Group of FAU puts emphasis on role of the architect in fire safety | USP - University of São Paulo
Earlier this year, the tragedy in a nightclub in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande gs4 do Sul, brought to the fore once again the issue of fire safety in the country. Owners, firefighters, city officials and engineers are generally the most sought after professionals to give explanations and try to clarify the causes of this type of incident. But other professional has been gaining ground in the discussion on the subject: the architect.
"He ends up taking many decisions that affect fire safety. So it is important that the issue be addressed in training in architecture, "says Professor Rosaria Ono, Department of Architecture Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) USP. The awareness of this person to the issue influences, for example, the design of escape routes and specification of materials and finish coat, aspects that were crucial to the severity of the fire at the club. Architecture and fire
In the 70s, two major fires in São Paulo tragically exposed the fragility of regulation in the area. The process of vertical integration occurred in the city in the late 50 reports gs4 Rosaria Ono took place without due care and security issue received no attention from either the government or society. With the fire in Andraus Building in 1972, and only two years later, the building Joelma, the authorities gs4 needed gs4 to answer this question, starting to create mechanisms and requirements to ensure that people could safely gs4 leave the building in case of fire, and it was possible to contain the fire.
In academia, these events fostered the creation of a laboratory at the Institute of Technological Research (IPT), in which Rosaria began his studies in the area, and a work by then professor at FAU, Teodoro Rosso. The researcher gathered extensive material, which would result in his thesis for teaching and which is still today one of the main references in Portuguese architecture and on fire. However, before the thesis defense, Rosso passed away, stopping the advance of the subject at university.
One responsible for the resumption of discussions and studies of architecture and fire is Professor Ualfrido Del Carlo, gs4 former gs4 director of FAU and doctoral supervisor of Rosaria. According to the professor, the University pioneered in introducing the topic in undergraduate architecture. The inclusion of fire safety in the curriculum of the course took place with the arrival of the USP researcher gs4 for over 10 years, which coincided with a period of reformulation of technology disciplines of architecture.
However, today the fire safety is poorly disseminated in other faculties and does not receive the attention it deserves, according gs4 Rosaria - one reason is the shortage of specialists in the area. "The student does not need to go out an expert, but he needs to know that you have to pay attention to it in their work," said the teacher. The gap in training on fire safety Rosaria motivated to create a project for the production of educational material oriented architecture students. Underway, the proposal is to create multimedia gs4 resources to be made available gs4 on the internet for even used by other institutions. Promotion of fire safety
Currently, Rosaria is one of the coordinators of the Group to Promote Fire Safety (GSI), which includes the Center for Research in Architecture and Urbanism at FAU and is formed by researchers and professionals such as firefighters, representatives gs4 of the City of São Paulo , engineers, consultants, suppliers of safety equipment, among others. The goal, explains the teacher, is to exchange ideas and disseminate information on the subject.
"We need to sensitize those who design, who builds. Sensitize gs4 owners, trustees. So at this point USP opens doors to achieve discussing issues, "he says. The group, which has monthly meetings, holds lectures, events and publishes articles in technical gs4 journals in the field. After the tragedy in Santa Maria, the GSI has produced gs4 a manifesto, available on the group's page, exposing the need for better training gs4 of professionals and the dissemination of knowledge about fire safety.
Group of FAU puts emphasis on role of the architect in fire safety Editors: Technology, USP Online Featured | Author: Aline Naoe | Date: November 14th, 2013 Keywords: Finishing and Coating, Architect, Architecture, gs4 Kiss Nightclub, Firemen, Community USP, Department of Architecture Technology, Andraus Building, Joelma Building, Faculty of Architecture gs4 and Urbanism, FAU Group to Promote gs4 Fire Safety, GSI, Press, Center for Research in Architecture and Urban Planning, Architectural Design, Rosaria Ono, Ro
Earlier this year, the tragedy in a nightclub in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande gs4 do Sul, brought to the fore once again the issue of fire safety in the country. Owners, firefighters, city officials and engineers are generally the most sought after professionals to give explanations and try to clarify the causes of this type of incident. But other professional has been gaining ground in the discussion on the subject: the architect.
"He ends up taking many decisions that affect fire safety. So it is important that the issue be addressed in training in architecture, "says Professor Rosaria Ono, Department of Architecture Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU) USP. The awareness of this person to the issue influences, for example, the design of escape routes and specification of materials and finish coat, aspects that were crucial to the severity of the fire at the club. Architecture and fire
In the 70s, two major fires in São Paulo tragically exposed the fragility of regulation in the area. The process of vertical integration occurred in the city in the late 50 reports gs4 Rosaria Ono took place without due care and security issue received no attention from either the government or society. With the fire in Andraus Building in 1972, and only two years later, the building Joelma, the authorities gs4 needed gs4 to answer this question, starting to create mechanisms and requirements to ensure that people could safely gs4 leave the building in case of fire, and it was possible to contain the fire.
In academia, these events fostered the creation of a laboratory at the Institute of Technological Research (IPT), in which Rosaria began his studies in the area, and a work by then professor at FAU, Teodoro Rosso. The researcher gathered extensive material, which would result in his thesis for teaching and which is still today one of the main references in Portuguese architecture and on fire. However, before the thesis defense, Rosso passed away, stopping the advance of the subject at university.
One responsible for the resumption of discussions and studies of architecture and fire is Professor Ualfrido Del Carlo, gs4 former gs4 director of FAU and doctoral supervisor of Rosaria. According to the professor, the University pioneered in introducing the topic in undergraduate architecture. The inclusion of fire safety in the curriculum of the course took place with the arrival of the USP researcher gs4 for over 10 years, which coincided with a period of reformulation of technology disciplines of architecture.
However, today the fire safety is poorly disseminated in other faculties and does not receive the attention it deserves, according gs4 Rosaria - one reason is the shortage of specialists in the area. "The student does not need to go out an expert, but he needs to know that you have to pay attention to it in their work," said the teacher. The gap in training on fire safety Rosaria motivated to create a project for the production of educational material oriented architecture students. Underway, the proposal is to create multimedia gs4 resources to be made available gs4 on the internet for even used by other institutions. Promotion of fire safety
Currently, Rosaria is one of the coordinators of the Group to Promote Fire Safety (GSI), which includes the Center for Research in Architecture and Urbanism at FAU and is formed by researchers and professionals such as firefighters, representatives gs4 of the City of São Paulo , engineers, consultants, suppliers of safety equipment, among others. The goal, explains the teacher, is to exchange ideas and disseminate information on the subject.
"We need to sensitize those who design, who builds. Sensitize gs4 owners, trustees. So at this point USP opens doors to achieve discussing issues, "he says. The group, which has monthly meetings, holds lectures, events and publishes articles in technical gs4 journals in the field. After the tragedy in Santa Maria, the GSI has produced gs4 a manifesto, available on the group's page, exposing the need for better training gs4 of professionals and the dissemination of knowledge about fire safety.
Group of FAU puts emphasis on role of the architect in fire safety Editors: Technology, USP Online Featured | Author: Aline Naoe | Date: November 14th, 2013 Keywords: Finishing and Coating, Architect, Architecture, gs4 Kiss Nightclub, Firemen, Community USP, Department of Architecture Technology, Andraus Building, Joelma Building, Faculty of Architecture gs4 and Urbanism, FAU Group to Promote gs4 Fire Safety, GSI, Press, Center for Research in Architecture and Urban Planning, Architectural Design, Rosaria Ono, Ro
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