Pit Stop Forum Off Topic iPhone (App Store, Cydia) If this is your first visit, please hidden cameras first read the FAQ by clicking the link. You need to register in order to enable you to other actions in the forum (writing posts, visibility hidden topics, vote in polls ...) IMPORTANT NOTICE: All Member announce that Ceki becomes our new moderator who will perform the job of moderating the forum and together with the rest of the team insist on human values that we strive to cultivate here.
Here ajfonači, I opened this topic to see which applications you use the app store, the kind that you are the best, or what little interesting, tweak from cydia, themes ... Here are a couple of things at the speed of which I use: Barrel (3D Effect icon), Fake Operator (changing network names), Five Icon Dock (option hidden cameras 5 icons down the dock), hidden cameras Gridlock (possibility to create icon in whatever place, with spaces). Since the topic is currently using GT theme is great! What do you use?
Renault has always been racing ever since it began. Racing gives us the fighting spirit we needs in order to beat in competition. Each of our team members needs this spirit, Which We want to demonstrate in all of the markets in Which We compete. Jean Michel Jalinier
I do not like overly Cydia I had on the old Ajfonu (2G) and I had a Five Icon Dock, Top Gear theme, U2 theme .. Now I have taken a new mob (Ajfon 4, which is faster than 10 billion hidden cameras 2GA, and that's the most important) and to him I have no issue because she's my watery quite good and I have an app (FB)
iNet - manage the network, Wake on LAN, and ping and Gizmos FTPonTheGo - FTP client Logitech Touch Mouse - phone becomes a substitute for the keyboard hidden cameras and mouse, terrible joke for home multimedia TeamViewer - Remote control of computers over the Internet App F1 - Formula 1 live timing Slooshaj - Internet radio player (in it are Croatian hidden cameras radio station, can create other) hidden cameras for 101 VNC player - player *. avi files iComic - very good and customizable reader of comics / books Navigon - of all (TomTom, iGO ..) me the best MotionX navigation - fantastic for cycling applications (and may other transportations) with optional hill Angry Birds - pticeee edit: Zy, where smartphone without an app? I personally like the phone disaster, while I was in all other respects excellent (multimedia, remote control, house security, gaming, navigation). In the text the same disaster .. while typed message makes me angry 10 time ..
I do not like overly Cydia I had on the old Ajfonu (2G) and I had a Five Icon Dock, Top Gear theme, U2 theme .. Now I have taken a new mob (Ajfon 4, which is faster than 10 billion 2GA, and that's the most important) hidden cameras and to him I have no issue because she's my watery quite good and I have an app (FB) mmmmm, definitely the first man I heard he does not like Cydia. Cydia has just the right solution about the slowness of the device. His name is FakeClockUp and-accelerated device for ten times. It's no joke, working guarantor. hidden cameras
edit: Zy, where a smartphone without an app? I personally like the phone disaster, while I was in all other respects excellent (multimedia, remote control, house security, gaming, navigation). In the text the same disaster .. while typed message makes me angry 10 time .. What's up with the message? What is a touch screen or? heheheheh, angry birds (ZAKOOOON)! Contagious until the pain ... try Cut the Rop, also a good game. EDIT: more, less use all of your application's, and one is still quite useful SoundHound. There is no song by that application does not recognize.
Renault has always been racing ever since it began. Racing gives us the fighting spirit we needs in order to beat in competition. Each of our team members needs this spirit, Which We want to demonstrate in all of the markets in Which We compete. Jean Michel Jalinier
Renault has always been racing ever since it began. Racing hidden cameras gives us the fighting spirit we needs in order to beat in competition. Each of our team members needs this spirit, Which We want to demonstrate in all of the markets in Which We compete. Jean Michel hidden cameras Jalinier
Dodi_napalm View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Visit Homepage Formula hidden cameras 1 Date 27.03.2007. Location Croatia, New Marof Posts 2,736
Renault has always been racing ever since it began. Racing gives us the fighting spirit we needs in order to beat in competition. Each of our team members needs this spirit, Which We want to demonstrate in all of the markets in Which We compete. Jean Michel Jalinier
Here it is spinning on my 3gs 16gb Cydia + Installous + Terminal PocketCloud (RDP) Shazam (as well as track ID on the SE but better) Facebook F1 - 2010 App iGo Europe (my best navigation for Europe and by HR we do not need anyway) MAXtv guide iGtalk Lockbox (code locked codes / pins of the card) IMDb FileApp (application for ubacivanej documents and files in iPhone to speed) uMonitor (app to connect to the web from uTorrent) iTorrentleech (application to connect to the TL and sending torrents on the web) Categories (to create a folder because it does not
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