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Hello everyone! I am currently in PACES, we had our rankings there three days, and there comes a huge problem. I hesitate between midwifery and medicine ... My family pushes me to do medicine because they are all doctors is wearing, it is painful, my grandmother, my father ... They say SF I would have quickly tired, they are paid like misery, they have schedules fucking evil ... But me it attracts me is like that. I had the misfortune of speaking being younger wishing to get medicine, they are crazy about the idea that I do not do that, "the shame of the family" they would say .. this side childbearing, that revolves around pregnant women, childbirth, brightest flashlight that's what attracts me, and I'm afraid I do not find it so I'll medicine. on the other hand, I fear regret not taking medicine .. I did not want to choose a filiaire relative to its earnings or its prestige, and that's what my grandmother pushes me to do, I hate that attitude, I do not consider the filiaire medicine brightest flashlight as the most prestigious, we need all trades, just that, it pushes me to not just medicine. I am lost, I still have less than a week to choose and I do not know what to do. I have to choose what I prefer but it's complicated, they make me doubt ... I also fear that somewhere is disappointed me, even though I know it's my future, and c ' is my choice! Thank you in advance to all and good afternoon!
I had exactly the same hesitation at the time. Finally I chose medicine in order to make the Obstetrics and Gynecology. The reasons? 1) Other things I was interested in medicine, I wanted to give me a little more time before choosing 2) The remuneration, even if it was not the most important criterion, make no mistake this is important when same. 3) Gynecologic obs can do a lot of things that SF does not have access, it's stupid but caesarean sections are an example. 4) It left until boarding brightest flashlight to choose brightest flashlight my discipline for good. For cons, the hourly level, honestly I think it is worth. Where SF is an advantage over the duration of studies and the fact that they are immediately "in the bath." And overall they have a proximity to patients that many physicians do not have (but it is tense to say that because it depends + + + + + physicians and midwives). brightest flashlight In the end there were times (during exams) I told myself that I should have done SF, but when I think with a clear head I think I made the right choice at the moment obstetrics m 'always attracts a lot and I think that's what I'll do, but it allowed me to discover other SPES which also I like a lot. I hope it will help you to choose brightest flashlight from. Do not let others decide for you, but try to talk calmly with them, and why not contact midwives for their views. Good luck and congratulations to all cases your results!
Obstetrics and gynecology is a great specialty does not hesitate (and if you'm worried for ECN which I doubt, know that the GO is not chosen by the students ... so if you work seriously ECN you can do this spec)
Tell yourself that it is you, not your parents, who will work for 40 years, so do not let yourself be influenced and make the choice that you like. Try to step back and ask yourself the question: what would I do with my life if I do not this family was experiencing pressure? Doctor is a very beautiful art that requires a lot of motivation studies are long and difficult. The boarding gynecology is deemed difficult. If all these do not discourage you, dark!
Hello everyone! I am currently in PACES, we had our rankings there three days, and there comes a huge problem. I hesitate between midwifery and medicine brightest flashlight ... My family pushes me to do medicine because they are all doctors is wearing, it is painful, my grandmother, my father ... They say SF I would have quickly tired, they are paid like misery, brightest flashlight they have schedules fucking evil ... But me it attracts me is like that. I had the misfortune of speaking being younger wishing to get medicine, they are crazy about the idea that I do not do that, "the shame of the family" they would say .. this side childbearing, that revolves around pregnant women, childbirth, that's what attracts me, and I'm afraid brightest flashlight I do not find it so I'll medicine. on the other hand, I fear regret not taking medicine.
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