Lots of events night vision camera concerning about the existence of other life on our earth. This raises a lot of perception. There are pros parties, there is also the counter. However, with so many unexplained events, leading to the belief that we are not alone in this universe. Of all the events, compiled a list of 7 famous UFO incident. Here are the details. 1. THE PHOENIX night vision camera LIGHTS
The Phoenix Lights (sometimes referred to as the "Lights Over Phoenix") is a series of optical phenomena / wide visible light (commonly called unidentified flying objects or UFO) is happening in the sky in atasAmerika state of Arizona and Nevada, and the state of Sonora in Mexico March 13, 1997. This incident happen again and took place on February 6, 2007, and recorded by the local Fox News TV station. Logically, if the independent news agencies like Fox News is reporting, then the hoax designation night vision camera for these events is very small. A similar incident occurred on 21 April 2008. This incident was later linked to the helium balloon. Description of this phenomenon varied lights, viewed by thousands of people at 19:30 to 22:30 MST, located about 300 miles, from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson. There were two distinct events involved in the incident: a triangular formation of lights seen passing American countries, and a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area. Fife Symington, the governor at the time, was one witness to this incident. 2. Nazi UFO
According to a 1939 SS discaircraft.greyfalcon.us designing night vision camera a revolutionary unit of the electro-magnetic force-gravity (EMG) which improves engine Hans Coler free energy in the energy converter combined with a Van De Graaf generator and the armature rotates Marconi (tank ball of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affect the gravity and reduction ". 1939 SS produces two EMG-powered flying saucer prototype called Haunebu I with 24.95 meters night vision camera in diameter and able to reach speeds of 4,800 km / h and the theoretical peak speed of 17,000 night vision camera km / h. The flying night vision camera saucer is equipped with twin 60mm guns. In 1942, it was enlarged to a diameter of 26 meters for Haunebu II which can reach speeds of 6,000 km / h (theoretically more than 21,000 km / h). In 1944, this plane is fully tested and named Haunebu II Do-Stra (Dornier STRAtospharen Flugzeug). Haunebu III appeared night vision camera during the year 1945. From 1940 to 1945 a series Haunebus, Vrils and RFZs ("Rundflugzeug" means "Plane Circular") is produced simultaneously. Several prototypes were caught by the Americans and the Soviets, along with scientists who accompanied the U.S. under Operation Paperclip. Perhaps by former Nazi scientists and the U.S. in 1946 to work on the project start flying saucers and, according night vision camera to observations, from 1947 forward sightings "BETA" is becoming more commonplace in the U.S. Declaration of non-fiction flying saucer Nazi earliest appear to be a series of articles by and about turbines Italian by Giuseppe Belluzzo experts. Companion anehdidunia.com following weeks, the German scientist Rudolph Schriever claimed to have designed night vision camera a flying saucer during the Nazi period. Flight engineer Roy Fedden remarked that the only craft that could approach the capabilities attributed to flying saucers were those being designed night vision camera by the Germans towards the end of the war. Fedden also added that the Germans were working on a number of very unusual aeronautical projects, though he did not in his opinion seriously. Sir Roy Feddon, Chief Technical Mission to Germany for the Ministry of Aircraft Production, stated night vision camera in 1945: "I've seen enough of their designs and production plans and show that they (Germany) are ready to start a war for several months, we have been faced with equipment entirely new and deadly night vision camera design of the air war. In 1956, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, a U.S. Air Force Project Leader Bluebook, stating as follows: night vision camera "When World War II ended, the Germans had several types of aircraft and missiles being radical in design. Most of the tactics are the most prepared, but the plane is the only known aircraft approaching the appearance of the object were reported as yng BETA being studied. "The book by Pauwels and Bergier 1967 book by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier made many amazing claims about the Vril Society in Berlin. night vision camera Several subsequent authors, like Jan van Helsing, Norbert-Jürgen Ratthofer, night vision camera and Vladimir Terziski, who have completed their work, connecting the Vril Society with BETA. Among their claims, night vision camera they write that the society made a relationship with an alien race and mendedik
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