Sunday, August 24, 2014

Tomislav Dretar: a trilingual voice Emira Tomislav Tomislav Dretar Dretar video: poetic Sublimisme,

Tomislav Dretar: a trilingual voice Emira Tomislav Tomislav Dretar Dretar video: poetic Sublimisme, what is it? I Predsjedništvo BiH lagalo predlažući Dan nastanka standalone RVZ-RBiH standalone Tomislav Dretar Ars Poetica Bruxellessiana sublimis Passion recommend you to read Tomislav Dretar
Kad is psi vjenčaju poljube Jedno drugom naviku spavanja na strani Koja I Blize urinu. Ljudi imaju navike pišanja uz vjetar onda kada netko VEC pogne glavu i Céka Ispiranje mentalne depresije u Sasvim zdravoj fizičkoj konstrukciji. I Metafizika rak pluća u teatarskom Zidu. Glumci knew najčešće standalone ortodoksni pušači i Žene is glumicama Koje knew najveće kurve na svijetu. Publika kupuje ulaznice kad ZNA EC da na sceni vidjeti nasilnu borbu pretencioznog izraza, spoja grimasa, paljenja cigareta bilo Koje marke i u prostačenje svakoj drugoj replici.Kad is ljudi odluče sklopiti standalone sporazum his psećom Navikom Obilježavanja teritorija mješavinom amonijaka i svraba postaćemo Hegelovi standalone sljedbenici četvrtog standalone stupnja .
After the dogs are married standalone to each other embrassentl'un used to sleep on the side that is closer to the urine. standalone People have a habit of pissing in the wind when someone has already lowered his head and waits for flushing mental depression completely healthy physical structure. Metaphysics is lung cancer in the wall of the theater. The actors are mostly Orthodox smokers who married actresses who are the biggest whores in the world. The public buys tickets when it knows what it will see on the scene of a violent struggle pretentious expression, merging faces, lighting cigarettes of all brands and vulgar in every second réplique.Quand men decide to enter into a agreement with the usual dog to Mark their territory mixing ammonia and itching we will become disciples of Hegel fourth degree.
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