With the recent Meteor strike in Russia, a certain fact has come to my attention: Russian cars are equipped with dashboard mounted cameras! Almost ALL of them. Not just Police torchlight2 or emergency vehicles, but the average Ivan driving down the highway has a dashboard mounted camera in his Izmash. From what I have heard this is done for insurance reasons and is probably not a bad idea.
Questions about a country that at various times in its recent history has been under the thumb of Secret Police and heavily autocratic government that now willingly surrounds itself with cameras and puts the results on the internet for all to see.
Questions about the once feared torchlight2 phenomenon of “Big Brother” becoming an embraced social norm for the sake of convenience and entertainment. Though clearly no one is bothered by any of this. Quite the opposite, they embrace torchlight2 it to the point of putting themselves out to the public forum in the form of YouTube postings. Daily.
And despite the fact that UFO reports seem to be generated torchlight2 on at least a weekly basis, if not daily, I can find no dash camera generated UFO videos from Russia. torchlight2 Oh, there have been the odd Security camera alien, or local news weather or traffic torchlight2 cam UFO which usually turns out to be an insect or lens flare. London’s street cameras are all pointed at the ground, but Russian vehicle dash cams are everywhere, covering torchlight2 tens and hundreds of miles individually every day, carpeting the country.
Now you might say that there is a stereo-type of UFOs appearing on lonely country roads at night when only some poor farmer is around, but if you do a little searching you will find maps like this from It Came Out of The Sky
I am forced to wonder what we would know if Betty and Barney Hill, or Mac Brazel had dash cams in their vehicles? The more we surround ourselves with cameras, the harder it is going to be for anyone to hide? or for anyone to make claims without evidence to support them. And I am willing torchlight2 to bet it is fairly difficult to insert a fake animation into video taken from a moving vehicle and have it look real.
I would like nothing torchlight2 more than the proof of various cryptids, alien civilizations, even alien visitors to be found. But that proof will come only through rigorous science and objective analysis, and by holding evidence to the highest standards of scrutiny. Born in south eastern Pennsylvania, i have found myself at one time or another living torchlight2 in Chicago, Cleveland, Raleigh-Durham, on the island of Kaua'i and finally landed on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington State. torchlight2 I have turned my hand to various professions from early work in 3d graphics to historic building restoration, carpentry and log home building to working in a bronze art foundry on the WWII Veterans Memorial. torchlight2 Currently I am a writer, script writer and working for a non profit organization called Empowerment Through Connection which is involved in equine assisted torchlight2 therapy for veterans, at risk teens and women.
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The cameras are to prevent getting framed in traffic accidents. There is a scam, where a car brakes suddenly, the car behind it is accused of rear-ending the font car. The drivers of front car (usually bulky men) will demand compensation for the damage so it is useful to have a camera recording the situation.
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