Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Steve wanted to make iPhone bgi so thin that he could simply function as a debit card wham, so the

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Last week, McDonald's rolled in a hurry new NFC terminals in its restaurants from. Also in stores Disney and Apple Stores themselves, according to the latest information now new payment terminals that work with NFC installed.
The question this raises is why existing terminals do not meet, NFC is indeed a standard. The answer is probably that Apple wants to add extra security. According to Bank Innovation, the iPay-pay service work with tokens, thus draining the transaction is meaningless.
Instead of transferring an account number and other payment information, is created an intricate bgi code that contains all the information required to make the transaction. Capturing the NFC signal is so meaningless, because the token works only once and only the iPhone and payment terminal understand it. The NFC chip in the iPhone is expected to be supplied by the Dutch NXP.
Apple probably has the token implemented at the request of credit card companies. Earlier it was clear that Apple has an agreement with Visa, Mastercard and American Express. It is not clear whether the payment terminals that are currently used in the Netherlands for NFC with token technology. If that is the case, it would theoretically be possible to hold an iPhone at an ATM instead of a bank card and pay.
It is expected that Apple iPay-payment service will do tomorrow. During special event to canvases Already know all about mobile payments and NFC? View the most recent broadcast of our OMT LIVE talk show where we catch you with Rabobank manager Gertjan Rösken.
Also read 8 Apple Watch-facts that you did not know 'iPhone 6 will pay service with NFC, "Hey, is that an iPhone with NFC? New iPhone 6 commercials with familiar voices iPhone 6 (Plus) bgi now at Apple Store to reserve 10 million iPhones sold in 1st weekend Three beautiful iPhone 6 240fps slo-mo videos bgi probably still pre-orders iPhone 6 at Dutch Apple Store iPhone rows hijacked started by Chinese mafia Selling iPhone 6 (Plus) under enormous interest
Sounds like a nice system, but I hope that Apple is very transparent about the techniques used. We have an open standard than an obscure technique that understands only Apple and the bank.
I assume that the payment must be for other brands, as iTunes that is accessible, otherwise the market in my opinion too small to allow survival. Very own payment on
Further, how Apple solves bgi it for current iPhones? I assume they come up with a solution for this, otherwise the user still much smaller. Too small in my eyes to make it work and to operate cost-effectively.
Steve wanted to make iPhone bgi so thin that he could simply function as a debit card wham, so the ATM, but Tim loves him rather thick and stops in NFC. Well. Also a way of course. A bit less exciting I think.
These terminals only work with NFC to me and not with bluetooth or whatever. So I fear a bit that all existing iPhones do not qualify, unless you have a iHorloge bgi to take
As soon paid faster. Moreover, you will soon need to eg. OV chip card, library card, no passes gas station map, etc. In addition, you can retrieve information through your phone. Services for all Eg. You can monitor bgi how much you have paid monthly to travel by public transport .. I only mention some. ...
Quote message Private message bgi Go to profile steveb on September 8, 2014
suggest you stay in hospital. bgi Now it goes like this (at least in Belgium) 1 sign at the counter (minutes queuing) 2 ID card scanning 3 SISkaart scan 4 offers a hospitalization? can I have you card. 5. blood card? 6. you are allergic to certain foods or medications? 7. ... zzzz. ... here or there again what signs x. abundance of stickers will be printed. bgi
is possible from 2015 directly to your room or doctor? just a nfc scan. fingerprint check via iPhone, iwatch on, chip in all bags of medication, blood, measuring equipment. ... and stores all data accordingly iwatch. bgi = Much faster, more accurate, easy dubble check,. ...
wort possible from 2015 directly to your room or doctor. ff iphone nfc scan. iwatch order, small chip in all bags of medication, blood, measuring equipment. ... and stores all data accordingly iwatch. =

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