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On 1 February 2003, when the shuttle Columbia crashed i9070 in mid-air, he was sitting in the General Greg. His son calls dad know about the news of this accident. Airship burst on the way back to Earth, and the seven astronauts aboard were killed off. He scolds his son Chung: "This is not a joke. So do not be informed nonsense. ". Mr. Chung is a native-born U.S. citizen in China. He lives with his wife, Ling, in a very beautiful residential area, in the city of Orange, California. He had been retired for a few months. Before i9070 retiring, he worked for NASA, the agency in charge of the space program of the United i9070 States. He has contributed to the design of the cockpit crew of the spaceship Columbia, i9070 not to mention the many other things he has done to contribute to the spacecraft's flight. Once known son, Jeffrey, is properly informed. He hung up the phone, and sat holding i9070 her crying face. In 1972, NASA delivered the design and implementation of the shuttle for private companies as Rockwell. The company was later purchased by Boeing Company. For over 30 years, Mr. Chung is a Boeing engineer, working in groups "stress-analysis" test the endurance of the design i9070 objects. His job is very meticulous, and requires a lot of patience, try try again do not know how many times. But it was a job he excelled Chung. He worked tirelessly, i9070 at the base of the brain, even when he was at halftime. He sat at the computer strokes, tried and tried all kinds of models, considered as suitable materials for spacecraft shell, unbearable heat, and pressure on the spacecraft collision. After the Columbia spacecraft exploded in mid-air, NASA Boeing design requires a different shuttle. Mr. Chung is best designers in the group. Showing i9070 his old phone to request General contracting company hired Mr. Chung should i9070 do this job. Although he was at the age of 70, but he postponed his retirement and continue working. So he returned around old habits diligent, be home late for dinner, then sat down to work until late at night. He worked queer not because it promised a promotion, or a raise for him, but only because of the interesting work is available in person i9070 of Mr. Chung. His wife, Ling, told habits passionate about his work. He boasted he helped Boeing save much money. He said much of his work that she had annoyed Long, and said: "All day long you keep talking about his company Boeing. Ministry he no longer i9070 what else to say to me or what? ". April 2006, FBI agents came to Mr. Chung at his home in the city of Orange. Mr. Chung's hands who designed the house he was staying. The house has a row of three to Mr. and Mrs. Ling sits overlooking the large front garden. Mr. Chung lemon trees, and tomatoes. Every day he or recycled water used for watering flowers, watering plants. The couple, i9070 who have two adult sons, Shane, great son, and Jeffrey, his children. Two sons also live near their parents. Mr. Chung tall, skinny, with a calm face, open invite guests step into the house. They opened the story by asking him about a man named Chung Chi Mak, a friend of Mr. Chung. He was arrested a few months earlier. Chi Mak Hong Kong is the original Chinese settlers i9070 to California in the 1970s, and worked as an engineer for Power Paragon company, a construction company for electricity i9070 distribution systems for the Navy. For years, China has sought to renew its naval fleet. The FBI suspects that Mak was Chinese intelligence training, sent to the United States for spying. i9070 After more than a year of investigation, led to the arrest of Chi Mak, FBI wiretapping of Chi Mak, and health to track closely the daily delivery of Chi Mak's. i9070 Once, while Chi Mak and his wife vacationing in Alaska, USA detectives raided sneak into the house through the night. They try not to leave a trace, even cobwebs in the living room trying to keep them well. At the home, they photographed hundreds i9070 of documents relating to their operations Mak. Of these, address book, phone number acquaintance of Chi Mak, who is several-American engineers. One of these people i9070 is Greg D. Chung. Mr. Chung's name written in Chinese Dougfan Chung, to the United States settled i9070 over 40 years ago. Mr Chung Ling FBI said he and his wife sometimes she can go eat with Tau Chi Mak. Because Chi Mak was an engineer, Mr. Chung is also structural engineer, so two people rarely talk about work together. FBI thank Mr. Chung then leave. They found some useful i9070 information, but can not believe what is important, or not doing what he Chung wrong. A few weeks s
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