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Hello everyone, Hi, I do not know if I'm in the right section, brief this year I'm Terminal S-SI with SI specialty. I need help with the working method. You should phoenix lights know that I collge 14,15 or 16 second average phoenix lights Gnrale then I baiss 12-13 Last year but I'm really tomb too low, I mean Gnrale 9-10. Yet I much rather work even if sometimes I let myself go a bit is true. I rflchi and I think it is a lack of organization by caus him even bothered. I will not make a pav so basically I would like some advice for Methodius russir well knowing phoenix lights that I'd like to find my level before with 13 or 14 average. How to organize to never be late while limiting working time every night and never find midnight still working? How rviser a Contrle when it has the same number of days (or even weeks)? How to optimize its performances (be faster during contrles phoenix lights while avoiding as much as possible of inattention errors phoenix lights can rate low)? etc.. Thank you in advance (Altered by the lionm 28-12-2012 6:49 p.m.)
Lionm Hi, How to organize to never be late while limiting working time every night and never find midnight still working? We must think rpartir work, plan your rvisions. It is always good to be updated in their learning, that is to say do not get underway without at least including the prcdent course, we should know even during the prc tooth. If you apply correctly, you will no longer fear contrles surprises, because you will know when arriving at least the basics of the course. In addition, when the bulk Contrle happens, you will know the basics of your dj course. How rviser a Contrle when it has the same number of days (or even weeks)? How to optimize its performances (be faster during contrles while avoiding as much as possible of inattention errors can rate low)? When you learn that you'll have a Contrle, you can start searching times rvisions adquates. I mean by that there are times in the weeks that are more conducive to large rvisions as weekend or Wednesday after noon. When you rviseras, teach your course now with deepening learn and apply the course phoenix lights to understand the subtleties. Nothing should be misunderstood. To avoid errors tourderies, leads you apply your course, a must become easy and obvious to you, almost automatic. If you already have a, anne terminal phoenix lights will be easy: p Lis as has the work may seem standard, but reread the course of the day in the evening may help set the id es of days, and a maximum take evening 20/30min. In addition you make a 2/3 exos. Working phoenix lights time evening 45 1h. The difficulty of this organization is the regularity. If the work is not REGULAR, gaps accumulate and becomes increasingly complicated phoenix lights to make up. num
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