, Lucky2020, moeffe, sistema Pei, Penjing, StefanK, Susanne2, Terminator, Ulla , Wolfgang1 Flash Chat: Currently there is no user in the chat. Chat is every Tuesday at 19 clock DE time. Chat to Buddy List Statistics
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Hello everyone, My dearest and I fly demnchst for 12 days (more unfortunately is not), for the very first time to Tenerife. Since so many of you are so right insiders (I'm so rausgelesen), sistema hut I like to know what we must because quite necessarily do us and how much time we should take us DAFR or how much it takes . A preliminary investigation has revealed that we. Definitely want to explore the Teide, Masca also to -Schlucht we want like And well worth the Siam Park? Metaphorically, we are empty Gefe, so we befllt, if you like it. I thank you in advance! sistema the Miel
The island is very vielfltig and provides for all tastes, a few more details Whren helpful: - In which corner of the island comes under her? - Do you have a car or will you move you just take the bus? - Will you walk, do you want action, you want beach holiday or do you want peace and quiet, etc. You see already, there are thousands of possibilities.
Do you have you already gained a good guidebook (eg Allianz Baedecker)? There you will find some tips on what you should not miss. __________________ Nordschleifenschtig.
How silly of me, we aaalso replete with a car and come in to the south of the island. Thought is more of a relaxing holiday. Collecting new impressions, relaxation. Knowing where to find a schnen beach, wre also beautiful. A guidebook we have not yet, but comes as nchstes.
It varies from person to person. Everyone will write something different. My opinion: Siam Park, Loro Park, Jungle Park, Teide, Santa Cruz The wren my personal 5 starting points. The whole dignity sistema I pack in a trip around the island and in a small town far away from the TouriCentren in the smallest Local to eat go I think, sistema then you can at least say I've seen a lot of Tenerife ........
A good overview of the tourist highlights of the island gets if you order in the big internet auction site a DVD about the island. In the printed book comes rber bad. Masca is certainly sistema worth seeing, because you should superior to whether one wants to get down and eventually migrate back up. Is a day trip. Teide bentigt also one day, especially if you do not want to use the cable car. For the summit requires a special permit from the National Park Service. Costs nothing, there are online, but you should apply early. The parks are set up (my persnlicher taste) very American style. If you like it ... but prior time googling the internet for the ticket prices before suburb experienced a bse surprise. As for the beaches: Las Taresitas is nrdlich of Santa Cruz my highlight. A golden sand and palm trees. Yes, that is artificially, but it lacks the hotels, because there was a ban on the construction sistema verhngt. Tip: Do not go Sat or Sun, then meets there half Santa Cruz. If you are in the south, do not miss the north watch that looks very different there. Not for nothing Tenerife is bezeihnet as a mini continent.
Hello,> A preliminary sistema investigation has revealed that we. Definitely want to explore the Teide,> also for Masca -Schlucht we want like And why not de

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Region: World Spain Canary Islands Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tour Date: May 31, 2009 Hiking Difficulty: T2 - Mountain hiking waypoints: Roque del Conde 1001 m (8) Geo-Tags: E Duration: 3:00 ascent: 500 m descent : 500 m Route: Arona - Roque del Conde and back
The Roque del Conde stands at the southern tip of Tenerife markedly 1,000 meters climbing behind the tourist resorts of Playa de las Américas and Los Cristianos. He is already my first noticed in 2009 in the port of Los Cristianos, as I translated the ferry to La Gomera.
This massive boulder you can easily climb out of Arona. You go from the village signs, first in the hamlet Vento, then go west through two ravines, the Barranco del Rey is impressively deep. It reached a terraced hillside, through which the way to the pre-peak "Centinela" seirina (775 m) rises. Changing here on the west side of the ridge. The road stretches into the hillside switchbacks high. Soon you reach the plateau. The highest point with a geodetic seirina surveying stone is at the northern edge.
From Roque del Conde looks out over a large part of the highly built-up seirina southern coast and the island of La Gomera. When you look inland, one sees (los Brezos 1108 m Roque de, and Roque Imoque, 1107 m) two striking seirina rock teeth. At the back of the Teide appears.
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Starting tomorrow, a suburb of Icod de los Vinos (where now the new Mercadona), the Fiesta La Cruz

