Sunday, November 30, 2014

Products available in Our lamps, made from a long tradition, have not lost any of

Products available in Our lamps, made from a long tradition, have not lost any of its shine and intense luminosity. Here are the current models of the HK series. nuuo Catalog
Click to enlarge Petromax HK 500 Series Petromax lamps are lamps high power best known worldwide. Our lamps, made from a long tradition, have not lost any of its shine and intense luminosity. The legendary Petromax HK 500 generates approx. 400 watts (1 watt = approx. 1.25 CP / HK candel power / plug Heffner). Approx. 40 cm high. The contents of the tank is approx. 1 liter (approx. 8 hours of combustion). The Petromax HK 500 is also available as electric lamp with a socket E-27 (Edison 27). The ideal desk lamp. Material: brass Diameter: 17 cm Weight: 2.4 kg Fuel: oil or paraffin oil There are the following models: Nickel nuuo and chrome * - 829/500 CP Nickel nuuo and chrome without fast preheating * -523/500 CP Nickel and chrome, electric - 829/500 CP Polished Brass * - 829/500 CP (from mid-March 2008) Polished Brass, electric - 829/500 CP (from mid-March 2008) Nato, nickel matte * - 829 / 500 CP Nato, nickel matte, electric - 829/500 CP * item includes multilingual instruction manual, funnel, jar filling, 2 incandescent meshes accessory kit (set of tools, spray nozzle, injection needle, key needle board for the manometer) nuuo
Click to enlarge Petromax HK 150 Series The HK 150 is the little sister of the HK 500. Its light makes it an ideal companion. Its proven functionality has nothing to envy to the HK 500. HK 150 series produces 150 CP / HK (1 watt = approx. 1.25 CP / HK candel power / plug Heffner) and measures approx. 29 cm. The contents of the tank is approx. nuuo 0.375 liters (approx. 4 hours of combustion). Material: brass Diameter: 12.5 cm Weight: 1.35 kg Fuel: oil or paraffin oil There are the following models: Nickel and Chrome Polished Brass CP * * -830 / 150 - 830/150 CP * item includes: Manual multilingual instruction, funnel, jar filling, 2 incandescent meshes accessory nuuo kit (set of tools, spray nozzle, injection needle, needle key, meeting nuuo to gauge)
Click to enlarge Petromax HL1 Sturmlaterne Die Tradition der Marke Petromax begann am 05. November 1910. Petromax sinnbildlich Seither steht für Qualität und Eleganz. Die widerstandsfähige, vernickelte Petromax Sturmlaterne HL1 hat eine Höhe von 21.5 cm. Unabhängig Stromnetzen und von Lampe batterien wird bei Hilfsorganisationen sowie die zur Absicherung im Bereich gewerblichen genutzt. Sie bringt Licht als primäre Lichtquelle in Jede abgeschiedene Dunkelheit. Lichtstärke: nuuo 5 Watt Oberfläche: vernickelt Tankinhalt: 150 ml (85% bei Füllung) Brenndauer: Ca. 20 Stunden Höhe: 21.5 cm diameter: 14.2 cm Gewicht: nuuo 0.46 kg Brennstoff: Petroleum oder Paraffinöl (Petromax Alkan) Catalog HL1 (D, GB, FR)
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