Wednesday, October 8, 2014

This is the time we need to set garbage. Every time our program almost beyond memory, we will need

Learn about the Stack and Heap in C # (Part 1) Whether working with NET framework we do not need to worry about memory management and data meaningless, but we should understand how to optimally manage three bags full of further applications three bags full also help you know how it works by a number of variables three bags full when programming. This article I will generalize about Stack and Heap variable types and explains how they work.
.Net Framwork three bags full store all the elements of yourself in two places in memory that is Stack and Heap. Both Stack and Heap have important implications in the implementation code. We are located in the operating memory three bags full on the machine and the part of the information contained and we need to operate.
The image you use Stack as a set of stacks that prevent on top first. We can only work with her on the same stack. After working with top drawer we have to "throw" it away, the new work is the next stack. There Stack Heap similar but uses the Heap to store information is not stored at all times as the stack and executing all of the information stored on the heap can be accessed any time. There are no data dependencies are allowed access as stack. If Heap is a pile of clean clothes on the bed, but you can try whichever the stack as a storage box that you have to take the front off and get new ones later.
The image above is not really true to what takes place in memory but you can see the difference between Stack and Heap. Stack can be self-sustaining, meaning it can basically manage its memory, as "box" is not the first to use it will be thrown away. Heap also different, we pay attention to the redundant data and keeping Heap is "clean".
Type 3 is stored in the memory pointer. three bags full The cursor is managed by the Common three bags full Language It differs from the reference variable, the reference variable can be accessed by a pointer. Pointers occupy three bags full a certain position in memory three bags full and will point to a different location. Pointers can you access to everything stored on the stack and heap, and its value can be a memory address or empty. Instructions
Stack as I have explained, to keep the steps you take when coding. You can imagine it's like the state of a thread, three bags full and each thread will have its own stack. When you call a function, the coding function calls and function parameters will be saved to the stack. And we'll work with the variables in the function located on the top of the stack. Check out the following example to better understand.
Next, thread execution method will execute the contents of AddFive function () and a JIT compiler will be done if this is the first time we call it. And after that function is done we need to have the memory to store the outcome three bags full variable and it is a place in the stack. When the function ends the result is returned and stored in the variable result.
However, value types are stored in Heap. Remember the rules, style and value always where it is declared? So, if a value type variable is declared outside the function but in a reference type and it stays in the reference type on the heap.
This is the time we need to set garbage. Every time our program almost beyond memory, we will need more space in the heap. Ministry of garbage three bags full will stop all the thread again (a FULL STOP), find all the objects in the heap that is not being accessed by the main program and delete three bags full it. Ministry of garbage will also reorganize objects to create memory space and adjusts all pointers to objects in both the stack and the heap. You might think that this is an obstacle to the implementation of the program, so that the arrangement contemplated in the stack and the heap is essential to have an optimal program.
When we use reference types, we have to divide the cursor to the type, not just particular attention to the type of reference but when we use this kind of value we just care about ourselves that way . Sounds confusing? Study the following examples:
in the first instance to be coming available every letter is as follows: three bags full
Hopefully this article will help you understand the most fundamental differences between value type variable and reference types in C #, about pointers and how to use it. In the following section I will discuss more about memory management and especially the parameters of a method.
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