College De Wolden wants to keep carbide shoot safely
Zuidwolde - In many places in De Wolden headlamp shoot people with carbide Year's Eve. A tradition which many people have fun. Yet in recent years a visible increase in the number of nuisance headlamp alerts and damage caused headlamp by carbide shoot. Last year on New Year's Eve made an inventory of the locations being shot with carbide. This is done by a police headlamp officer and a municipal supervisor. Following this review, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen proposes headlamp to adjust the City Council for the General Local Regulation (APV) and to adjust for shooting with carbide. Revamped rules
The inventory of the police officer and the municipal supervisor shows that nuisance is caused by close to housing with carbide is shot. By near homes to shoot, the risk of damage headlamp increases.
Distance homes of 20 meters to 75 meters The College therefore wants the distance from dwellings to be raising 20 meters to 75 meters. Least used The big guns that shot is a nuisance. There should only be taken with milk churns and / or similar material with a maximum capacity of 50 liters.
Mayor Janny Vlietstra "Carbide shooting belongs to the turn of the year and in our church. headlamp To avoid inconvenience and damage is the observance of rules is important. It seems sensible to have something to tighten the rules and to connect. Practice- No unnecessary rules, but rules that help to achieve the goal. Carbide shooting should be safe and with as little inconvenience as possible. The new year is finally a party. Safety for the New Year! "
During the upcoming New Year will a police officer and a municipal supervisor again oversee the observance of the rules. They go to image or need to be there yet. Additional headlamp rules set The police officer and the supervisor to visit the locations where carbide shot and they start talking to the gunmen. In order to make a complete image as to enable pictures.
What are the rules? Carbide Shooting may only hours on 31 December between 10:00 and 02:00 January 1. The cans and / or similar material have a maximum capacity of fifty liters. The place may be, where shot is at least 75 meters of housing. There must be 75 meters. Space to attack
Related News: Hoogeveen Municipality puts carbide shooting at tires. Only around the turn. Suspects arrested for shooting fireworks gun at police Residents De Wolden receive one-time edition of "sports daily De Wolden 'Safe swimming in De Wolden Harsh winter takes municipality De Wolden 85,000, - Advertisement
Today small truck on the road (Video) Ten clients daily activities unwell by imposible (Video) Wounded after heavy crash on A28 (Video) Yesterday Cyclists injured after accident by dog in Zuidbroek (Video) shed burns down (Video) fated accident in waters headlamp of the Reest (Video) Motorist drives store. Killed and seriously injured (Video) Driver injured after accident on A28 (video) Police posts
Borgercompagnie - Wanted - who recognize these two burglars? Archives September 2014 (96) August 2014 (117) July 2014 (138) June 2014 (131) May 2014 (126) April 2014 (152) March 2014 (140) February 2014 (101) January 2014 (133) December 2013 (126 ) November 2013 (108) oktober 2013 (109) september headlamp 2013 (116) augustus 2013 (116) juli 2013 (137) juni 2013 (138) mei 2013 (112) april 2013 (144) maart 2013 (124) February 2013 (95 ): January 2013 (142) december 2012 (165) november 2012 (323) oktober 2012 (278) september 2012 (305) augustus headlamp 2012 (304) juli 2012 (316) juni 2012 (266) mei 2012 (273) april 2012 (348 ) march 2012 (428) februari 2012 (302) januari 2012 (333) december 2011 (315) november headlamp 2011 (302) oktober 2011 (286) september 2011 (286) augustus 2011 (250) juli 2011 (242) juni 2011 (192 ) mei 2011 (178) april 2011 (158) March 2011 (5) January 2010 (1) Week overview small truck on the road (Video) Ten clients daily activities unwell by imposible (Video) Wounded after heavy crash on A28 (Video) Cyclists injured after accident by dog in Zuidbroek (Video) shed burns down (Video) fated accident in waters of the Reest (Video) Motorist drives store. Killed and seriously injured (Video) Driver injured after accident on A28 (video) BMW lights up on N34 at Zuidlaren (Video) Water Over Expenses converts part Oost Groningen headlamp underwater (Video) house fire in Stadskanaal (Video) A total of 225 disaster victims flight MH17 identified Man seriously injured after stabbing (
Zuidwolde - In many places in De Wolden headlamp shoot people with carbide Year's Eve. A tradition which many people have fun. Yet in recent years a visible increase in the number of nuisance headlamp alerts and damage caused headlamp by carbide shoot. Last year on New Year's Eve made an inventory of the locations being shot with carbide. This is done by a police headlamp officer and a municipal supervisor. Following this review, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen proposes headlamp to adjust the City Council for the General Local Regulation (APV) and to adjust for shooting with carbide. Revamped rules
The inventory of the police officer and the municipal supervisor shows that nuisance is caused by close to housing with carbide is shot. By near homes to shoot, the risk of damage headlamp increases.