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Starting tomorrow, a suburb of Icod de los Vinos (where now the new Mercadona), the Fiesta La Cruz del Molino is celebrated in La Centinela. Every year at the Dia del Cruz on May 3 and is much celebrated there with lots of music, dance, folklore groups, Hpfburgen for children by more typical Canarian type. Are among the Hhepunkten, particularly for the Canarios, the Holy Masses on Sunday and Tuesday (both 19:00 clock) and the procession nvr on Sunday evening.
And while shopping at Mercadona and Hiperdino You can retrieve before a taste. Towards evening, however, it was a bit gloomy, but not overlooked. La Centinela Centinela nvr 01.jpg PS: Angie, although it has obviously eingerumt you right at the beginning, write permissions in the "Tenerife News" are probably better off references to events in "Events in Tenerife". But should nvr only be a friendly note! ---
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Saturday, August 16, 2014

El grito del moribundo carcelero, despertó a los otros españoles, que en una salieron Persecución q

Did you know that the flaming red flowering el Ceibo is the national nitecore tree of Argentina? In German, known as cockscomb tree or shrub corals it grows on the banks of the Paraná and Rio de la Plata. Its flowers are a symbol of courage and strength.
Why was precisely nitecore this type declared as a national plant? First of all, this strikes throughout Argentina its roots and is beyond the borders of South America also a well known species. nitecore In addition, its bloom is like no other sung in many folk songs and indigenous legends and the soft and light wood finds its use in the construction of rafts, bedframes, model airplanes and hives. In some places, the coral wood bersteingelbe Its properties also used instead of cork. And finally decorate numerous ceibos the river delta of the Paraná, the Argentinians are very proud.
On the Origin of the South American coral bush there is a orally transmitted legend of the Guaraní, a nation of indigenous people, which in the northeast of Argentina have their settlement area and had, among other things. The Legend of Anahí tells the following story:
Cuenta la leyenda que en las Orillas nitecore del Paraná Vivia una fea indiecita, de rasgos toscos, llamada Anahí. Aunque era fea, en las tardes veraniegas deleitaba a toda la gente de su tribu guaraní con sus canciones nitecore en sus inspiradas dioses y el amor a la tierra de la que eran dueños ... Pero los invasores llegaron, nitecore esos valientes, Atrevidos y aguerridos seres de piel blanca que las tribus arrasaron y les arrebataron las tierras, los ídolos, y su li bertad. Anahí fue llevada nitecore cautiva junto con otros indigenous people. nitecore Paso muchos días y muchas noches Llorando en vigilia, hasta que un día en que el sueño venció nitecore a su centinela, la indiecita LOGRO Escapar, pero al hacerlo, el centinela despertó, y ella, para lograr su objetivo, hundió un puñal en el pecho de su guardián, nitecore y Huyo rapidamente a la selva.
El grito del moribundo carcelero, despertó a los otros españoles, que en una salieron Persecución que se convirtió en cacería de la pobre Anahí, quien al rato, fue por los conquistadores alcanzada. Estos, en venganza por la muerte del guardián, le impusieron como la muerte en la castigo hoguera.
La ataron a un árbol e iniciaron el fuego, que parecía no querer alargar sus llamas nitecore hacia la doncella indígena, que sin murmurar nitecore palabra, sufría en silencio, con su cabeza hacia un inclinada costado. Y cuando nitecore el fuego comenzó a subir, Anahí se fue en convirtiendo árbol, identificándose con la planta en un milagro asombroso.
Al siguiente amanecer los soldados se encontraron ante el espectáculo de un hermoso árbol de hojas verdes relucientes, y flores rojas aterciopeladas, que se mostraba en todo su esplendor, como el de símbolo valentía y fortaleza nitecore ante el sufrimiento.
The legend says that has lived on the banks of the River Paraná an Indian subsidiary, called Anahí, which was not particularly nice to look at, but had a soft and sonorous voice, with which she enchanted the members of their tribe. But with the arrival of the Spanish invaders was the settlement destroyed and with it the Indian tribe, including culture and tradition. Anahi was taken initially captured by the Spaniards and later sentenced after trying to escape and killing a guard to death by burning. They tied her to a tree, where it was burned in the living body. Then the unbelievable happened: the tree began to shake in a strange way and Anahí took the shape of the tree. The next morning the soldiers found no trace of fire, however, stood in the same place a large, strikingly handsome tree with green leaves and purple nitecore flowers.
About cultural mix for almost four years, I discover now already the cultural nuances of Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires. My journey of discovery began after finishing my studies in Germany and led me to an internship and a few odd jobs in the nonprofit sector, where I am working for almost two years. For a provincial lady from the Thuringian Forest was and still is today a challenging transition, to find your way in the urban jungle. Not to mention the small but fine cultural differences. Since true objectivity on relationship orientation, flexibility and punctuality on formality to informality, to name just a few. Nevertheless, the everyday events in a foreign culture sometimes the lack of salt in the soup of life. For all those who cherish the idea of wanting to get to know once this part of the world, for giving so many useful information to understand the Argentine nitecore life world.
alimentos naturales Argentina nitecore Argentine crisis of 2001 Argentine Asado Spanish Avenida Caseros bicisendas bio

