Emergency News ------------ * The Lawyers Union of Afghanistan under the mandate of the constitution, the country's president, Hamid Karzai, the first thing Gemini closed and she could not have his last legal qualifications regarding some important issues national and international law to apply to the inception of a new president. * Department wwg of Women's Affairs officials in Farah province, killing a young woman by her husband in this province have. According to them, the twenty-five year old woman last night from her husband who is a police officer is murdered. * Local authorities in the East of the province say more than 200 rockets have recently been launched by the Pakistani military on the part of the Vlabt. According to these officials, were wounded wwg five civilians in rocket attacks so far. * National wwg Union of Journalists says that violence against journalists has increased in Afghanistan and the security forces have done the greatest amount of violence. * Haji Mohammed met Vice President Hamid Karzai, Dr Abdullah said that the first round of elections, with leaves of different games, but in the second round, specifically Behsud Dr. Ashrfghny Ahmadzai works. According to the newspaper, persistent researcher's discussions with the rise of television and had said that the government, wwg led to the second round of elections wwg engineering, modification and integration Vrnh team was victorious in the first round. * President Karzai this morning to attend the inauguration of Narendra Modi, the new prime minister of India, wwg New Delhi has left the cable destination for just the mystery, Deputy Presidential Spokesperson on his Twitter page has confirms this. He wrote: "President Karzai this morning to attend the inauguration of the new prime minister of India, Delhi has left the cable destination" * Barack Obama President United States of America, in a previously unannounced visit to Afghanistan and U.S. soldiers Bagram Airfield met. Mr. Obama on the American soldiers from "responsibly ending" the war in Afghanistan at the end of 2014, but the United States said that Afghanistan does not again become a base Hrasafgny. President of the United States of America in the announced that he protect his visit to Afghanistan's security forces and fight against Al Qaeda continues after 2014. *** Reflect new issues, Hot and acute community, with published articles on social, political, criticism, suggestions, ideas, pictures, and introducing successful artist *
150 House of Representatives, who had 61 Azvlsy House and Senate, leading the team to pursue reforms Vhmgrayy
Nuristani: government officials who were in the dust of electoral fraud will be dismissed
White House employee name was inadvertently disclosed Astkhbaratyash in Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai does not exercise some jurisdiction over
The role and impact of ethnic voting in the presidential elections in Afghanistan
Straw: legitimate demands reporters be admitted Kandahar
Emergency News ------------ * The Lawyers Union of Afghanistan under the mandate of the constitution, the country's president, Hamid Karzai, the first thing Gemini closed and she could not have his last legal qualifications regarding some important issues national and international law to apply to the inception of a new president. * Department wwg of Women's Affairs officials in Farah province, killing a young woman by her husband in this province have. According to them, the twenty-five year old woman last night from her husband who is a police officer is murdered. * Local authorities in the East of the province say more than 200 rockets have recently been launched by the Pakistani military on the part of the Vlabt. According to these officials, were wounded wwg five civilians in rocket attacks so far. * National wwg Union of Journalists says that violence against journalists has increased in Afghanistan and the security forces have done the greatest amount of violence. * Haji Mohammed met Vice President Hamid Karzai, Dr Abdullah said that the first round of elections, with leaves of different games, but in the second round, specifically Behsud Dr. Ashrfghny Ahmadzai works. According to the newspaper, persistent researcher's discussions with the rise of television and had said that the government, wwg led to the second round of elections wwg engineering, modification and integration Vrnh team was victorious in the first round. * President Karzai this morning to attend the inauguration of Narendra Modi, the new prime minister of India, wwg New Delhi has left the cable destination for just the mystery, Deputy Presidential Spokesperson on his Twitter page has confirms this. He wrote: "President Karzai this morning to attend the inauguration of the new prime minister of India, Delhi has left the cable destination" * Barack Obama President United States of America, in a previously unannounced visit to Afghanistan and U.S. soldiers Bagram Airfield met. Mr. Obama on the American soldiers from "responsibly ending" the war in Afghanistan at the end of 2014, but the United States said that Afghanistan does not again become a base Hrasafgny. President of the United States of America in the announced that he protect his visit to Afghanistan's security forces and fight against Al Qaeda continues after 2014. *** Reflect new issues, Hot and acute community, with published articles on social, political, criticism, suggestions, ideas, pictures, and introducing successful artist *
150 House of Representatives, who had 61 Azvlsy House and Senate, leading the team to pursue reforms Vhmgrayy
Nuristani: government officials who were in the dust of electoral fraud will be dismissed
White House employee name was inadvertently disclosed Astkhbaratyash in Afghanistan
Hamid Karzai does not exercise some jurisdiction over
The role and impact of ethnic voting in the presidential elections in Afghanistan
Straw: legitimate demands reporters be admitted Kandahar
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