The UMP candidate for Mayor of Paris meant well, but ... In a tweet against Anne Hidalgo candidate PS Paris, NKM attributes (despite it) a good Gérard Collomb, Mayor of Lyon and PS candidate for Municipal 2014. The UMP candidate in Lyon (Michel Havard) will appreciate ...
Otherwise, in Paris, one thing: It is through the network video surveillance of the Paris Police discovered the face of the gunman BFMTV. For completeness (and interactive), I insert an accuracy issue comments (Badwolf): "the figures of the number ip cam viewer of cameras in Lyon, Strasbourg and Paris, are the numbers of video cameras monitoring public, which is small relative to the total number of existing cameras and whose enforcement and justice, to serve in case of need. "
True, Paris has an extensive network of transport (RATP, SNCF) with a huge park CCTV, private cameras. So, no need to install cameras ip cam viewer where it already exists! Think a little ... A lost ball in Paris and an intimate victim in Lyon, this is stupid.
January 15, 2014 at 22:57
There is same, the figures announced are for cameras that are not private. From all the numbers ip cam viewer you can find, the reality is a number multiplied by 3 and 4 a few times if we take into account all the video surveillance cameras, public and private.
Typical example, a private camera can not shoot under the law on public property, but only on private property (the BFM for example). And only public cameras can shoot (ONLY) on the public domain.
"It is the private video monitoring systems that face the gunman was discovered ..." FALSE, read the facts (in the press), unless you have proof, otherwise .. ok?
With apologies, after verification, the RATP (Paris Transport) is a public industrial and commercial nature (EPIC). I stayed at the status of the Company Metropolitan Railway of Paris.
However, it is clear picture of crazed gunman who was discovered by security cameras RATP, however, the face was visible on cameras BFM (admittedly poor quality in comparison to those of the RATP) .
And this does not detract from the fact that the figures of the number of cameras in Lyon, Strasbourg and Paris, are the numbers of video cameras ip cam viewer monitoring public, which is small relative to the total number of existing cameras and whose FDO and justice, to serve in case of need.
When the nonsense that can emit NKM the day ... I prefer to mock me laugh that comment, they are so huge. Worthy successor to Morano or even Boutin ....
badwolf said:
However, it must still specify ip cam viewer that the UMP is currently composed and directed by amateur politicians who do not know much about politics, national affairs, regional, departmental and local, and inevitably, when trying to open is on blunders blunders ..
An example: Who to say that to address ip cam viewer the housing problem, it just enough ip cam viewer to add a floor to each building HLM, forgetting the way that they are aged at least thirty years, and they have been designed for a period of thirty years, and they all fall into pieces, concrete begging to be killed, and an additional floor would fall said buildings?
Hint: it's a woman, she was at that time Minister of State for Housing ... Another clue, it has been 20 June 2009 to 10 July 2013 President of the Christian Democratic Party ... (in fact, n ' there is no separation of church and state in France by chance?? I ask this because we may wonder, huh!)
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