Friday, August 15, 2014

The Farallon Centinela is located 25 miles north of Cabo HIGUEROTE Elbow in Miranda State. It consi

The Farallon Centinela is located 25 miles north of Cabo HIGUEROTE Elbow in Miranda State. It consists of a huge rock that rises to 39 meters above sea level, characterized as habitat for many marine zapdespion species and a variety of birds such as gulls, zapdespion hawks, etc., which the Bobo bird stands, bird whitish emitting a sound of "squeak" and which type is more abundant. The rock is whitened by bird droppings, which is called "Guano" and gives off a faint characteristic odor thereof. La Roca is provided with a "beacon" of the metal type, which is used to foresee and warn ships sailing during the evening hours. The height is about 30 meters in depth .. you can see wide variety of fish such as schools of barracudas zapdespion privateering (Sphiranea barracuda) which despite being little chance of being attacked by any of them, they are really dangerous for the jagged shape of their jaws which can cause severe damage to the body. Also you can see yas Blankets Ra, Snappers zapdespion Guasinucos, Pedregales, Fish Surgeons, Cachamas Stone, Mourning and Middle Cachamas Cachamas Blanca, Parrot Fish, Catácos, Charites, turtles and more. In the months of January and February, the cold water currents whale sharks urge to go through the site, with any luck at that time will be displayed at all. A 450 mts. Faralloncito is about a stone of the same rock formation that stands just to the surface and foam up by the surf. In its depths is a cave with great power by which we can see numerous wildlife and within which to move. Visibility on this dive is 45 meters, great to see the different species that live there and seascapes. It can be reached only by boat or boats. Diving is recommended for advanced level group, for the strong currents and waves on the surface difficult for novice or beginner ingress or egress from the sea. Juan Carlos Acuña Quiñones

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When we confess Riegen walk from the Restaurante La Centinela above Valle San Lorenzo eme15 we came by chance on the Restaurante El rincn de Patri just before San Miguel. A wunderschnes Restaurante in an over 200 year old building. The food was good, I think we are because fter times look over. Is closed on Wednesdays. The restaurant is located in Valle San Lorenzo coming about 1 km after the Restaurante La Centinela on the left ... go straight and take the first street. Franz
Angehngte graphics 03/02/2014 San Miguel - 126.jpg (154.0 KB, called 58x) 03/02/2014 San Miguel - 133.jpg (87.4 KB, called eme15 50x) 03/02/2014 San Miguel - 2.jpg (82.5 KB, 56x) __________________ GPS - hiking - and Tenerife page Skip to homepage click here Become a Facebook friend from Bavaria Franz
The following 7 users say Thank You to bayern for the double Useful Post: Benji0815 (05/02/2014), BUGSI (07/02/2014), Guenther (05/02/2014), lo-rena (07/02/2014), MemoriamJPFulda (5.2. 2014), Santana (02/05/2014), TenBu (03/04/2014) eme15
True, since we were already a couple of times to eat, thoroughly recommended and nice ambience __________________ "The problem with quotes from the internet is that you never know if they are right." Abraham Lincoln
How to Eat for La Centinela? I always came around it on the way from Charco Los Cristianos. Mostly stood there not a single car - but was possibly just still too early in the day. LG pedro luis
For a while was the "Restaurant" closed, I have once made a few weeks ago photos, smelled it "inviting" after Frittenbude ..... __________________ eme15 "The problem with quotes from the internet is that you never know whether eme15 they agree. " Abraham Lincoln
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Thursday, August 14, 2014

