Thursday, March 27, 2014

According to scientists, climate lämpeminen home security melt the Antarctic ice cover, and cold me

Antarctic Paradox baffles scientists: Why will not melt? | New Finland
Frame Barn 2014
According to the newspaper researchers has caused headaches for it, why sea-ice area is increasing at the South Pole, while the sea ice at the North Pole has melted considerably the past three decades. Nature magazine, the Antarctic ice sheet growth is not very voimkasta, but still significant.
According to scientists, climate lämpeminen home security melt the Antarctic ice cover, and cold meltwater in turn creates the coast of the cold layer. Antarctic ice melting, therefore, cools the surrounding sea.
Juhani Vinberg 04/03/2013 17:41
Taitaapi be the size of lämpenemisjupakka semmoinen that the heat is only for some as yet unknown reason, spilled the northern side of the globe. But such does not seem to be the subject of a loop ... 4 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
Indeed, the heat is drained to the North Pole, and this is something we feel ulosmennessämme of the snow, and we watched. Three true "warm" winters in a row. 5 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
We can only wait for that these ignorant scientists explain next, the heat rises and karttapallostakin everyone can say where it is the top part. 6 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
Climatologists attention! Are there ilmastomallinnuksia where people would never have existed? What a wonderful thing it is that the sea ice. In Finland, the sea freezes almost every year. When it is cold enough so the water freezes. The salty sea water can be supercooled melt water freezes and I get the values and sweeter, of course, on the surface. This I can say with certainty by providing a complete ignorance. 9 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
The Greens will be cursed by the tongue Finland Central European climate, and in the hope Pekka Sauri destroyed Helsinki snowblowers. When you long enough to repeat the same behavior enustetta climate, so sometimes it takes place, the next year, five hundred home security years from now. who would know. 10 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
The unemployed would get down to work, to remove snow and ice from the streets home security of Helsinki, happy pretty home security quickly, because home security before Midsummer puzzle will be solved in other ways. 11 Link to this comment home security Add to Favorite
I wonder if global warming alarmists finally realizes home security that he was wrong. After all, that koohotus meillekkin become expensive, jobs were exported to China ilmastoymmärtäväiseen etc. And paid for trivial "climate taxes" can Goddamn ...... 12 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
This "convincing" we too are created on the basis of economic life and the lives of the ordinary citizen complicate green legislation. The annual cost of green laws to taxpayers, businesses and society without any consideration for the hundreds of millions of euros every year. 13 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
If the polar ice caps expand, home security so will the rhetoric and evidence of global warming is false. Asia should take into account the government budget session, in which the fight against climate change is EUR 400 million. euros. 15 Link to this comment Add to Favorite
Now then read that article carefully, and just in case please take a look at Nature's original aid case. There is no mention that the weather in Antarctica would have cooled home security off. It is about the fact that the ice melts and re-freezes kylmäsulamisvesi merijääksi. Therefore home security märijään covers an area of increased rather than melted. The North Pole, while the mechanism works quite differently, as there is a bit of continental ice. Melting is thus advanced to the melting of sea ice. Finland's last winters show how the climate is a capricious system. While the North Pole has been tavanoimaista home security warmer, so in spite of, or perhaps because we have been from the east side pukannut cold air. But even this winter mean temperature is likely to be close to the average, while in January-February was exceptionally lauhaa and December and again in March exceptionally cold. In fact, watch out for the most extreme conclusions made by climate change, in either direction. The climate is so kaaottinen that only some 30-year cumulative average, etc. can see trends that then there is a degree of tenths, etc. All the while finding new types of feedback mechanisms that affect the lempenemistä or enhance the effect of chilling, and climate models more accurate. However, jolted upward curves are shown. Warming, CO2 and industrialization pace is a little too good correlation. This of course does not rule out the small possibility that that's partly a coincidence. There is also a school of thought which are of the opinion that the problem is not so much caused by the industrialization of CO2, but over-population and agriculture through the destroyed carbon sinks. home security Some of the climate variability s

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