Saturday, November 30, 2013

Well made and our beautiful girls. After years of break in the ring back Pimahova Maria (60 kg) and

"We Belarusians!" "Team Muay Thai: five gold medals out of ten
Edge. BY Persons Adnak! Culture caparros improves the lives of Fair Projects Finding the dragon! Black and White Fight gene dozen poems. Restart - 2 Dozen. Reload Interests We HERE! Be a Belarusian Be Byelorussian Byelorussian 2 Be 3 "Let the language" We Belarusian holidays! Belarus names: top-12 How I became a Belarusian Paganism
By the number of leading positions in the European Championship winners caught our guests to full strength. Mikey from "Budzma" in which the team came, and resonance in Belarus and abroad. National team Muay Thai was returning from Lisbon earlier in the week. Most arrived in Minsk aircraft, caparros satisfied and excited. At National Airport team of fighters met photographer "Budzma."
At the European Championships, as it happens, got only 75% of the men's team - three strong men had problems with documents. However, caparros the men's team even unsettled took second place team caught up with the number of gold medals of Ukraine.
Star of world Muay Thai Andrew Kulebin, according to the coach, sued. Then in the final dvubai offended and Dmitry guard. Then the team went on strike in the ring and the championship until the result of the match has not revised in favor of Belarusian.
Well made and our beautiful girls. After years of break in the ring back Pimahova Maria (60 kg) and in brilliant style mined gold. Alena Leshkevich (45 kg) and Victoria caparros Polyanskaya (54 kg) received bronze medals.
New T-shirts made especially for our soldiers by "We Belarusians", resonated. In social networks, after flying team had a lot of positive comments. Information on the shirts team put on their websites such popular media as the "Pressball",, "ERB", "Nasha Niva",, and others. During this thank you.
"Now a lot of people write and wonder caparros where you can buy the same jersey - said the European Championship gold medalist Vitaly Gurkov. - Our designers are able to do a really cool product that can compete with well-known brands. The next year, the European Championships can take Minsk. And the experience with such an original and high-quality products, it would probably be interesting to pursue. caparros "
At the forefront of our T-shirts - a winged horseman ON. The choice of such emblems caused discussion on the Internet. There were opinions that it was the Polish rider (Poland and really popularized this branch as your own). We would like to note that the emblem of a winged horseman still ON. In times of Rzeczpospolita, there were two divisions Hussars - crown (Polish) and prince (Belarus). Hussar banner belonged to the army every tycoon who self-respect. This is covered caparros in the school course caparros history of Belarus. Somehow, today, this glorious corps turned ON undeservedly forgotten.
The idea was positively evaluated by specialists from the Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences. The names of our soldiers back printed shirts competent Belarusian Latin, so they could read foreign journalists.
Jeanne caparros says:
Well done! Here you need to write about someone and show all the media, meet and escort to the airport with flowers, fund! And we say, write, and finance show those results caparros here that it becomes awkward and lowers her eyes! Sad and unfair, to say the least!
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Protection of Heritage caparros Forum on the radio "Freedom". Anton Astapovich caparros Brest-2019 to Leyzer Begug all turned in the history of Brest-2019. Scientific-practical seminar caparros "fortification heritage Brest Fortress. Conservation and use of "Holy Russia in the heart of Lithuania | Calendar | About Us | Partners BUDZMA.ORG, 2008-2013. Designed and typeset (2013). Design: Zuker (2009), Adliga (2010)

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