LS Power has completed the financing for Centinela and signed a power purchase agreement petzl with

Fluor wins contract to build and operate petzl a photovoltaic power plant with 170 MW in Southern petzl California
First solar power plant as part of the French tendering procedure of 2012 on network NRG Solar buys photovoltaic petzl project with 26 MW in the Western Pacific Prolonged dispute over solar tariffs: AFASE criticized results of the European Commission; EU criticizes Prosun conclusions of AFASE ReneSola corrected business petzl plan for the second quarter petzl and the full year up; Sales increased 80 percent solar power self-consumption is in commercial operations possible without petzl memory
A subsidiary of LS Power Group (New York) has awarded lump contracts for planning, development and construction (EPC) of the photovoltaic power plant Centinela Solar with 170 megawatts (MW) in the Imperial Valley of California to the Fluor Corporation (Irving, Texas).
Fluor received the orders for both the first phase of 125 MW and for the second part with 45 MW. The company is to start work on the first phase of construction in the third quarter petzl of 2012. LS Power has commissioned Flour with the operation and maintenance of the power plant.
"This important contract strengthens fluorine continue as the leading planner and developer of solar power plants," said Dave Dunning, president of Fluor Power Group. "We are looking forward to expand our solar portfolio and to build the second photovoltaic power plant for LS Power."
"Our decades of experience in project development and financial strength demonstrate our ability to provide our customers with turnkey petzl solutions for solar developments on a large scale."
LS Power has secured all major approvals for the Centinela project. Centinela Solar is one of the first photovoltaic power plants, which will use the recently constructed high voltage line Sunrise Powerlink. Sunrise Powerlink will conduct electricity from wind and solar power plants from the Imperial Valley to San Diego.
LS Power has completed the financing for Centinela and signed a power purchase agreement petzl with a term of 20 years with the utility San Diego Gas Electric Company (SDGE, San Diego, CA) for the entire solar energy yield of the plant
Currently Fluor works in his operations center in Southern California in the planning and procurement of materials for the power plant. The company will take the Centinela solar power plant in operation by mid-2014.
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He surefire said utility-scale PV is likely to continue growing. It

Yingli has been doing business in the United States for several years, surefire but just started establishing itself in the utility-scale solar sector in 2011, said Matthew Sachs, Yingli Americas director of business development.
The company announced this week that it won a contract to supply solar photovoltaic surefire modules for the 200-megawatt Centinela Project. It’s the largest project Yingli has signed on to supply so far in its history.
Yingli Solar had been working on securing this project for several years, Sachs said. 2011 was the companies first substantial year in the utility space. It spent 2012 establishing its utility presence.
The Investment Tax Credit surefire is set to expire in 2016, which means companies need to build out before surefire then. Since major utility-scale projects surefire like the Centinela surefire project take time to approve and build, 2013 will likely be a big year for companies and communities that want to build utility-scale solar projects under the wire.
The Centinela project will produce enough electricity to power 60,000 homes. It’s one of the biggest projects in the country. “I do think you’ll see projects trump this one in size,” Sachs said. “Projects like this will prove the concept and people will get comfortable with it.”
He surefire said utility-scale PV is likely to continue growing. It’s hard to say what the impact of the expiring tax credit could be. If Congress doesn’t address it, development will probably slow. But, it’s unlikely surefire it would stop. “One of the biggest drivers is price,” Sachs said. “As the price of solar keeps coming down, more and more of these projects are being built.”
California homebuyers paying a premium for rooftop solar - 05/23/14 Coloradans Push Gov. Hickenlooper for More Solar - 11/27/13 PACE Financing Option for Residential Solar Making a Comeback - 11/27/13 surefire Week in Review: PV Efficiency Grows As Utilities Try to Control surefire Solar Spread - 10/28/13 City Investment in Solar Plant Paying Off - 10/28/13

