Spider-Man 50 (Part 1)
Spider-Man aka Peter Parker - teenage super hero par excellence - has just turned 50. Number 9 celebrated the birthday with netsvingerens longtime editor and translator in Denmark, Marvel Morten Sondergaard.
Superhero operator Marvel is a dynamic company torchlight 2 engineer build that over the years has had varying success stories and best-selling titles. One figure, however, from the beginning torchlight 2 engineer build until today served as publisher absolute frontman and the distinguishing mark: Spider-Man aka Peter Parker, the teenager with the countless problems. The figure turns 50 this month, and to mark this, we have taken a chat with the man who might have followed Spider-Man torchlight 2 engineer build long and closely here at home.
Morten Sondergaard came across Spider-Man in 1967, when the first issue of the series was published in Denmark torchlight 2 engineer build - just five years after the US debut. Then called the series spider at home, and it did still almost twenty years later, when Inter Press in the fall of 1984 acquiring the release, and at the same time launched to date most thorough and pervasive launch of the Marvel universe on Danish soil with Søndergård as an editor and translator under the alias Marvel Morten.
Today Marvel Morten retired, but Morten Sondergaard work undeterred in 32 years as a comic book dealer in Fantask. Number 9s sent the last two years trying to make him the art after a little further down the street at the | Excellent torchlight 2 engineer build Concurrent. The magician and his apprentice met a warm evening in August over coffee and strawberry tart for a chat about great forces and great responsibility on the urge to throw it all in the trash, and the backbone to stand up again.
Buckle up and be aware that there is very much that convicted both spoiler- and nerd alert in the coming more or less accurate transcriptions of Søndergård and Sorensen talks about The Amazing Spider-Man. Here is the first part:
Spider-Man fills the 50 years this month, and at a fun event it is also exactly 30 years ago, I bought my first issue of the spider. Back then there were not many who knew of the figure, and today all know who he is. What happened?
- Well, superheroes have become mainstream. Simply. So, superhero film's today little has it that westerns were in the 50s. It's something people go to see, but they do not read several torchlight 2 engineer build western novels torchlight 2 engineer build that reason. And superhero sale is indeed not risen special, but it is such a genre that people have accepted as film genre, and partly as a television genre.
- Yes, and also via computer games, torchlight 2 engineer build I could already feel when I translated the spider. A year ago, for example, a computer game with Spider-Man in different torchlight 2 engineer build versions, and there were noir version also - Marvel has such a noir-world running parallel to the normal Spider-Man universe - and suddenly came people into the store and asked for noir -Spider-Man. So games have actually torchlight 2 engineer build had a pretty big impact. The fact is an interactive story, you might say.
- Yes, it claims the course. The official version torchlight 2 engineer build is that Stan Lee and Steve Ditko did Amazing torchlight 2 engineer build Fantasy # 15 with this 10 page story. But then there are rumors that Kirby first did it, and ...
- Well, I can talk very long and slow, the ten Steve Ditko pages do not have standard Ditko layout, but Kirby layouts and so on. It is not because Ditko drew on Kirby sketches but ... that he may nonetheless. So originalarkene throughout Amazing Fantasy # 15've become lodged at the Smithsonian Institute.
- Yes, from an unknown, but I'm pretty sure it is Ditko himself. Or Stan Lee. But Stan Lee, I think, would have mentioned it if he had donated. I think it is Ditko himself, and that he, for some strange reason, thought they might go. And it's too damn good. I would therefore like to grab them and be allowed to scrape some of the ink away, but I'll probably not allowed. But Ditko have never before or since made layout that way. It was basically the way Kirby layouted stories. For example if you take the Fantastic Four # 8, 9, 10 ...
- Right. And Amazing Fantasy -historien is actually not very well drawn. This also applies to Spider-Man # 1 - the first story with J. Jonah Jameson, where his son is up in the space capsule - it was originally to have been brought in Amazing Fantasy # 16, and it was also 10 pages, and it was also Kirby- grid. But then, what has happened, the goodness knows.
But there's this weird little story with the superhero The Fly, as Jack Kirby and Joe Simon created a year or two before Spider-Man, has many similarities with Spider-Man. Perhaps brought Kirby so some of it over to Marvel, and maybe Stan Lee borrowed a little there. There is not any creative process that takes place in a vacuum, o
Spider-Man aka Peter Parker - teenage super hero par excellence - has just turned 50. Number 9 celebrated the birthday with netsvingerens longtime editor and translator in Denmark, Marvel Morten Sondergaard.
