On the basis of secondary school 2 g.Lunintsa the annual conference of the district offices of NGO "Protection of birds of the Fatherland". It had been invited by both adults and young members of the organization. Initially the seminar, during which Belarus Implementation of the project "Creation of a network keepers around TVP (areas important for birds)," said Regional Coordinator for TVP "Middle Pripyat" Anatoly Nefidovich. Belarus now just 53 TVP and "Middle Pripyat" refers to the largest. Already formed among nature lovers net savers (16 people), which track the positive and negative changes in this area and provide information about them. Project participants this year also were evidence dahua birds (Aquatic Warbler, stork, corncrake), staged a three-day workshop and field camp for children, eco-tours (including water, kayaking), equipped with three tourist parking, masters and hung boxes white tits Sivograkov and participated in the European campaign "Autumn days birding," popularized the goals of the project through the media Polesian several areas, including through the newspaper "Inform-walk" ... With that experience in other regions of the Regional Coordinator briefed TVP "Swamp Zvanets" (it is a large lowland swamp) Oleg Kalchenko (). There was also competition for young birders, where most birds were identified and awarded prizes Luban school students Eugene Peter and Julia Kosach. Leading Specialist Reserve "Middle Pripyat and Luninsky" Black-eyed Svetlana told about the activities of the reserve established here eco-educational center developed tourist routes and "eco-trail." By the way, our reserve is included in the list of World Wetland. Chairman of the District Offices APB Nicholas Lavnikovich mentioned main areas of work over the past year: participation in a variety of accounting programs birds, ornithology championship sports, winter feeding birds, creative competition "Bird of the year" and others. dahua Supplemented his school teacher Alexander Havdeev number 2 (which coordinates the work of children's clubs "Winged Watch"), historians Ivan Panasiuc Stepan Nefidovich. Members welcomed guest from Minsk office employee APB Catherine subside. Council elections were held office. Elected as the new chairman of Luban school teacher Irina Nefidovich. Vadim Zhilko, "SP"
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