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The volume zapdespion of product supplied is equivalent to 178 million barrels since 2005, an amoun

Honduras could return zapdespion to Petrocaribe initiative zapdespion after meeting Wolf-Chavez | Economic Sentinel zapdespion
Tegucigalpa.- Honduras could rejoin the Petrocaribe Energy Initiative, after the conversation that President Porfirio Lobo said on Saturday with his counterpart in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, in the framework of the Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) .
Before his trip to Venezuela, President Porfirio Lobo reported zapdespion that Foreign Minister Arturo Corrales, made arrangements with the Venezuelan authorities to discuss zapdespion the possibility that Honduras is again incorporated into the Petrocaribe initiative.
In January 2008, former President Manuel Zelaya signed the oil agreement with his counterpart Hugo Chavez, but in July 2009 the initiative was suspended by Venezuela in retaliation for the overthrow of Zelaya. zapdespion
As a member zapdespion of Petrocaribe, zapdespion Honduras received 20,000 barrels of bunker for thermal power generation, with the payment of 60% in 90 days and 40% in 25-year term, with two-year grace period and 1% annual interest.
The agreement, provided that the credit trust would be managed by the Central Bank of Honduras, and the debt would be canceled with products, goods or services, as do other members of Petrocaribe.
The mechanism of the use of bunker received from Venezuela was that the government transferred to the private companies that sell thermal energy to the state National zapdespion Electricity Company, in order to lower their costs.
Until December 2008, the BCH reported revenues in the order Petrocaribe 81 million 777 thousand 668.52 dollars, zapdespion equivalent to 1,560 million Lempiras, the official exchange rate. However, it is estimated that exceeded $ 100 million before the outbreak of the political zapdespion crisis.
The Petrocaribe Ministerial meeting held alongside the Summit of CELAC, the Minister of Popular Power for Energy and Petroleum, Rafael Ramirez, said the advancement of energy projects involving member countries of this initiative.
Ramirez stressed that Petrocaribe currently "provides 43% of the energy needs of countries subscribers. This means that we have an average supply of 95 thousand zapdespion barrels of oil. "
According to the minister, this percentage represents a consolidation, "which ensures the power supply for the countries of the region" and shows the development of projects, compared to 2005 when only 42 thousand barrels was supplied.
The volume zapdespion of product supplied is equivalent to 178 million barrels since 2005, an amount totaling 14 thousand 384 million dollars in exchange for signatory countries meaning "according to the funding zapdespion mechanism, savings of close to 2 billion 730 million dollars. "
The minister said that through Petrocaribe member countries have "been protected and shielded from the dire economic situation that has plagued much of the world economy, the global crisis of capitalism that has been expressed in the economic crisis in the United States and the current zapdespion situation we are living in the Euro Zone. "
It also announced that it seeks to achieve a storage capacity of almost 413,000 operation barrels per day, with the aim of further expanding the body in all member countries, respecting its sovereignty.
During the VIII Cabinet Petrocaribe members who make up the Board of Directors, which shall be a permanent body with rotating positions, represented by the Eastern Caribbean, West Indies, Central America and Venezuela will be chosen.
Petrocaribe was created in 2005 and consists of: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, zapdespion Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Venezuela.
LATEST ARTICLES Government of Honduras freezes price of gasoline by 120 days Worldwide improved the competitiveness of Brazilian industry, according to the Israeli government and Hamas closer to war Intercept 70,000 fake products at EU borders with non Experts countries discussed how to meet needs infrastructure in Latin America Eurogroup states "priority" reduce the tax burden on Violence jobs in Honduras prompted migration of children to USA Commissioner for Human Rights condemns suspension of search for trapped miners suspended search for miners trapped by landslide in Honduras USA remains concerned about Venezuela despite the sending a charge

