This blog attempts to Chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed Against the white minority of South Africa. Tens of Thousands of whites port leg Murdered since 1994. Brutal torture and rape is common and not just the young or elderly are spared. Quotes: torchlight 2 trainer "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" - Peter Mokaba (ANC). "When torchlight 2 trainer Mandela dies, we will kill you whites like flies" - Mzukizi Gaba (ANC). "We the members of MK port pledged ourselves to kill Them, the whites" - Nelson Mandela.
Radio Pretoria 18 September 2009 The last few weeks the country again receive his usual dose of media reports, from older unemployed torchlight 2 trainer people, who attacked on farms, assaulted and murdered. In most newspapers are not only front page news. The BBC's radio and television services reported, not even any more about it.
Moreover, the crime of intentional arson at several torchlight 2 trainer places in the country occurred. Thousands of hectares of grazing is so burned, livestock losses have occurred and workers housing has been sacrificed. In addition to these attacks, murders torchlight 2 trainer and arson, is a new method of intimidation on farmers trying to turn heads. At this stage it is still called forest-butchery. Cattle are killed at night at the farmer's farm, family, cut into pieces and drove away. This is done by hungry people, because evidence was found that action be taken by the cattle thieves torchlight 2 trainer to order. The same night that the slaughter takes place, the meat, especially in townships and informal settlements sold. In Eastern Transvaal farmers now find it necessary to equip animals with electronic devices, any abnormal movements or disturbances to monitor the animal and then send a signal to the farmstead. This way the forest butcher then be quickly torchlight 2 trainer apprehended. torchlight 2 trainer Such devices are of course at a price. Only in Bronkhorstspruit and Cullinan areas over the past week have been three such incidents. The barbaric method used is that the animal's Achilles tendons are cut down, the animal will thus immobilize. The animal, however, is lucky if he then to be put. In the incidents seems a removed rear-quarter of the dumb ox while it is still alive. Only the Achilles tendon was cut off and the rest of the carcass was abandoned in the field. This barbaric act reminiscent of the methods that SWAPO, the South West Africa, and the terrorist organizations in Rhodesia used to intimidate farmers and the local population in order to achieve their revolutionary goals. Can there still be people who believe that murders, arson and animal mutilation is not politically inspired? Yesterday Solidarity Radio, the online radio service on the site of solidarity, a program offered where the names of about 1650 victims torchlight 2 trainer of farm attacks was read. Known African torchlight 2 trainer media and music personalities participated. The broadcast was about 8 hours. Solidarity torchlight 2 trainer wanted torchlight 2 trainer to focus the attention on the brutality of the murders take place, and the government aware that an aggressive protection plan is now required. As long as the government, and all citizens do not want to admit that these brutal acts against the farmers and even against their cattle, not political in nature, will unfortunately not be done much to solve the problem. We must continue to pressure the government and police to apply, and make all such attacks and massacres public. Origin: torchlight 2 trainer Radio Pretoria
Posted by Rudi Prinsloo on 09/20/09. Link Comments: 1 For more articles, please consult the archives and search engine in the side column. For more articles, please use the archives section or search engine in the sidebar.
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