Distance homes of 20 meters to 75 meters The College therefore wants the distance from dwellings to be raising 20 meters to 75 meters. Least used The big guns that shot is a nuisance. There should only be taken with milk churns and / or similar material with a maximum capacity of 50 liters.
Mayor Janny Vlietstra "Carbide shooting belongs to the turn of the year and in our church. headlamp To avoid inconvenience and damage is the observance of rules is important. It seems sensible to have something to tighten the rules and to connect. Practice- No unnecessary rules, but rules that help to achieve the goal. Carbide shooting should be safe and with as little inconvenience as possible. The new year is finally a party. Safety for the New Year! "
During the upcoming New Year will a police officer and a municipal supervisor again oversee the observance of the rules. They go to image or need to be there yet. Additional headlamp rules set The police officer and the supervisor to visit the locations where carbide shot and they start talking to the gunmen. In order to make a complete image as to enable pictures.
What are the rules? Carbide Shooting may only hours on 31 December between 10:00 and 02:00 January 1. The cans and / or similar material have a maximum capacity of fifty liters. The place may be, where shot is at least 75 meters of housing. There must be 75 meters. Space to attack
Related News: Hoogeveen Municipality puts carbide shooting at tires. Only around the turn. Suspects arrested for shooting fireworks gun at police Residents De Wolden receive one-time edition of "sports daily De Wolden 'Safe swimming in De Wolden Harsh winter takes municipality De Wolden 85,000, - Advertisement
Today small truck on the road (Video) Ten clients daily activities unwell by imposible (Video) Wounded after heavy crash on A28 (Video) Yesterday Cyclists injured after accident by dog in Zuidbroek (Video) shed burns down (Video) fated accident in waters headlamp of the Reest (Video) Motorist drives store. Killed and seriously injured (Video) Driver injured after accident on A28 (video) Police posts
Borgercompagnie - Wanted - who recognize these two burglars? Archives September 2014 (96) August 2014 (117) July 2014 (138) June 2014 (131) May 2014 (126) April 2014 (152) March 2014 (140) February 2014 (101) January 2014 (133) December 2013 (126 ) November 2013 (108) oktober 2013 (109) september headlamp 2013 (116) augustus 2013 (116) juli 2013 (137) juni 2013 (138) mei 2013 (112) april 2013 (144) maart 2013 (124) February 2013 (95 ): January 2013 (142) december 2012 (165) november 2012 (323) oktober 2012 (278) september 2012 (305) augustus headlamp 2012 (304) juli 2012 (316) juni 2012 (266) mei 2012 (273) april 2012 (348 ) march 2012 (428) februari 2012 (302) januari 2012 (333) december 2011 (315) november headlamp 2011 (302) oktober 2011 (286) september 2011 (286) augustus 2011 (250) juli 2011 (242) juni 2011 (192 ) mei 2011 (178) april 2011 (158) March 2011 (5) January 2010 (1) Week overview small truck on the road (Video) Ten clients daily activities unwell by imposible (Video) Wounded after heavy crash on A28 (Video) Cyclists injured after accident by dog in Zuidbroek (Video) shed burns down (Video) fated accident in waters of the Reest (Video) Motorist drives store. Killed and seriously injured (Video) Driver injured after accident on A28 (video) BMW lights up on N34 at Zuidlaren (Video) Water Over Expenses converts part Oost Groningen headlamp underwater (Video) house fire in Stadskanaal (Video) A total of 225 disaster victims flight MH17 identified Man seriously injured after stabbing (
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