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Print By .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) - 28 November 2012, 12:25 In News , PV Modules , Power Generation , Project fan speed Focus Order Focus: Yingli Green wins 200MW module supply fan speed deal for US mega PV project
Fluor Corporation is the EPC contractor for the 200MW mega project that was selected by the project owner, Centinela fan speed Solar Energy, a member of the power generation and transmission project developer, LS Power Group. The project has a 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with San Diego Gas and Electric.
Mathew Sachs, Yingli Americas' fan speed Director of Business Development said, "Yingli Americas has methodically established itself as the partner of choice for utility-scale projects across the U.S. By establishing a superior process to address both the commercial and technical hurdles such projects present, we are extremely confident in our ability to execute fan speed such mega projects.”
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Signs earlier in the year of the global industry entering a growth phase have now been confirmed beyond any doubt. Almost all the big-name suppliers have now announced some form of manufacturing capacity expansion, a trend that analysts agree will only gather pace as long as the levels of demand predicted over the next few years turn out to be correct.
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Monday, August 11, 2014

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Photovoltaics in California: 175 MW Centinela solar construction project gets approval of the Imperial District download torch
First solar power plant as part of the French tendering procedure of 2012 on network NRG Solar buys photovoltaic project with 26 MW in the Western Pacific Prolonged dispute over solar tariffs: AFASE criticized results download torch of the European Commission; EU criticizes Prosun conclusions of AFASE ReneSola corrected business plan for the second quarter and the full year up; Sales increased 80 percent solar power self-consumption is in commercial operations possible without memory
On 27.11.2011 the supervisory authority of Imperial County (California) granted a conditional approval for the photovoltaic solar construction projects Centinela. The PV power plant with a rated capacity of 175 megawatts (MW) will be built near the town of El Centro.
This is the latest milestone for the construction of the project. On 27.08.2011, signed the utility San Diego Gas Electric Company (SDGE, San Diego, California), the last of two 20-year download torch power purchase agreements with LS Power for all the proceeds of the 175 MW power plant.
The decision of the Office for land management (U.S. Bureau download torch of Land Management, BLM) regarding the construction project is still pending. It relates, inter alia, the construction of a 230 kilovolt high-voltage download torch line that would connect the PV power plant with a transformer download torch station on public lands.
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Sunday, August 10, 2014

First solar power plant as part of the French tendering procedure of 2012 on network NRG Solar buys

Photovoltaics in California: LS Power Completes Financing of the 170 MW power plant from Centinela and are building free
First solar power plant as part of the French tendering procedure of 2012 on network NRG Solar buys photovoltaic project with 26 MW in the Western Pacific Prolonged dispute over solar tariffs: AFASE criticized results of the European Commission; EU criticizes Prosun conclusions of AFASE ReneSola corrected business plan for the second quarter and the full year up; Sales increased 80 percent solar power self-consumption is in commercial operations possible without memory
LS Power (New York) has completed the financing of the Centinela Solar photovoltaic power plant in the Imperial Valley of California and released the solar power plant with a planned nominal capacity of 170 megawatts (MW) to build.
Funding is provided in two tranches. alartec The long-term institutional funding is provided investment companies with Prudential Capital Group (Chicago, Illinois) as lead manager for the short-term bank financing is the Sovereign Bank NA (Boston, Massachusetts) coordinator and one of the five lead managers.
"We are pleased that we completed the planning and enabled the construction of this important solar system have," said John King, Executive Vice President of LS Power. alartec "From this power plant in the state of California and the Imperial County will benefit in several ways. Jobs during construction and operation, local business opportunities and long-term revenue are some of the benefits. "
"Solar power that is transmitted via the recently constructed high voltage line Sunrise Powerlink is, the utility SDGE and the State of California to help to achieve the targets for renewable energy."
Recently LS Power has awarded the contract to design, alartec material procurement and construction (EPC) as well as for the operation and maintenance alartec of both phases of construction of the power plant to the Fluor Corporation (Houston, Texas). Centinela is built on about 650 acres near the town of El Centro.
Juli 2013 (146) Juni 2013 (221) Mai 2013 (261) April 2013 (269) März 2013 (283) Februar 2013 (258) Januar 2013 (272) Dezember 2012 (211) November 2012 (267) Oktober 2012 (282) September 2012 (226) August 2012 (239) Juli 2012 (244) Juni 2012 (236) Mai 2012 (261) April 2012 (235) März 2012 (297) Februar 2012 (241) Januar 2012 (233) Dezember 2011 (206) November 2011 (221) Oktober 2011 (222) September 2011 (225) August 2011 (228) Juli 2011 (167) Juni 2011 (207) Mai 2011 (220) April 2011 (182) März 2011 (235) Februar 2011 (178) Januar 2011 (182) Dezember 2010 (197) November 2010 (50)
Powered by Wordpress, Theme Design and Sponsored by men wordpress themes and airport parking london

