Did you know that the flaming red flowering el Ceibo is the national nitecore tree of Argentina? In German, known as cockscomb tree or shrub corals it grows on the banks of the Paraná and Rio de la Plata. Its flowers are a symbol of courage and strength.
Why was precisely nitecore this type declared as a national plant? First of all, this strikes throughout Argentina its roots and is beyond the borders of South America also a well known species. nitecore In addition, its bloom is like no other sung in many folk songs and indigenous legends and the soft and light wood finds its use in the construction of rafts, bedframes, model airplanes and hives. In some places, the coral wood bersteingelbe Its properties also used instead of cork. And finally decorate numerous ceibos the river delta of the Paraná, the Argentinians are very proud.
On the Origin of the South American coral bush there is a orally transmitted legend of the Guaraní, a nation of indigenous people, which in the northeast of Argentina have their settlement area and had, among other things. The Legend of Anahí tells the following story:
Cuenta la leyenda que en las Orillas nitecore del Paraná Vivia una fea indiecita, de rasgos toscos, llamada Anahí. Aunque era fea, en las tardes veraniegas deleitaba a toda la gente de su tribu guaraní con sus canciones nitecore en sus inspiradas dioses y el amor a la tierra de la que eran dueños ... Pero los invasores llegaron, nitecore esos valientes, Atrevidos y aguerridos seres de piel blanca que las tribus arrasaron y les arrebataron las tierras, los ídolos, y su li bertad. Anahí fue llevada nitecore cautiva junto con otros indigenous people. nitecore Paso muchos días y muchas noches Llorando en vigilia, hasta que un día en que el sueño venció nitecore a su centinela, la indiecita LOGRO Escapar, pero al hacerlo, el centinela despertó, y ella, para lograr su objetivo, hundió un puñal en el pecho de su guardián, nitecore y Huyo rapidamente a la selva.
El grito del moribundo carcelero, despertó a los otros españoles, que en una salieron Persecución que se convirtió en cacería de la pobre Anahí, quien al rato, fue por los conquistadores alcanzada. Estos, en venganza por la muerte del guardián, le impusieron como la muerte en la castigo hoguera.
La ataron a un árbol e iniciaron el fuego, que parecía no querer alargar sus llamas nitecore hacia la doncella indígena, que sin murmurar nitecore palabra, sufría en silencio, con su cabeza hacia un inclinada costado. Y cuando nitecore el fuego comenzó a subir, Anahí se fue en convirtiendo árbol, identificándose con la planta en un milagro asombroso.
Al siguiente amanecer los soldados se encontraron ante el espectáculo de un hermoso árbol de hojas verdes relucientes, y flores rojas aterciopeladas, que se mostraba en todo su esplendor, como el de símbolo valentía y fortaleza nitecore ante el sufrimiento.
The legend says that has lived on the banks of the River Paraná an Indian subsidiary, called Anahí, which was not particularly nice to look at, but had a soft and sonorous voice, with which she enchanted the members of their tribe. But with the arrival of the Spanish invaders was the settlement destroyed and with it the Indian tribe, including culture and tradition. Anahi was taken initially captured by the Spaniards and later sentenced after trying to escape and killing a guard to death by burning. They tied her to a tree, where it was burned in the living body. Then the unbelievable happened: the tree began to shake in a strange way and Anahí took the shape of the tree. The next morning the soldiers found no trace of fire, however, stood in the same place a large, strikingly handsome tree with green leaves and purple nitecore flowers.
About cultural mix for almost four years, I discover now already the cultural nuances of Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires. My journey of discovery began after finishing my studies in Germany and led me to an internship and a few odd jobs in the nonprofit sector, where I am working for almost two years. For a provincial lady from the Thuringian Forest was and still is today a challenging transition, to find your way in the urban jungle. Not to mention the small but fine cultural differences. Since true objectivity on relationship orientation, flexibility and punctuality on formality to informality, to name just a few. Nevertheless, the everyday events in a foreign culture sometimes the lack of salt in the soup of life. For all those who cherish the idea of wanting to get to know once this part of the world, for giving so many useful information to understand the Argentine nitecore life world.
alimentos naturales Argentina nitecore Argentine crisis of 2001 Argentine Asado Spanish Avenida Caseros bicisendas bio
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