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First, the Code :: Blocks 10:05 you open up, create a new file named thuvien.cpp Then, type the following contents: # include <stdio.h> # include <malloc.h> transductor typedef int ElementType; typedef struct Node {Element ElementType; Node * Next; }; typedef Node * Position; typedef Position List; void MakeNullList (List & L) {L = (Node *) malloc transductor (sizeof transductor (Node)); L -> Next = NULL; EmptyList} int (List L) {return L -> Next == NULL; InsertList} void (ElementType X, Position transductor P, List L) {Position T = (Node *) malloc (sizeof (Node)); T -> Element transductor = X; T -> Next = P -> Next; P -> Next = T; DeleteList} void (Position P, List & L) {if (! EmptyList (L)) {Position T = P -> Next; P -> Next = T -> Next; free (T); PrintList}} void (List L) {while (L -> Next! = NULL) {printf ("% d", L -> Next -> Element); L = L -> Next; }} Next, create transductor a new file named nganxep.cpp, save this file to the same directory and type thuvien.cpp file contents as follows: # include "thuvien.cpp" typedef List Stack; void MakeNullStack (Stack & S) {MakeNullList (S); } Void Push (ElementType X, Stack & S) {InsertList (X, S, S); } Void Pop (Stack & S) {DeleteList (S, S); ElementType} Top (Stack s) {return S -> Next -> Element; EmptyStack} int (Stack s) {return EmptyList (S); } Int main () {Stack S; MakeNullStack (S); printf transductor ("Please give us the decimal ="); int n; scanf ("% d", & n); printf ("% by binary comparison transductor is:", n); while (n> 0) {push (n% 2, S); n = n / 2; } While (! EmptyStack (S)) {printf ("% d", Top (S)); Pop (S); } Printf transductor ("\ n \ n = nEvery enter the number"); scanf ("% d", & n); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i ++) {int t = i; printf ("% d =", t); while (t> 0) {push (t% 2, S); t = t / 2; } While (! EmptyStack (S)) {printf ("% d", Top (S)); Pop (S); } Printf ("\ n"); Return 0}; Video}: the class I had to explain the meaning of his statement in the video and should not be explained again, you watch this video to know how the code should hit first, hit back, but should not your code visual style and code samples from A-> Z on. Source code for you to hit but not run. DOWNLOAD
Guidelines as Game guessed by C / C ++ Install gathered by the search tree binary analysis of the complexity of the timing of algorithms - Part 1 LMedia - Tools supports link from mp3, video series from mp3. and [Database] Database SQL Server Transfer Guide was created from his machine to a different machine 6 million account VN-ZOOM Install Code :: Blocks and use 10:05 Check the continuity of the graph G configuration guide graphics libraries in Code :: Blocks WinBGIm Guide sine graph - Engineering transductor Graphics transductor
Android (10) Written transductor (113) Security (5) C # and SQL Server (31) Crack Software (6) Tools (22) Warning (1) Data Structures (17) DDoS (3) DevExpress (3) Ebook (1) Facebook (7) Linux (1) Programming C ++ (14) Programming basics (74) Web Programming (23) Programming graphics basics (12) Common Errors C (3) MAC OS - VMWare (6) Malware (3) Password Dictionary transductor (2) Reverse (2) SEO (1) algorithm (46) Trick (1) WiFi (5) Answer (1)
Written (113) Programming transductor basics (74) algorithm transductor (46) C # and SQL Server (31) Web Programming transductor (23) Tools (22) Data Structure (17) C Programming ++ (14) Lap The basic graphics (12) Android (10) Facebook (7) Crack Software (6) MAC OS - VMWare (6) Security (5) Wi-Fi (5) DDoS (3) DevExpress (3) Common Errors C (3) Malware (3) Password Dictionary (2) Reverse (2) Warning (1) ebook (1) Linux (1) SEO (1) Procedure (1) Answers (1)
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