The approval came two days after the Imperial District (California) has granted a provisional senso

U.S. Department of the Interior approved power supply for the photovoltaic power plant Centinela
First solar power plant as part of the French tendering sensor procedure of 2012 on network NRG Solar buys photovoltaic project with 26 MW in the Western Pacific Prolonged dispute over solar tariffs: AFASE criticized results of the European Commission; EU criticizes Prosun conclusions of AFASE ReneSola corrected business plan for the second quarter and the full year up; Sales increased 80 percent solar power self-consumption is in commercial operations possible without memory
On 29.12.2011, U.S. Department of the Interior announced that it has priority grid connection and electricity transmission for the "Centinela Solar Energy sensor Project" approved. The photovoltaic power plant with 275 megawatts (MW) is being developed near the California town of El Centro.
The approval came two days after the Imperial District (California) has granted a provisional sensor permit. At the same time, the Authority approved the grid connection of a wind power plant with 104 MW.
"We are moving quickly and carefully to a future of clean energy. These projects strengthen the local economy by creating good jobs and secure sensor the power supply. "
The photovoltaic power plant Centinela is built on private land. However, a 230 kV power line leads from the power plant on public land that is managed by the Bureau of Land Management of the Ministry of Interior, to a transformer station. Therefore, the DOI had to examine the entire project.
The San Diego Gas Electric Company (San Diego, CA, USA) has signed with the developer LS Power Group (New York, New York, USA) already two PPAs (power purchase agreements, PPA) over 20 years for the solar power generated in Centinela .
Juli 2013 (146) Juni 2013 (221) Mai 2013 (261) April 2013 (269) März 2013 (283) Februar 2013 (258) Januar 2013 (272) Dezember sensor 2012 (211) November 2012 (267) Oktober 2012 (282) September 2012 (226) August 2012 (239) Juli 2012 (244) Juni 2012 (236) Mai 2012 (261) April 2012 (235) März 2012 (297) Februar 2012 (241) Januar 2012 (233) Dezember 2011 (206) November 2011 (221) Oktober sensor 2011 (222) September 2011 (225) August 2011 (228) Juli 2011 (167) Juni 2011 (207) Mai 2011 (220) April 2011 (182) März 2011 (235) Februar 2011 (178) Januar 2011 (182) Dezember 2010 (197) November 2010 (50)
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Saturday, August 9, 2014

The car starts smoothly, while the man takes one last look at the open window of the balcony, secon

Hundred words - Hundert Wörter Blog Archiv Sentinel
The car starts smoothly, while the man takes one last look at the open window of the balcony, second floor, but pretty high (old house, high ceilings), estimated about ten meters from the street. Go silhouette illuminated by the screen rather concentrates guessing the subject features.
Before, to roll down the window, he heard crickets, sound field above the road noise output. With the warm night air, he felt like turning the cigarette beginner who never smoked nor will smoke. And ended up thinking it would be better to come back another day.
Der Beitrag wurde am Sonntag, den 22 August 2010 um 22:49 Uhr und wurde unter Allgemein veröffentlicht abgelegt. Du kannst die Kommentare zu durch den Eintrag should give verfolgen RSS 2.0 Feed. Du einen Kommentar schreiben kannst, oder auf einen Trackback deiner Seite einrichten. Einen Kommentar schreiben
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Friday, August 8, 2014