Superhero operator Marvel is a dynamic company torchlight 2 engineer build that over the years has had varying success stories and best-selling titles. One figure, however, from the beginning torchlight 2 engineer build until today served as publisher absolute frontman and the distinguishing mark: Spider-Man aka Peter Parker, the teenager with the countless problems. The figure turns 50 this month, and to mark this, we have taken a chat with the man who might have followed Spider-Man torchlight 2 engineer build long and closely here at home.
Morten Sondergaard came across Spider-Man in 1967, when the first issue of the series was published in Denmark torchlight 2 engineer build - just five years after the US debut. Then called the series spider at home, and it did still almost twenty years later, when Inter Press in the fall of 1984 acquiring the release, and at the same time launched to date most thorough and pervasive launch of the Marvel universe on Danish soil with Søndergård as an editor and translator under the alias Marvel Morten.
Today Marvel Morten retired, but Morten Sondergaard work undeterred in 32 years as a comic book dealer in Fantask. Number 9s sent the last two years trying to make him the art after a little further down the street at the | Excellent torchlight 2 engineer build Concurrent. The magician and his apprentice met a warm evening in August over coffee and strawberry tart for a chat about great forces and great responsibility on the urge to throw it all in the trash, and the backbone to stand up again.
Buckle up and be aware that there is very much that convicted both spoiler- and nerd alert in the coming more or less accurate transcriptions of Søndergård and Sorensen talks about The Amazing Spider-Man. Here is the first part:
Spider-Man fills the 50 years this month, and at a fun event it is also exactly 30 years ago, I bought my first issue of the spider. Back then there were not many who knew of the figure, and today all know who he is. What happened?
- Well, superheroes have become mainstream. Simply. So, superhero film's today little has it that westerns were in the 50s. It's something people go to see, but they do not read several torchlight 2 engineer build western novels torchlight 2 engineer build that reason. And superhero sale is indeed not risen special, but it is such a genre that people have accepted as film genre, and partly as a television genre.
- Yes, and also via computer games, torchlight 2 engineer build I could already feel when I translated the spider. A year ago, for example, a computer game with Spider-Man in different torchlight 2 engineer build versions, and there were noir version also - Marvel has such a noir-world running parallel to the normal Spider-Man universe - and suddenly came people into the store and asked for noir -Spider-Man. So games have actually torchlight 2 engineer build had a pretty big impact. The fact is an interactive story, you might say.
- Yes, it claims the course. The official version torchlight 2 engineer build is that Stan Lee and Steve Ditko did Amazing torchlight 2 engineer build Fantasy # 15 with this 10 page story. But then there are rumors that Kirby first did it, and ...
- Well, I can talk very long and slow, the ten Steve Ditko pages do not have standard Ditko layout, but Kirby layouts and so on. It is not because Ditko drew on Kirby sketches but ... that he may nonetheless. So originalarkene throughout Amazing Fantasy # 15've become lodged at the Smithsonian Institute.
- Yes, from an unknown, but I'm pretty sure it is Ditko himself. Or Stan Lee. But Stan Lee, I think, would have mentioned it if he had donated. I think it is Ditko himself, and that he, for some strange reason, thought they might go. And it's too damn good. I would therefore like to grab them and be allowed to scrape some of the ink away, but I'll probably not allowed. But Ditko have never before or since made layout that way. It was basically the way Kirby layouted stories. For example if you take the Fantastic Four # 8, 9, 10 ...
- Right. And Amazing Fantasy -historien is actually not very well drawn. This also applies to Spider-Man # 1 - the first story with J. Jonah Jameson, where his son is up in the space capsule - it was originally to have been brought in Amazing Fantasy # 16, and it was also 10 pages, and it was also Kirby- grid. But then, what has happened, the goodness knows.
But there's this weird little story with the superhero The Fly, as Jack Kirby and Joe Simon created a year or two before Spider-Man, has many similarities with Spider-Man. Perhaps brought Kirby so some of it over to Marvel, and maybe Stan Lee borrowed a little there. There is not any creative process that takes place in a vacuum, o
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