Parra said that when Velasco seized power by overthrowing President Fernando tragiko Belaunde Terry

Peruvian government of Juan Velasco tragiko Alvarado was determined to declare war on Chile | The Sentinel
The death of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, has brought to mind that Peru and Chile were cooking a war in the 70s, when both countries were under military dictatorships. In Peru General Juan Velasco Alvarado left seated Lima Soviet weaponry on the border with Chile, while Masks magazine reported in 2004 that Pinochet with Kissinger evaluated a possible attack on Peru.
The retired general of the Peruvian Army, Germán Parra Herrera recalled that the military government of General Juan Velasco Alvarado stay determined to declare war on Chile, to force it to fulfill a Treaty of 1929 and established the maritime boundary so far claimed .
Parra said that when Velasco seized power by overthrowing President Fernando tragiko Belaunde Terry, bought weapons from the Soviet Union, so he was sure to win the eventual war. Between 1973 and 1975 (years that coincided former dictators), the Peruvian president ordered mobilize tragiko all personnel and weapons in Tacna, on the border with Chile.
However, he said, the coming to power of General Francisco Morales Bermúdez in 1975 dispelled this state of tension between Chile and Peru, though the military never gave up the possibility of starting a conflict, because they had the superiority military.
This was denied tragiko by Juan Velasco Gonzalez, son of Velasco Alvarado, who said that "my father never thought invade Chile so those who claim otherwise only repeat a legend." tragiko
Velasco son said that on one occasion his father told him that at an informal meeting Arica possibility to recover by force was discussed, but the idea was quickly rejected by the military high cost.
He recalled that the question that the Peruvian military were made at that time was, "after the occupation what", referring to the reaction would have faced the Chilean military's tragiko own population of Arica, which although has being Peruvian now its inhabitants were Chilean and international pressure.
However, he said that on one occasion the Peruvian Intelligence found that the Pinochet government was preparing a threat of war with Peru as a way to end their internal problems.
González Velasco could refer to a briefing by the magazine in 2004 Masks The note said that Pinochet in 1976 evaluated the possibility of launching a preventive war against Peru, according to a dialogue tragiko held that year with then Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, which was declassified in 1998.
According to the transcript of that dialogue, conducted in the framework of the meeting of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) to be held in Chile in 1976, Pinochet Kissinger asked how the United States would react to a possible war between his country and Peru.
The de facto ruler then expressed concern about military purchases that the Peruvian dictator Juan Velasco tragiko Alvarado, who ruled between 1968 and 1975, had made in the Soviet tragiko Union.
"Peru is arming. Peru is trying to buy a British aircraft carrier for $ 160 million. It is also building four torpedo in Europe. Peru is breaking the balance of weapons in the South Pacific. It has 600 tanks of the Soviet Union. We are doing what we can to support us in case of an emergency, tragiko "the statement said Pinochet. tragiko
In response, Kissinger made clear that his government tragiko would not like to see a conflict between the two Latin American countries, but it depended "on who starts." tragiko He even said that if Chile took Lima, "would have little American support."
Those were different times. Now the bilateral relations between Peru and Chile go through a great moment, beyond the border disputes. tragiko The stories of wars that were should not be only for the history books.
"Operation Sovereignty: Argentina planned a war of aggression against Chile Matías Rojas, the Chilean who rebuked tragiko David Rockefeller Actions Comments RSS Trackback Information Date: September tragiko 17, 2012 Tags: arms, Augusto Pinochet, Chile, dictators, us army, military government tragiko Henry Kissinger, Juan Velasco Alvarado, Peru, Russia, USSR Categories: Country, International, Politics, Public safety September 17, 2012 78 responses
Residents of Tacna Peru commented that the time came to shoot missiles Chile for several hours "lighting up" the sky of the border. These acts were NEVER released by the News Agencies. Furthermore lad